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Gaza won’t affect ties with India, says Israel

Why did the Hamas trash the peace proposal initiated by Egypt and which Israel accepted? Are Hamas' egos greater than the lives of hundreds of civilians killed to date?

I think Hamas needs to get off its high horse and listen to reason to stop further bloodshed forthwith.

Why does Egypt continue to blockade Gaza? Arabs are usually good at back stabbing each other then anyone else.
Age old inferiority complex of BJP leaders coming to play...Easily bullied by bureaucrats.. Disgusting ...

I don't think the Palestinian people really know the true intentions of Hamas
And u guys do, nice. U indians are just brilliant. Begani shadi main dewanay hi dewanay
Long live Indo-Israeli ties but Israel needs to stop with it's attacks here. Enough people killed.
Age old inferiority complex of BJP leaders coming to play...Easily bullied by bureaucrats.. Disgusting ...


This is a well thought out decision. The resolution was going to be adopted anyway. There is a definite humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza. There is nothing wrong with a UNHRC investigation. The govt was right by not passing a resolution against Israel in Indian parliament as that would have been a pointless exercise, but this is different. This also does not mean that India and other non Muslim countries who voted for it are with Hamas.
Hamas uses palestines as shields... When citizens die off collateral damage they make propoganda by issuing pictures to spoil israel's image in the world. In the first place why they need to hide in public places like mosques, why they need to attack on nuke plants... They just want to propogate palestian war
BS. We led ourselves to be totaly reliant on Russia only. Israel has tried to be friends with us for decades. BTw do you really think the Russians are above oportunity?

Check this out

Israel helped India in 1971 war, reveals book - Hindustan Times

India was still in its infancy from independence. Moreover Israel didnt offer the technological expertise it offered now, in the year 1971. When we had the friendship agreement with the Soviets the friendship with Israel wasnt that important that time, and also Palestine sentiment was pretty much high among Indian people.
The new gen doesnt hold any such baggage and are ready to accept anyone as friends who have helped us in times of need.

I might not be even surprised if Mossad already knew the shortage of arms in Indian army, that they had kept everything ready at the last moment to shipout from Israel. Mossad for many reasons really rocks. Even their guts cannot be matched by CIA or MI6.
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