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GDP Update 2023: US ($27.5T) vs CHINA ($17.6T) [US up by $10 Trillion]

Get Ya Wig Split

Feb 22, 2017
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United States
United States

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote

@beijingwalker It's pretty much over for China.
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Lots of misleading and intentionally cherry-picked data, but not unusual from certain posters.

Real GDP increase for US is mere 1 Trillion in past 4 financial years, rest is just inflation. You should read your own gov data from BEA.

gdplev.xlsx (live.com)

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 9.52.46 PM.png
It's obvious when you check the real growth rate - 2.3%, -2.8%, 5.9%, 2.1%. Your GDP can't grow miraculously when actual growth crossed 3% only once in past 15 years.

Looking into the nominal GDP and marvelling at the effects of inflation is hardly an achievement.
Pot calling the kettle black ain't gonna resolve the US financial problem.

Sleepy Joe can't fix the issue with his woke cabinet.

The price of food and gas in the US has gone sky high.

Lower Middle class (even Middle class) folks are finding it hard to make ends meet.

I live in the West Coast and I know.....
Lots of misleading and intentionally cherry-picked data, but not unusual from certain posters.

Real GDP increase for US is mere 1 Trillion in past 4 financial years, rest is just inflation. You should read your own gov data from BEA.

gdplev.xlsx (live.com)

View attachment 943512It's obvious when you check the real growth rate - 2.3%, -2.8%, 5.9%, 2.1%. Your GDP can't grow miraculously when actual growth crossed 3% only once in past 15 years.

Looking into the nominal GDP and marvelling at the effects of inflation is hardly an achievement.


The reality is economists and the world only look at nominal gdp when comparing relative power of nations.

I’d rather have inflation than be mired in deflation for eternity like the Japanese and now facing the Chinese economy.

When measuring national power nominal GDP is all that matters.

High inflation and crazy cost of living create a mirage

$80K PPP GDP per capita, highest median disposable income in the world, inflation murdered to 3%.

Have fun with deflation, the Japanese have been experiencing it for decades.
Once again, nominal GDP is all that matters when measuring relative power of nations. When the world looks at economic rankings, nominal is what’s always assessed. Why do you think so many economic think tanks around the world always assess nominal GDP in the geostrategic competition between the US and China? They never use real GDP, ever.

Cope more

I like how you trying to escape when you got caught. You are yet to submit a actual proof that nominal GDP is "better" than real GDP. What you or media says is not a proof.

Here's a tip for you - when IMF/WB/OECD reports GDP growth rates, it reports based on real GDP, not nominal GDP.

BTW, economists agree with me.
I like how you trying to escape when you got caught. You are yet to submit a actual proof that nominal GDP is "better" than real GDP. What you or media says is not a proof.

Here's a tip for you - when IMF/WB/OECD reports GDP growth rates, it reports based on real GDP, not nominal GDP.

BTW, economists agree with me.

Nope, nominal GDP is all that matters in relative national power and every major economic think tank agrees with me.
I like how you trying to escape when you got caught. You are yet to submit a actual proof that nominal GDP is "better" than real GDP. What you or media says is not a proof.

Here's a tip for you - when IMF/WB/OECD reports GDP growth rates, it reports based on real GDP, not nominal GDP.

BTW, economists agree with me.

Capital Economics agrees with me
USD is powerful if you are trying to import stuff. But otherwise inflation matters.

If one really wants to compare material growth - they must compare consumption of electricity, housing square feet, average kms traveled by a person, consumption of meat/fruit/clothes , car sales.
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