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Gen. Tariq Majeed in Turkey.

I smell some friendly drones coming our way??
pakistan is progressing good in drones teechnology, i hope instead of buying the drones from turkey we can seek there technical assistance and that will be a lot more good for us.:agree:

Turkey is getting the same submarines which Pakistan is lobbying for. Perhaps they can raise a joint order to pressure HDW?
the original idea was to set up a joint order. PN and the turkish navy were to jointly order 4 sumbarines and that wold have granted PN better access to the tchnology since the turkish deals included ToT of many components. Alas, the deal seems to have gone down the drain...:frown:

what a watse few weeks ago he was in turkey now he is agian there such a waste of money i dont like this general for sure doing nothing just visits why he is there for talks keep him there no need to return to pakistan
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