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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You can help Palestinians by donating money to many humanitarian aid organizations working in Gaza.
Instead of asking Allah Almighty to grant us enough Power & geostrategic weight to influence the Global affairs, you are praying for utter destruction?
We have enough power.
We lack niyat.
I jump in because you are critical of those "fanboys" from 1 side but unable to find any fault with the likes of get ye wig split and his brother Sammuel. They literally celebrate children deaths with emojis and get ye shit wig split gets banned for it - but no Ze not really german - cant find it within himself to say that was out of order? Why are you so selective - yet stay quiet when over 4000 children have been massacred? When you can find it within yourself to be objective - then accept a solid debate from me.

The likes of you think this conflict started on the 7th. What happened on the 7th was outrageous and vile - however whats got it to this stage? The apartheid state and vile kidnappings and murder has been apparent - land stealing - Gaza A prison camp and the treatment of Palestine by the IDF hasnt helped. Now accept the Netanyahu government are literally loving it and are licking their lips as this is exactly what they dreamt of.
Get ye wig split is clearly trolling. Ban is matter of time and he has dozens of posters adressing him.

Sammuel responds pretty moderately? Never seen him do that what you claim.

Hamas fanboys calling for ethnic cleansing get a completely free pass. Hence i react to those.
Get ye wig split is clearly trolling. Ban is matter of time and he has dozens of posters adressing him.

Sammuel responds pretty moderately? Never seen him do that what you claim.

Hamas fanboys calling for ethnic cleansing get a completely free pass. Hence i react to those.
Who calls for ethnic cleansing, moron do not lie.

You on other hand along mentioned idiots cheer for ongoing genocide an slaughter, have no right to point out fingers to others instead you should be ashamed by yourself.
Not really. They just caused 8,000 people to die.

Those 8000 people were going to die anyway, and live under a brutal occupation

This has shaken up everything

Israel will suffer for this but fundamentally the Palestinians cause has advanced, because everyone understands the occupation cannot go on

Sometimes resistance is essential because the talking doesn't work

UK’s Sun features faces of 32 kids held hostage by Hamas


n the UK, The Sun features on its cover today the faces of the 32 Israeli children who have been held hostage by Hamas since October 7, under the banner: “Bring them home.”

“32 innocent children snatched by terrorists,” the paper declares in its main headline. “This is why Israel must fight evil of Hamas.”

All 32 were taken by Hamas terrorists when thousands of them broke through the border and slaughtered and abducted Israelis in southern Israel. Some of those kidnapped were taken alongside their families. Many had relatives killed before being abducted.

Hamas has not made any information available on their condition or allowed the Red Cross to visit them — along with over 200 other hostages.

Among the kidnapped children, there were many girls. This is truly terrible, we all know how the female gender will be treated by the enemy during war. They will suffer humiliation worse than death.
The rulers of Saudi Arabia started a donations camp for the people of Gaza, and within 2 hours, it gained over 57 Million Ryals.Not to mention, the crown prince Muhammed Bin Salman donated 20 Million, and the King himself, King Salman, donated 30 Million Ryals.Over 107 Million Ryals, and it's still going
The rulers of Saudi Arabia started a donations camp for the people of Gaza, and within 2 hours, it gained over 57 Million Ryals.Not to mention, the crown prince Muhammed Bin Salman donated 20 Million, and the King himself, King Salman, donated 30 Million Ryals.Over 107 Million Ryals, and it's still going
MBS donated the equivalent of $5 million. For context, he spent $400 million (of his peoples' looted money) on a mega-yacht.

Among the kidnapped children, there were many girls. This is truly terrible, we all know how the female gender will be treated by the enemy during war. They will suffer humiliation worse than death.
we see videos of Israeli soldiers urinating on Palestinian bodies and torturing Palestinian hostages, and videos of Israeli female prisoners released by Hamas who attest to their relatively kind treatment by Hamas fighters, and this is the narrative you try to weave? Quite despicable.
Some people quoted me yesterday--I think an Indian member here--saying why can't W. Bank not rise up? Saying it is because they are more prosperous. That's partly true but the main reason W. Bank can't rise up is because the Palestinian communities in the W. Bank are split like swiss cheese unlike Gaza where the proximity a fairly open border with Egypt AND territorial integrity has enabled the Gazans to rise up again and again. Otherwise, there is not much of difference between the Gazans and the W. Bank Palestinian. Heck, in recent past, even the Israeli Arab citizens violently rose.

Here is NY Times's number one headline about W. Bank. And who is to say the Settlers are not taking advantage of the 'fog of war' to grab Palestinian houses and land??


How a Campaign of Extremist Violence Is Pushing the West Bank to the Brink​

Israeli settlers and Palestinians have been locked in a cycle of bloodshed for decades. But extremist settler attacks could send the conflict out of control.

Some of the specific incidents, like the killing in the olive grove, reflect a longstanding problem in the West Bank that has gotten much worse since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks: Heavily armed settler extremists have operated with impunity for years, many Palestinians say, and now their assaults are becoming bolder, deadlier and nonstop.

Experienced observers believe the spike in violence is part of a broader campaign to scare Palestinians off their land that has been allowed to accelerate amid Israel’s enraged and wounded mood. Since Oct. 7, settler violence has displaced more than 800 Palestinians, including entire herding communities.

“The strategy is: We are here, this land belongs to us and we will kick you off it, with all the means we have,” said Dov Sedaka, a reserve Israeli general who works for a foundation that supports Israeli-Palestinian cooperation.

“It’s awful,” he added.
The rulers of Saudi Arabia started a donations camp for the people of Gaza, and within 2 hours, it gained over 57 Million Ryals.Not to mention, the crown prince Muhammed Bin Salman donated 20 Million, and the King himself, King Salman, donated 30 Million Ryals.Over 107 Million Ryals, and it's still going
Despicable scum, like that will wash their silence and compliance
Big deal.

Here is her video prior to being captured by Hamas...

From 0:39

Big Deal??

All Hamas women want to destroy the whole of Israel. Should then they lose their civilian status and Israel gets a licence to bomb all women of Hamas?

This will lead to no solution.

The only solution is to completely eradicate the evil of Hamas, and let all peaceful Palestinians become citizens of Israel with equal human rights. Also break the power of fanatic Jews in Israel, and secular Israeli forces should take control of affairs.

Only Secularism and Secular Forces on both sides can bring peace to the region.
Get ye wig split is clearly trolling. Ban is matter of time and he has dozens of posters adressing him.

Sammuel responds pretty moderately? Never seen him do that what you claim.

Hamas fanboys calling for ethnic cleansing get a completely free pass. Hence i react to those.

Once again - you are quick to be critical - yet selective when it comes to the other side that many believe has gotten us to the stage we are at today?
You either are deliberately trolling or just naive.
A guy that potentially posts suggesting he is Indian (due to the lack of knowledge of his knowledge of history about the affair) - Sammuel you call moderate? A twat that shows more distress about a dog dying than 4000 children? Get a grip.
Now for the last time why are you selective about one side and not the one thats the actual occupier and genocide creator? Last chance to speak up
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