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General bakshi strikes again - part 3

That information, this General Bakri will provide in some next video, after extracting it from his rear end. :lol: :lol:

makes y wonder..

how does a old retired fart who probably wakes up in the middle of the night to take a piss knows or has access to such technical intel that puts CIA to shame.
Meanwhile, the supposedly cold weather in Panjshir

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Moreover, Pakistan ex PM leading bombing strike sorties by 9 Squadron Griffins....

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Gen Bakshi: There is a Pakistani officer of German origin, Panzoor KeelonWala, sending realtime weather forecasts and updates to SSG commandoes using their proprietary open forum encryption comm protocol called PDF. Meanwhile ex PM Khaqan Abbasi visited PAF forward operating bases to meet wounded pilots shot down by sky angels on Panjshir Mountains - this also shows establishment is not supporting IK anymore and PMLN will be brought back to power now.
Obviously the Indian general is suffering from the loser syndrome he has lost control of his senses and is suffering from post traumatic diarrhea.
This Indian General has taken thousands of years of their subjugation way too seriously! From his helplessness came frustration, which led to depression, which gave rise to delusion, which is now terminating into traumatic hallucination…..

No surprise here, it’s a textbook clinical case….

We would surely like the indian forces to intervene in Afghanistan as the good General desires....a fate worse than their IPKF in Sri Lankan Civil War awaits......

Indian government knows very well that their good General Bakri's rear end has become a factory of fabricated news. :lol: :lol:

So, they love him for his propaganda antics, but wouldn't give a damn to his provocative suggestions and advices.
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