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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

According to sunni Islam, Imam Mahdi comes to lead the Muslim army, then as soon as dajaal comes, Hazrat Isa Alaisalaam comes. He will rule the world for 40 years in peace and then day of Judgement will come.

I understand it differently, Mehdi comes before Hazrat Isa. The Malhama starts during his time, he is the forebearer of Isa just as Yahya (John the Baptist) was.

His role is to unite the Muslims. Then after Jesus's arrival, his role is diminished and not much is known.

I think this lecture is very clear and concise on the issue of the Mehdi:

Dajjal is already around when Isa (as) descends to that mosque in the white minaret in Damascus. My understanding it will be during the Maghrib prayer that he will descend. The Mehdi is the one who will identify him and tell people that Isa (as) is with us. Isa (AS) will then seek Dajjal and meet him at the gate of Ludd. That is where the False Messiah (Dajjal) will perish at the hands of the True of Messiah (as). But make no mistake about it, there will be a big war that will have to happen during that time.

At this point, we still don't have the malhama (the Great war). We still don't have that blessed revolution in Hejaz where hypocrites will chase the Mehdi from Medina and where the people will come out Mecca and make ba'yah (pledge of allegiance) to him.

We still don't have the army from Shaam that will attack as soon as they hear the people are making pledge of allegiance to him. This army will be swallowed by the earth.

We still don't have the sun rising from the West.

What we have now is the Zionists/Freemasonries making so much mischief (massacres, ethnic cleansing, etc) for the imminent arrival of their "Jewish King" or "the Anointed One".

Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Rishi Sunak, Benjamin Netanyahu, and many others including leaders in the Arab and Muslim leaders are all Freemasonries.

Interesting, but I think the Malhama start during the Mehdi's rule before Esa.
when you like a post showing glee and satisfaction where innocent Muslims are being victimised and slaughtered - you might as well have written the post.
I don't condone anything. If I like someone's post it doesn't mean I agree with everything,I might agree with something he says. You know how many "likes" I've seen others press on obnoxious posts? Don't exaggerate.
Meanwhile in Germany today:
US is also lying about its casualties - "56 injured soldiers and 1 killed in 46 attacks"- hoooow???? realistically, no country can have that ratio of dead to injured - 1: 56!!! No war in modern times has had a killed to injured ratio even close to that! its probably 10-20 dead and 100 injured.
I don't think they're lying. If the US was losing any soldiers in a big amount they would be flattening places in Iraq right now
Fuc$ you Erdogan and fuc$ you Turkey

Made so many weapons and not a single one sent to Palestine

Yemeni did anything with nothing

That is nothing .. you should see what Pakistan army chief policy is ie support Palestian in public and in reality stab in their backs ..


The lives of one million children are “on the brink of the abyss,” while health services for children are on the brink of collapse throughout Gaza.
We all know what you are and where your sentiments are. You can attempt to be neutral or objective - thankfully you are too naive and not articulate to hide it.
No,you don't. First of all this "we all know",refers to a few wankers like you who are so stuck in their views they can't understand what I'm saying. They don't want to understand what I'm saying.
Second,there's a lot of people who do understand what I'm saying and who I am.
Third,I am trying to be objective. But if you think that objective means "cheer for Hamas and call all Israelis settlers",then I am stupid for thinking people like you can be educated.

On topic - tonight the Shifa hospital is being carpet bombed and starved of supplies - ultimately the seriously injured and children will die. Pure evil scum is the legacy of the occupier - we shall not forget nor forgive.
You shall not forgive? You're in Pakistan eating biryani and watching cricket.

Yes,Israelis are ruthless. When they want to eradicate a threat,they rarely care about collateral damage. But you know who else is ruthless? Hamas. They are the ones using hospital grounds to move and launch attacks from as well.

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