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Gen. GD Bakshi : The armed forces hav been so starved of resources that they ....

undercover JIX

Dec 6, 2008
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Gen Bakshi has exposed the condition of the Armed Forces of Regional / Global Super Power and 5 trillion Economy. you can see the comment how they are crying for basic needs.

All that make in India and biggest arms buyer and this is their condition. Indian Military is a Money making business. rescue distressed citizens.....send bill for that too.


Don't make fun of the indians---. They do it out of habit---even if their coffers are full---.
Most of the Indians suffer from this delusion. see below posts.....what he was saying earlier to respond and destroy Pakistan as Pakistani Economy is at the brink and finally reality hit and above posts of Indian Military starving...


Don't make fun of the indians---. They do it out of habit---even if their coffers are full---.
No fun Saar, I always post what Indian Media and Indians are publishing/posting/saying.....I just copy and paste.

All Indians are my very respectable neighbors.
who knows better then him...and we know his famous words.....what India is....
India army asks bheek of Rs 1. from the poor indian people who in addition to footing $50 billion also pay this alms so that their indian generals can drink finest of the wines in the officer's mess
India army asks bheek of Rs 1. from the poor indian people who in addition to footing $50 billion also pay this alms so that their indian generals can drink finest of the wines in the officer's mess
finest wine is disputable, most might consider your comment insulting. They lynch for this type of disrespect.
I know you're being sarcastic because they can't do an iota except lynching unarmed and unaware Muslims living in maha rashtra
I was just trying to innocently refer to their favorite cola..........CocaCola or something.

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