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Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

With your permission; may I qualify your first two statements. The UN and the USA only care to the extent that it is a continuing flare-point. Going further; the UN is a far more emasculated body than it has been in the past. While the USA is much less benignly disposed to Pakistan's actions (or peccadilloes) than in the past. Reality dictates that we factor that in. If I may say so; their concern only extends to not seeing a nuclear conflagration erupting, which is some-what of a nuanced thing. But to transpose that into a burning desire to push forth a solution.........?
Actually some entities (not necessarily Indian) will even "wink at" no resolution being found.

That said; I do absolutely believe that India and Pakistan (NOT the rest of the world) will do well to seek and find a workable solution to the imbroglio.

I agree with that, which is why I said that "even stalemate is not a bad outcome" from the international point of view. I also agree with you that a solution, if and when it comes, will be created by India and Pakistan, not anyone else.
I agree with that, which is why I said that "even stalemate is not a bad outcome" from the international point of view. I also agree with you that a solution, if and when it comes, will be created by India and Pakistan, not anyone else.

I honestly and sincerely hope that will happen. Till then ............. an uneasy Peace?
I honestly and sincerely hope that will happen. Till then ............. an uneasy Peace?

Till such a solution is found, I think that baby steps towards increasing economic ties are important to lay the foundation for mutual trust that will be needed.
The Chief must read the UNSC resolution on kashmir first....

He doesn't even know what this 'Jugular vein' metaphor means and where it has been used so far by Pakistani trolls who visit news channel studios for fame and free cup of tea. It doesn't have connotation of strength but vulnerability, which enemy would like to expose and keep.

The monkey trap is still working it means.
Till such a solution is found, I think that baby steps towards increasing economic ties are important to lay the foundation for mutual trust that will be needed.

I cannot agree more with you.
The fact that is that "aam admi" must recognise that they need (and will) have a 'stake' in the benefits of a continuing Peace. All this 'Siyasati Karobaar' is taking place over their corpses and lubricated by their bleeding.
Till that changes, nothing will change majorly.

Trade and Economic Growth/well-being are the greatest disincentives to Conflicts.
I cannot agree more with you.
The fact that is that "aam admi" must recognise that they need (and will) have a 'stake' in the benefits of a continuing Peace. All this 'Siyasati Karobaar' is taking place over their corpses and lubricated by their bleeding.
Till that changes, nothing will change majorly.

Trade and Economic Growth/well-being are the greatest disincentives to Conflicts.


I wrote this a couple of years ago as an OpEd on PDF:

Def.pk op-ed: Mutual Blackmail, ETO for Afg, Pak and Ind

It still remains valid I think:

"The US should create and fund an Economic Treaty Organization between Afghanistan, Pakistan and India that will create all the elements of mutual blackmail by tying together long term economic interests of all the parties involved, thus in time elevating it to the higher level of friendship"
Amazing truly !! Did you even bother to read my posts before "assuming" what my actual argument was ?? Or may be You have serious comprehension issues....... "Read" my posts or stop wasting my time kid.....

And the second part of your argument has been refuted already ... No need to repeat ...

Let me educate you on this too ...

It is very essential to put the various words and phrases used in the above agreement in proper perspective and assign them the meaning in the context in which these are used. For instance once the two countries want their relationship continued to be governed by UN charter- the meaning of words “or through other peaceful means ” assumes a great significance. In the context in which these are used, it only envisages role of a third party in the settlement of dispute between the parties. As it a common knowledge that India & Pakistan have failed to settle their core dispute over Kashmir despite lapse of more than forty years since the Shimla agreement was signed and India, the first obligation of settling the dispute bilaterally vanishes. Since this obligation cannot be stretched upto eternity, we move to the next option of settling the dispute through “ other peaceful means” .This naturally envisages a role for third party mediation or reversion of matter back to UN. Since India Vociferously opposes a third party mediation by any party like USA or European Union, the settlement of dispute process has to be initiated by UN. In the Shimla agreement the two Countries have also reiterated to continue to be governed by UN charter. Article 103 of the said charter provides that in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail.

No one who understands law/international law even a little bit would agree to your claim : "Simla Agreement gives India the power to VETO" against the UN resolutions and charter .

Answered already

But to your disappointment , the UN didn`t think the same when it rejected the Indian claim in security council last year .....

Surely ... If "that" helps you sleep :coffee:

India insists UN has no role in Kashmir as spokesperson indicates body's willingness to 'mediate' the dispute | Mail Online
guess what even the UN thinks the same as India thinks,which you have been trying to refute.
. .
"The office of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that "our good offices are available if both sides (India and Pakistan) were to request" mediation."

Exactly as specified in the Simla Agreement.

I can make my office available as well if both sides wish to use it to discuss their bilateral issues.
"The office of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that "our good offices are available if both sides (India and Pakistan) were to request" mediation."

Exactly as specified in the Simla Agreement.

I think that I'd paraphrase that as: "Agar Miyaan-Biwi, hi na-raazi; toh bhala kya karega Kazi??"
N.B. India and Pakistan are hardly in the role of Miyaan-Biwi, but maybe at a stretch.......the UN could be thought of as a Kazi. :D
I remember Indian statements before we tested nukes in 1998. Balloon in New Delhi was busted very quickly. :lol:

Yeah yeah. Keep twisting words liar.

It is from Srinagar IOK.
As a matter of fact you morons did not realize the smart cards India played in that it forced your hand! If I am isolated then I would want company and India FORCED you to share it. Imagine I am caught stealing but then I find another accomplice who could have shut his mouth up but in bravado announces he TOO is a stealer. LOL
First No body neither India nor Pak has half of the Kashmir.

Indian holds 39,000 sq miles of Jammu & Kashmir while Pak holds 33,000 sql miles of Kashmir and China has roughly 14,000 sq miles of Kashmir. So If Kashmir is the Jugular vein of Pak then India does not hold all of the Jugular vein of Pak.

There are over dozen of UN resolutions on Kashmir. The UN resolutions does ask Pak to to vacate its part of Kashmir and in turn India will keep minimum forces in valley in order to ensure peace and then plebiscite will be held under UN supervision. India has made Kashmir its part officially in 1952. Therefore Pak didnt vacate its part of Kashmir. It would be stupid to ask Pak to vacate its part of Kashmir when India considers all kashmir its own territory as per its constitution.

Indian does not want UN resolutions because India knows very well that Kashmiris will vote against it in any plebiscite and for the same reason, it doesnt want international community to ask her for a plebiscite.

Indian tells International community that all issues will be resolved bilaterally between India and Pak as per Shimla agreement. And then it asks Pak that Kashmir is integral part of India so it is not interested in discussing Kashmir with her.

Therefore its better for Pak to stop discussing Kashmir and start reviving Jihad in Indian occupied kashmir. And we all know ISI is capable of doing it.
As a matter of fact you morons did not realize the smart cards India played in that it forced your hand! If I am isolated then I would want company and India FORCED you to share it. Imagine I am caught stealing but then I find another accomplice who could have shut his mouth up but in bravado announces he TOO is a stealer. LOL

Yeah I know. You have created a beautiful excuse for not acting upon the words that you said before the nuke tests. Sorry. This excuse is not satisfying enough at least us Pakistanis. We are proud of those tests and don't give a sh!t about any theft or isolation.

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