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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Since your clear plan is not to make peace or coexist , but to see my country destored , you loose any moral ground to compalin.

I do not like what i see In Gaza , but you offer no solution but continuation of this war , more pointrless blood shed and destruction , in a conflict that could have been solved 20 years ago,

Is Hamas so succesful that you want to keep them ? How exactly did people life in Gaza improve , since they took power 17 years ago ?

Did they bring peace and posperity to the people of Gaza ? Are life better there now ?

With all the money they recieved from Qatar and other countries in the last 17 years , Gaza could have looked like Hong Kong.

Instead it looks like Aleppo . . ,


You`re so right....:agree:
I mean heres what the west bank looks like today under the peaceful rule of the pa,where palestinians and zionist settlers live in peace and harmony....

Here we see Ramallah in the West bank.....🤪

Oh,no...wait a minute,that IS hong kong.......sorry,my bad.😏

THIS is the west bank.....


Frankly it looks more like the eastern block side of the iron curtain during the height of the cold war.

And heres the old fat very corrupt arab quisling whos job it is to administer the west bank so the zionists dont have to bother and can steal anything they want and kill anyone they like.
Its hard to believe that this disgrace to his own people is all that is left of the plo.FVCKING SHAMEFUL!!!!
Israel to Build 5,700 Settler Homes in Palestine’s Restive West Bank

Now imagine for a moment if you`d seen that same level of resistance in the west bank as you had in gaza,just imagine the enormous problems that the israelis would have trying to fight in both gaza and the west bank at the same time,plus the very real fear of an attack from lebanon or even further afield.....
But no,instead settlers murder with impunity,so theres no "peace" and theres not much in the way of "prosperity",unless of course its for the fat old quislings of the pa,who resemble their arab vassal brothers in saudi,kuwait,jordan,uae,etc,etc,etc🤢
No one wants a nuclear Armageddon not me nor Pakistan not Iran not anyone not even the US

But two prophetic fulfillers Zelenskyy and Bibi the two cousins of Dajjal want it

They have plunged the two continents into darkness and this war is about the people of light vs people of darkness

And one thing is guarantee, people of light will win either now or later on
Best course is to allow all communities to exist. Allah Almighty have given so much to Muslims in terms of lands and resources and even changed Qibla. But some are not satisfied and want to claim everything of significance out there. I am not sure how this is a good solution and going to work. Allah Almighty have given Muslims a great opportunity to grow and prosper but how many are paying heed to this blessing? There is a limit to everything. Never take Godly gifts for granted for he can take them away as well because he does not reward corruption and arrogance. Hadith have hinted many scenarios so picking and choosing among them is not helpful. This world is ancient and humanity will not last forever. Nobody has a permanent claim on this world. Focus should be on spirituality.

If Israel is wiped out, what is next? How is this helpful to Islamic cause? The situation might become a lot worse because this development might set the stage for another form of much deadlier conflict. But who can explain this to hot heads.
I am anxiously waiting for nasrullahs speech. It will define the course the region will take. Hopefully it is in support of Hamas and Gaza.
Who knew that a small Lebanese resistance group formed to repel an Israeli occupation of South Lebanon would have this amount of influence on the region. Crazy

So One may ask , why don't you realese the hostages ?

What possible reaons have you to hold 240 civilians , woman children and elederly ?

Holding them only cuases you to loose legitimacy.

You know you will be blasted to pieces untill you return them , and you have zero way to respond milatry.

This is the Israeli army you are fighting now not woman and children , like 3 weeks ago.

Are you soicidal ?


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Your arguments have stopped making any sense.
According to you, Israel is controlling Gaza, and Israel brought Hamas to power, and Israel is giving weapons to Hamas to attack its civilians.
How can I answer such an argument which makes absolutely no sense?

Where have i said israel supplied weapons to hamas

I have mentioned per Israeli officials Israel helped to create hamas to weaken the PLO, so go take it up with the Israeli officials.


From you, it is clear it is meant "Muslims and people like you who support Hamas attacks".
Show proof where I said I support hamas attacks, you are a twisted liar. I have only said violent resistance is allowed under international law when under occupation but I gave a clear criteria. That applies for all human beings.

The talk was about killing people in the name of Apostasy, while Muslims demand in non-Muslim states that non-Muslims should be allowed to convert to Islam. But if Muslims leave Islam, then they will be killed.
Similarly, non-Muslims are not even allowed to preach their religion in Islamic countries. Please open a new thread if you want to discuss it and if admins allow it.
Where are Muslims demanding that non Muslims should be allowed to convert in non Muslim countries? There are plenty churches and temples and other religious places littered across Muslim lands. This topic is about the conflict in gaza STOP trying to derail the thread.
Why should I stop putting my argument due to your ignorance?
Your arguments are weak, generalised made up by your own subjective experience. They have more holes than swiss cheese.
and I am more than willing to show you the Truth about Jihad.
Its clear you know little about Islam if you really want to discuss the topic open another thread.

Now let me ask you some questions,

Do you condemn the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the IDF?

Do you condemn the racist apartheid set up Israel is imposing on the Palestinians ?

Do you condemn the genocidal racist language being used and carried out by Israeli leaders, political, religious army and by general Israeli supporters as well.

Do you accept the Palestinians should have a home on the 1967 borders will full control to their land?
Would it be better if not approved by the state?? you dont make sense
Come on now. WE all know about politics of Erdogan. I respect Erodgan and understand his views but these protests are aimed to show what exactly? American bombers have landed in that airbase and it shows that bilateral partnerships also have value.

What do you find laughable in that post? You will not understand because you have a small mind. The dreadful smoke is coming for all of you. The two can play this game. Do not laugh at posts unnecessarily.
Come on now. WE all know about politics of Erdogan. I respect Erodgan and understand his views and such but these protests show what exactly? American bombers have landed in that airbase and it shows that bilateral partnerships have value.
You have to start from somewhere the State can be forced and pressured (atleast in Turkiye this is possible) if people don’t care the State won’t give a damn at all. This kinda movement starts from the masses and reach to the top.
You have to start from somewhere the State can be forced and pressured (in Turkiye this is possible) if people don’t care the state won’t give a damn at all. This kinda movement starts from the masses and reach to the top.
I am sure Turkey wants the war to de-escalate but this "surrounding the airbase" narrative is laughable. The state is strong no matter the case.

What do you find laughable in that post? You will not understand because you have a small mind. The dreadful smoke is coming for all of you. I can play this game as well.
When you ask "what comes next?" And how you think the priority is to not free millions of muslims from oppression. But I probably just have a small mind. I'm just a simple guy

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