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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Al Jazeera correspondent: An (Israeli) raid targeted the vicinity of the town of Al-Tiri in southern Lebanon
It is laughable that Biden is asking for a 'pause' in fighting so that the Gazans would let the hostages go!!! Oh man!! Whatever little leverage the Gazans have is because of the hostages and letting them go would mean even that leverage would be gone.
Nah, basically Americans don't want a regional war which would be destructive to American interests and may well lead to a total destruction of Israel itself. Plain and simple!!

White House officials said the request for pauses was far different from an overall cease-fire, which the Biden administration believes would benefit Hamas by allowing it to recover from Israel’s intense bombardment.

But Mr. Biden is under increasing pressure to respond to what humanitarian groups have called an urgent crisis for civilians inside Gaza, where food, water, medicine and fuel are in short supply. A strike on a refugee camp in Gaza this week killed scores of civilians even as Israeli officials said they killed a top Hamas leader.
The plan simultaneously succeeded and failed. The Middle East did get destabilized but Afghanistan and Iraq are not under US control.

The Iraq War gave Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan is back in control of the Taliban.

But the Middle East has become economically weak and dependent on loans and aid. This is why Israel is allowed to commit atrocities in Gaza because the surrounding countries are too economically weak.

However what they underestimated was China and Russia.
However hard I look, I can't see many successes. You forgot one other side effect: Pakistan was destabilized too. And with Taliban returning to Afghanistan, things have gotten more energetic on the border.
Maps are meaningless in this phase of war, even they did reach those lines they need to maintain and pure in more men and equipment to consolidate gains, lets see what is contingency plan of resistance for this type of scenario as they had this kind of situation in previous war.

Very true, and completely expected by everyone.

It was blatantly obvious that the Zionists would go for this strategy. As the centre is somewhat rural and much easier for an army to take.

Already the Zionists are taking heavy casualties, and they havent even entered thee urban areas..

They also have created a long thin supply line that will be vulnerable to attack from both sides.. not to mention all the tunnels

Israeli rabbis call on Netanyahu to bomb Al Shifa Hospital in Palestine’s Gaza​

45 extremist Israeli rabbis published an open letter on October 30, justifying the killing of Palestinian civilians. The letter gave religious permission to the Israeli government to bomb Al Shifa Hospital, the biggest civilian hospital in Palestine’s Gaza.

Now imagine if 45 Imams had published an open letter to permit killing civilians - there would be global outrage. Western Media Hypocrisy continues.
You are correct on all things there except do realize people move on from such conflicts except for those in Palestine who are actually suffering due to this conflict. And this is not the first conflict between the Gazans and Israelis. People move on. Lives have to be lived. Until this conflict, the Palestinian cause had been mostly forgotten except by the Palestinians and Iran/Iranian proxies.

You and I, sitting in comfort at a distance, can't say what Palestinians should or should not do. It is their call to make. But a fully defeated Gaza would seal the fate of a viable Palestinian state for a long time, would also lead to severely crippled Hezbollah, and even more subjugation, if not expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank.

And from the silence of the GCC Arabs and even the GCC Arab members on this thread, it does seem the Palestinians have been abandoned by their own brothers. Those countries, as of now, have resigned to be Israeli $itches but they should know that they would remain at the mercy of Israel and its backers forever after this and that they would never be allowed to have truly independent foreign policy and that, should it come to that, they may even be threatened with force if they don't calibrate their trade/commerce policies to align with Israel and its backers' policies. Who is to say if, using a wild example, force to sell oil at $10/barrel?? What are they going to do then??
Mostly correct, except I disagree with stance on Arab countries. It is not their weak morality that is holding them back but calculated self-interest. They have learnt from previous experience that getting into Palestinian's fight is expensive and thankless. I posted this history lesson earlier:
They are just being Once bitten twice shy. The southern saying for this is 'there is no education in the second kick of a mule'.
It is laughable that Biden is asking for a 'pause' in fighting so that the Gazans would let the hostages go!!! Oh man!! Whatever little leverage the Gazans have is because of the hostages and letting them go would mean even that leverage would be gone.
Nah, basically Americans don't want a regional war which would be destructive to American interests and may well lead to a total destruction of Israel itself. Plain and simple!!

