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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


The lives of premature Gaza babies hang in the balance​


Tulip Mazumdar
Global Health Correspondent


Newborns are placed in bed after being taken off incubators in Gaza's Al Shifa hospital - 12 November

The lives of dozens of tiny premature babies, shown to the world huddled together on surgical beds, hang in the balance.

Due to an outage of fuel at Al-Shifa hospital, clinicians there say the babies have had to be removed from one of their key lifelines - incubators.

Incubators are small beds enclosed by clear hard plastic that can re-create the conditions inside the womb. They can also support all the additional care these vulnerable babies need because they can be used in combination with procedures such as delivering food, medication or blood through an intravenous tube.

Without this specifically controlled environment, many premature babies (defined as those born before the 37th week of pregnancy) might not survive, particularly those born a few months early.

Around 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely around the world. Approximately 900,000 died in 2019 because of complications according to the latest figures from the WHO. This mostly happens in places with poor healthcare in low-income countries.

Breathing can be a particular challenge for babies born early as their lungs are not fully developed. Depending on how premature a baby is and other medical factors, they may need oxygen or, in some cases, to be put on a ventilator which can breathe for them. But ventilators need electricity. If power goes, some babies can be helped with their breathing manually, but this would require a dedicated person doing that 24/7.

Israel says it would help evacuate babies from the hospital to a "safer" facility, however moving premature babies in general, let alone in the middle of a war zone, can be fraught with danger. In the UK, there are specialised neonatal transport services, where babies have specifically adapted transport incubators to ensure minimal movement.

The charity ActionAid says three new-born babies have died since Saturday after their incubators had to be turned off at Al-Shifa hospital
The WHO has once again called for an immediate ceasefire.
They are your secularist role models. I didnt even get started with secularist US. There are many crimes which are not condemned and continue not to be so your double standards dont work.

The question remains how are they our role models when they are not even Secularists but dictators?
And please bring up the US crimes too and tell us where have we supported any crimes and not condemned them.

And the worst part is, you have again turned a blind eye to the question about the crimes of your Muslim ancestors and didn't even show the courage to condemn them. These are known as Double Standards.

Unfortunately, religious people claim that religion has a monopoly on morals, while atheists can have no morals. But then we see these double standards of religious people in the name of morality.
Israhell killed one of captured jews
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photo of the Israeli soldier "Foul Azai Mark Assiani" who was killed in the bombing of Gaza on 9/11/2023.
They are dropping bunker buster bombs meant for use on mountains all over civilian residential blocks. They've probably killed a ton of their captured soldiers. Their hate and itch for genocide is more than their love for their captives, if there is any.

'It's very challenging to live like this': Life for displaced Gazan girls​

Deirdre Finnerty
Live reporter

I've been speaking to Jana and Farah, two Gazan girls aged 13 and 11 who are sheltering in a farmhouse in Khan Younis along with about 90 other people. The girls say they eat about one meal a day, a sandwich with some meat if there is any, or some rice.

“We barely have anything,” Jana says. “It’s very challenging to live like this.”
Internet signal in the house is limited, but when they are able to connect, the girls tell me they try to watch K-Pop videos or message their friends. Jana organises beads by their colours in a plastic box and makes bracelets, and Farah crochets chequered squares.

“These are probably the only things we got to get from our house”, Jana says. “It’s very frustrating.”

“It’s really too much to handle,” Farah adds.

Jana tells me this is the second time in under six months that her family has been displaced by war. Her parents, she says, are stressed out and tired. She says her father, Ezzeldin, had his own business in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, and the family had lived there for over a decade before the war there forced them to return to Gaza.

“I thought that this would be safer,” Jana says. “I got new stuff in Gaza and then we lost it again.”


Ezzeldin Alborno

Jana turned 13 on 5 October 2023 .

Zionist Broadcasting Corporation:

The wife of the occupation president, Herzog, says that she has lost contact with her soldier son, who was with the forces entering the Gaza Strip by land.

