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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The sentence of destruction was passed on them thousands of years ago, as told in the Hadith. Now they’ve committed the crime to justify the punishment.
These Jews are the only people on Earth who have survived the mass slaughters on them by different entities and now again are back in control.
What i learnt from them is the Survival of nation is the key.The Earth is huge and lands can be conquered some other day.
Since when did they ever do anything tangible for Palestinians? They're competing who opens the Israeli embassy first, they're shooting down Yemeni missiles that were heading to Occupied Palestine (Israel0, and they allow Israeli overflights in case they need to attack Yemen. Some of them (UAE) were reported of providing arms and other supplies to the apartheid regime in their current genocidal campaign against Gaza.

What an incredibly coward Arabs.
You are a despicable animal and a shame to human conscience.


Have you read my previous comments?

And what about the crimes of your Muslim ancestors?

Azerbaijan also invaded the Armenian land of Nagorno-Karabakh with the help of colonial Iran and then colonial Russia.
Armenian people were living in Nagorno Karabakh for thousands of years till the Azery Government started to settle Azeries there to change the demographics.
Are Muslims able to see their double standards when they blame Israelis for invading Palestine but don't blame Azeris for the same thing?
Turkey killed millions in the Armenian Genocide in 1915 and made the whole area of Western Armenia a part of Turkey. Again Muslims are unable to see their double standards where they blame only Jews for being invaders but utter no words against the same things that their Muslim brothers did on a much bigger level.
We have no love affair with the wrongdoings of Israel and Zionists. We would have opposed a Zionist state in 1948. But today Israel is a reality, just like it is a reality that the historic Western Armenia is a part of Turkey, or just like Pakistan is a reality and no more a part of India, even if the British conspired against the majority of the population of India of that time and created Pakistan against their wish.
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Why won't iran activate golan front? Syria unlike Lebanon is already a destroyed country ,also many sunni jihadists will gladly volunteer to fight there
What is the Muslim plan to solve the issue?

The summery of our roadmap is:

Hamas is not ready to accept the existence of Israel. Thus, for peace either Hamas should be eliminated, or they have to lay down their weapons.
Similarly, the world was gradually gathering behind the Palestinian cause and was against Israeli settlements, but Hamas terrorist suicide bombings stopped it.
You have no roadmap to peace if you keep on supporting Hamas. You then only want the destruction of the whole Israel, which will not happen, and only Palestinians are going to suffer more and more due to this stupidity.

Let us see what the Muslim roadmap is who support Hamas. Please present the summary of your roadmap here.

Have you read my previous comments?

And what about the crimes of your Muslim ancestors?
No point discussing how. You need therapy sessions or an emotional shock that may relieve you from your sickness.

I am unable to understand why moderators of this forum are allowing genocide supporters like this animal to post on this forum.
Coward Arabs. Incredibly henious bunch.
Did you really expect anything else?
Self centred only interested in self survival - below average intelligence and inbred the lot of them. No leadership wearing their long dresses thinking that will make them closer to god.
Allowing their cousins to be slaughtered and sitting by the sideline says it all
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