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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

@PakistaniandProud @RayKalm

Where is your playboy Imran *Niazi* Khan. He should come and rescue Gaza/ Al Aqsa. Instead of going after married women such as "Bushra Yahoodi Bibi*

Again, you emphasizing the words "Niazi" and "Yahoodi" to make it seem like Imran Khan is a secret Nazi Zionist in disguise is very telling of your character.

Never once did I attack Erdogan or Turkey in the same way.

Also, in terms of how Imran Khan is doing, we got some good news in regard to a current case where he may turn out victorious overall. Not sure if the TikTok video plays for others but below:

The anchor says "The high-court labelled the cases against Imran Khan as unlawful", then Imran Khan says "No matter what the corrupt people do, they cannot defeat us/me now".

I’ve spent so much time on this thread that I’ve started dreaming about fighting in Gaza. I saw myself and another person with M4 rifles in an empty building. We were in a room waiting for Zionist soldiers to come in. Once two of them had entered we shot them. I think I shot another one as well somewhere else. Then I was roaming around the empty building trying to figure out how to get out since there were enemy soldiers at the entrance.
I’ve spent so much time on this thread that I’ve started dreaming about fighting in Gaza. I saw myself and another person with M4 rifles in an empty building. We were in a room waiting for Zionist soldiers to come in. Once two of them had entered we shot them. I think I shot another one as well somewhere else. Then I was roaming around the empty building trying to figure out how to get out since there were enemy soldiers at the entrance.
The guy with M4 was me we eliminated alot of trrorsts that day.
I’ve spent so much time on this thread that I’ve started dreaming about fighting in Gaza. I saw myself and another person with M4 rifles in an empty building. We were in a room waiting for Zionist soldiers to come in. Once two of them had entered we shot them. I think I shot another one as well somewhere else. Then I was roaming around the empty building trying to figure out how to get out since there were enemy soldiers at the entrance.

Do not share your dreams with anyone, it is not advised in Islam. Keep bad dreams to yourself and good dreams to those whom you truly love (unless they are particularly revealed to be shared with others).
Again, you emphasizing the words "Niazi" and "Yahoodi" to make it seem like Imran Khan is a secret Nazi Zionist in disguise is very telling of your character.

Never once did I attack Erdogan or Turkey in the same way.

Also, in terms of how Imran Khan is doing, we got some good news in regard to a current case where he may turn out victorious overall. Not sure if the TikTok video plays for others but below:

The anchor says "The high-court labelled the cases against Imran Khan as unlawful", then Imran Khan says "No matter what the corrupt people do, they cannot defeat us/me now".

Nope i clearly said shia Imran *niazi* khan not jew. However his wife is a jew right? What about this playboy going after married women is that a zio propaganda also??

But i don't care about Imran Niazi Khan or even Pakistan my points is go and rescue your prime minister from jail first before you criticize Turkish government and its foreign policy.
But i don't care about Imran Niazi Khan or even Pakistan my points is go and rescue your prime minister from jail first before you criticize Turkish government and its foreign policy.
What's with the netherlands and you "muslims" or turks? Is there a nexus point or some importance to it?

Again, you emphasizing the words "Niazi" and "Yahoodi" to make it seem like Imran Khan is a secret Nazi Zionist in disguise is very telling of your character.
It's the donmes. The donmes work with Israel and will attack anyone else instantly to kill out their opposition, they attack the most effective. It didn't take long for him to attack me here. Usually the midwits of the internet easily succumb to these suggestions. They're also slanderers even though it's a crime in turkey they gete way with it.
Nope i clearly said shia Imran *niazi* khan not jew. However his wife is a jew right? What about this playboy going after married women is that a zio propaganda also??

But i don't care about Imran Niazi Khan or even Pakistan my points is go and rescue your prime minister from jail first before you criticize Turkish government and its foreign policy.
Hi Jewish wife's name is Jemima Goldsmith or Jemima Khan. They had a divorce. Secondly, his third wife Bushra is a Sunni Muslim with Mystical pretences as a Peer. Thirdly, Imran is not a Shia but rumored to be a Qadiani/Ahmadi. (An Indian sect which claims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was a Mehdi or Christ and that Jihad is no longer permissible against the colonialists.)

What's with the netherlands and you "muslims" or turks? Is there a nexus point or some importance to it?

It's the donmes. The donmes work with Israel and will attack anyone else instantly to kill out their opposition, they attack the most effective. It didn't take long for him to attack me here. Usually the midwits of the internet easily succumb to these suggestions. They're also slanderers even though it's a crime in turkey they gete way with it.
Was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk a Donme as some say?
shia Imran *niazi*
Brother ahle Sunnah I'm going to shake your whole life for your ignorance and hating towards Shia...Answer these 3 questions please...
1. Can you explain what was the first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad (M.P.B.U.H)?
2. Can you quote the first verses of Holy Quran here?
3. Why the revealed and written is as is?
What's with the netherlands and you "muslims" or turks? Is there a nexus point or some importance to it?
I have no idea why it shows netherlands i am from Turkiye
It's the donmes. The donmes work with Israel and will attack anyone else instantly to kill out their opposition, they attack the most effective. It didn't take long for him to attack me here. Usually the midwits of the internet easily succumb to these suggestions. They're also slanderers even though it's a crime in turkey they gete way with it.
Ya hmar you fool you probably discovered the term "donme" a week ago now you're labelling all Turks as such. If you're going to investigate Turkish history/politics atleast do it properly otherwise you'll make yourself look like a fool.

The donme issue started from the 15th century when the Ottomans brought in Sephardic jews from Spain to Turkey saving them from the inquisition.

Since then they got more and more influence in the country they were behind many coups one of them who was the doctor of the Sultan even poisoned and martyrd Mehmed the Conqueror. Upon learning that he was the perpetrator The Jannissarries personal guards of the Sultan cut that J' to pieces.

Long story short Erdoğan struggled his whole life against them they are behind the economic attacks, the coups the trr within Turkiye. Every donme sob hates Erdoğan with a passion and they want him dead the people are aware of it thats why alot of them support Erdogan no matter what.

So let me get this straight for once and all.. donme's hate Erdogan, hate Ottomans, hate ehli-sunnah, you hate Erdogan aswell. That makes you no different from those donme's you seem to dislike so much that is if you're not a donme to begin with.
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Thirdly, Imran is not a Shia but rumored to be a Qadiani/Ahmadi. (An Indian sect which claims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was a Mehdi or Christ and that Jihad is no longer permissible against the colonialists.)

"Rumored to be Ahmadi". Not at all. He delved into religion in his 30s, as per his book, and is a proper Muslim. Do not attach labels.
Brother ahle Sunnah I'm going to shake your whole life for your ignorance and hating towards Shia...Answer these 3 questions please...
1. Can you explain what was the first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad (M.P.B.U.H)?
2. Can you quote the first verses of Holy Quran here?
3. Why the revealed and written is as is?
1. Read: and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know."

This was the first revelation however first chapter/verses in the Quran is Al-Fatiha

Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen
Maaliki Yawmid-Deen
Iyyaaka na’budu wa lyyaaka nasta’een
Siraatal-lazeena an’amta ‘alaihim ghayril-maghdoobi ‘alaihim wa lad-daaalleen

3. So you believe the Quran is incomplete or has been changed?

If so this is kufr you're committing kufr
Do not share your dreams with anyone, it is not advised in Islam. Keep bad dreams to yourself and good dreams to those whom you truly love (unless they are particularly revealed to be shared with others).
PakistaniandProud and you are always together are you guys buttbuddies or what?
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