White House officials said the request for pauses was far different from an overall cease-fire, which the Biden administration believes would benefit Hamas by allowing it to recover from Israel’s intense bombardment.

But Mr. Biden is under increasing pressure to respond to what humanitarian groups have called an urgent crisis for civilians inside Gaza, where food, water, medicine and fuel are in short supply. A strike on a refugee camp in Gaza this week killed scores of civilians even as Israeli officials said they killed a top Hamas leader.

A handful (or even thousands) of Americans Israelis dual citizenship criminals putting themselves into conflict zones, is not a reason for the war monger US to get dragged into a war. Travel where you want to, but if your daily routine includes heading to a "safe room" every time you hear missiles or sirens, you've made your choice and are not entitled to put others at risk to save you from your bad decision.
Behind a paywall but Haaretz is a balanced and generally reliable Israeli source.
Putin would be fool to not take advantage of this as would be the Chinese!!

as i said i never ever supported what Hamas do and its well known that I consider them terrorist but its also known that I consider Israel the Bigger terrorist
but the question is where is your condemnation of what Israel did in last 20 day , where is condemnation of what they did in last 75 years. its you who have double standard not me.

a question for you are you aware how many Palestinian civilian was killed in west bank by Israeli settlers , how many Palestinian olive tree burned how many village attacked by Israeli settlers
no you don't knew because you don't care about what Israel do , you want only portrait Hamas as the cause of the problem and use that to justify Israel war-crime in last 3 week in specific and last 75 year in general

I never support fanatic religious Jews. I am secular and I condemn all these crimes of Israel.
I would have condemned the creation of Israel in 1948. But this world is not perfect and compromises are made.
Illegal settlements are illegal.
Israeli argument that this land belongs to them is condemned.

No secular person wants to see Israel bombing the buildings. But the issue is, Hamas handed over this licence to them. If we want to see the end of this bombing, then Hamas should surrender, otherwise this cycle will continue.

Do you also condemn these double standards of Muslims where they demand equal rights and the right to preach and criticize others and convert non-Muslims to Islam, but themselves not ready to give the same equal rights to non-Muslims and ex-Muslims?
Do you also condemn these double standards of Muslims when they accept Nagorno Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan, but deny that Israel has any right to exist?
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Sunni Regime is a wrong phrase to use.
Other than Afghanistan,no other Sunni majority country is theocratic state.They are mostly democratic or few Monarchic ones.
Regarding Arab states,i think they want political solution for this conflict.By increasing relations with Israelis,they can persuade Israel for peaceful co-existence but Iranian Shia Regime's Rocket Approach is taking this conflict nowhere and is only radicalizing both Palestinians and Israelis.

Arab sunni regimes are a disgrace to Islam and are unworthy of being called Muslims
It is laughable that Biden is asking for a 'pause' in fighting so that the Gazans would let the hostages go!!! Oh man!! Whatever little leverage the Gazans have is because of the hostages and letting them go would mean even that leverage would be gone.
Nah, basically Americans don't want a regional war which would be destructive to American interests and may well lead to a total destruction of Israel itself. Plain and simple!!

White House officials said the request for pauses was far different from an overall cease-fire, which the Biden administration believes would benefit Hamas by allowing it to recover from Israel’s intense bombardment.

But Mr. Biden is under increasing pressure to respond to what humanitarian groups have called an urgent crisis for civilians inside Gaza, where food, water, medicine and fuel are in short supply. A strike on a refugee camp in Gaza this week killed scores of civilians even as Israeli officials said they killed a top Hamas leader.
This public, albeit feeble, messaging is an indication that private messaging is being ignored by Israel. If Israel is not going to act on even this minor request, it can be interpreted that U.S. has a much weaker hand in this war than many seem to think. Blinken is going there today for some face-to-face talks.
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