Reassure her:

It was shipped with the fastest mail in the world, Al-Qassam Brigades' mail.

What's been happening?​



A Palestinian man holding a child flees northern Gaza where the most intense fighting is taking place

It's just past 18:45 in Gaza and Israel, and 16:45 here in London. If you're just joining us or need a recap, here's where things stand:
  • Concerns are growing about the situation in Gaza's largest hospital Al Shifa, where doctors warn more than 30 premature babies could die without fuel to power incubators
  • The Israeli military says Hamas rejected fuel it offered to support the babies, denying claims by staff that they would be attacked if they collected it
  • The head of the Hamas-run ministry of health has told the BBC that more than 100 corpses were piled up in the courtyard at Al Shifa, with no fuel to power the mortuaries
  • The World Health Organization says Al Shifa is "not functioning as a hospital anymore" while the deputy health minister has told AFP news agency all hospitals in the north were out of service
  • The Israeli military says Hamas has a command centre under Al Shifa and hides its operations in civilian sites
  • The UN's refugee agency, UNRWA, says the depot it's been using for fuel has run dry and from tomorrow it will no longer be able to deliver fuel to medical facilities and pick up aid supplies arriving from Egypt
  • A Palestinian woman has told the BBC Israeli forces entered a clinic west of Gaza City and told 800 displaced people who had been sheltering there to leave, separating out the young men - the Israeli military says it's looking into the allegation
  • A Turkish ship has arrived bringing equipment and supplies to set up field hospitals on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza
The question remains how are they our role models when they are not even Secularists but dictators?
And please bring up the US crimes too and tell us where have we supported any crimes and not condemned them.

And the worst part is, you have again turned a blind eye to the question about the crimes of your Muslim ancestors and didn't even show the courage to condemn them. These are known as Double Standards.

Unfortunately, religious people claim that religion has a monopoly on morals, while atheists can have no morals. But then we see these double standards of religious people in the name of morality.
You are nothing but a simple Indian troll. Are you expecting all Muslims to remain apologists? Stop being pathetic - each one of us is responsible for our own sins and the buck stops there.
What burns so deep inside you that you feel nearly 2 billion Muslims bow and apologise for the behaviour of a handful.
Now are you going to condemn the death of innocent children - people in hospital - people in refugee camps or because they are
Muslim you can’t find it within yourself?

Bodies 'decomposing in Al-Shifa courtyard'​



Doctors in Gaza have told the BBC that dead bodies are piling up and beginning to rot inside and around Al-Shifa hospital.

Dr. Marwan Al-Barsh who is the director-general of the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza said there were, "more than a hundred corpses" piled up in the courtyard, with the situation exacerbated by a lack of fuel to power the mortuaries.

"The electricity was cut off by the Israeli occupation forces that targeted the generators, which led to the decomposition and rotting of the corpses as we see worms coming out of them", Al-Barsh said on BBC Arabic's Gaza Lifeline programme.

Al-Bursh said they were struggling to bury their dead because of threats from the IDF.

“We tried to co-ordinate with the occupation forces so that we would be allowed to bury the dead bodies inside the hospital, yet anyone who attempts to get out of the hospital is directly shot."

Israel asserts that there is a Hamas command centre underneath Al-Shifa - IDF spokeswoman Libby Weiss said: "We know that with certainty." Hamas and hospital authorities deny this.
It's too late for 1967 borders. Only place for Israelis now is in exile or back in their home in Germany, Poland, Austria and Lithuania.
”Exile back” means at least half goes ”back” to Muslim countries in the Middle East from where they were ethnically cleansed after 1948.
A picture shows a large number of damaged and destroyed Israeli tanks, armored vehicles, and bulldozers near Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
As the IRGC commanders said, the Palestinians are prepared for a long-term war and have always hoped that Israel would invade Gaza.
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If this is what Hamas can do

Imagine what Hezbollah can do
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