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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The target in Jabliya massacre were journalists:


Urgent | 18 members of the family of the broadcast engineer in the Al Jazeera office in Gaza, colleague Muhammad Abu Al-Qumsan, were martyred, including his father and two of his sisters, in the Jabalia camp massacre.

I also think so for those who deem Hamas suicide bombings on Israeli civilians and even on Israeli children in kindergartens to be Halal Allah, but when Israel retaliates, only then it becomes a crime.
Idiot, read the history, hamas was peaceful movement before jews start killing their children. No go **** yourself with your cynical propaganda while children are butchered by your jew masters.
And who is actually throwing rocks...God bless these children for their resilience and sacrifice they will have to endure for the rest of their lives if they even make it through.

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It is good news that Egypt may be accepting some injured Palestinians from Gaza. However, I fear this is part of their plan to legitimise bombing hospitals in Gaza to make life there increasingly unbearable and force a huge population transfer to Egypt in a less direct way.
Israel admits to paying "heavy price" in invasion of Gaza and admits to 2 killed soldiers from Givati Brigade

Yesterday Israel admitted to casualties from October 7th and October 15th, so don't except prompt or honest admissions of casualties from the Nazi Zionist regime.
These arent causalities...2,3,5 ...its dont count.. hamas dont have enough firepower to dismantle the ark of IDF nazi offense line. with out heavy fire power and continuous supply they cant sustain IDF longer. Hope so someone will do some delivery.
hizbullah did quit a good job.
Rot in hell both of those soldiers
If they admit to 2 killed soldiers and a "heavy price" it means there are at least 20 dead (Hamas claim they neutralised 20 invading Nazis). Gallant is the most hawkish of the war ministers and today admitted "the prices in the last day were heavy prices". Despite their carpet bombing campaign of north Gaza and overwhelming superiority in every factor they are still facing heavy losses.

The Palestinians are fighting admirably and against all odds

IDF ground forces are performing horribly, as we all expected, so they resort to carpet bombing areas first instead. Unfortunately in recent days it is clear Hamas lacks modern ATGM in large numbers and only has much smaller RPG style anti-tank weapons in large numbers ('Yasin' is basically a RPG that can target soft targets but cannot destroy or seriously damage modern tanks)

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I don t know what are iranians thinking they are doing... but it s going to be by stages, once Gaza problem is solved for israelis, they are gonna go for Hezbollah or Syria, is very clear to me.

And then they will address their Iran problem in a isolated way. Then Turkiyeh.

Sorry, but this lack of strategy and awareness of Iran is really worryng for their future. It s not going to end with Gaza, i say you Gaza end it s palestine end, and the beginning of the end of a lot of countries.

Turkiyeh is also in the queue.

Iran fatwa is an incredible stupid and naive thing of Iran.

Unfortunately, foreign policy is not always handled by the hardliners or more strategically-minded. For example, the Nuclear Deal. This was the single biggest mistake made, largely the result of the reformist camp/moderate camp. This set Iran back in nuclear development. As such, Iran still does not have nuclear weapons. The moderates thought they could hold off an internal situation which can be turned into a color revolution by Iran's enemies, and signed the most one-sided deal in the country's history since the Qajar dynasty. Interestingly, the U.S. ripped the deal shortly after and engineered the biggest color revolution since 2009. Now, without a nuclear deterrent, Iran must sit by as Western militaries have ensured they will hit Iran and proxies if they get involved in war on behalf of the Palestinians. This chain of stupidity goes back to 2015. The effects of brain drain are real. The effects of corruption are real.

We unfortunately are bearing witness to a crescendo that will culminate with the end of Iran. And not just the end of the Islamic Republic, but the end of Iran with its current borders. A pro-U.S. government is in Pakistan and will likely occupy Sistan and Balochistan of Iran. The Aliyev government and West have knocked Armenia out of the game of nations through war and their plant, Pashinyan. This places them in the perfect position to invade and annex northern Iran. The KRG would gladly take Western Iran. Ahwaz will break away into a U.S. occupied gas station. What will be left of Iran is a landlocked, primarily desert country, with its capital, Tehran, right on the border of a future Azerbaijani megastate.

Right as we speak, they are making preparations to gas the tunnels of Gaza. They will succeed. The brutality shown here will be cheered on by much of the world, as propaganda has successfully been concocted to ensure any method to erase the Palestinians is considered kosher. They will then invade Lebanon and neutralize HezbAllah, while the remaining Palestinians will be pushed into Egypt and Jordan. Next, they will break Syria's Kurdish region off and conjoin it with Iraq's. They will assassinate Assad and ensure a Sunni jihadist state takes over, as they tried in 2014. They will neutralize all PMF militias and split Iraq into a Sunni state that is absorbed by Jordan and a Shi'ite state that will join in the future with Ahwaz.

When the U.S. destroys Iran, it will be a brutal, unforgiving war and genocide of Iranians. The ethnic strife will make Yugoslavia look like child's play in comparison. The world will sit by and cheer it on, as by then propaganda will have poisoned their minds. Khamenei's biggest mistake was kowtowing to the reformists and dragging his feet on nuclearization. It's the beginning of the end of our great nation.

As for Turkiye, I don't know why you have such a hard-on for them being next. Turkiye is one of the most important and integral states in NATO. The U.S. won't allow their Kurds to grow out of control. You will be fine. Just prepare for millions of Iranian refugees.

If they admit to 2 killed soldiers and a "heavy price" it means there are at least 20 dead

The Palestinians are fighting admirably and against all odds

IDF ground forces are performing horribly, as we all expected, so they resort to carpet bombing areas first instead. Unfortunately in recent days it is clear Hamas lacks modern ATGM in large numbers and only has much smaller RPG style ATGMs instead

If there's anything in the Talmud that should be known, it's that lying, especially to the goyim, is approved. There is no people in the world out there that lie as much as the Mosaic people do. It is very likely that they have suffered significant casualties. They will soon turn to gas, with a pretext prepared carefully.

By the way, reports of NATO "volunteers" leaving Ukraine to fight alongside the IDF are coming in. I believe soon we will see Nazis and Jews fighting together against Palestinians. The irony. And they will be "good Nazis". History, narratives, and international relations have always been a matter of strength. Not virtue. You will see Jews and Nazis making peace, the 6 million victims of the Holocaust swept under the rug. It's not far from reality; Avraham Stern and Menachem Begin's crews had extensive contact with the office of Adolf Eichmann in order to deport Jews to Palestine.
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It is good news that Egypt may be accepting some injured Palestinians from Gaza. However, I fear this is part of their plan to legitimise bombing hospitals in Gaza to make life there increasingly unbearable and force a huge population transfer to Egypt in a less direct way.
if Egypt dont go to war this si their fate. or watch and enjoy millions of palestanians being killed day by day.

Go for war, u will get a lot of support.
Look at your double standards, where your belonging to a specific group of Islam contains no problem for your state of mind and inclination, and in defining your conduct and loyalty .... but my belonging to a specific group of atheists makes me guilty of all these accusations.

No, because my position, state of mind and loyalty were and are a known capacity.
Did I not define our position in an earlier post, in case you missed. Future and therefore hope itself rests with our cause... however despairing our position may be... it is Faith and faithless, isn't it?
I do not think its acceptable. Netanyahu/likud is almost as bad as isis-hamas.

What suprises me however is that so many muslims seem so easy to sacrifice palestinian blood.

Like european telling wounded refugee children/women from ukraine….
”no the border stays closed”
“Stay put as a human shield so russia has more headache”
“Your blood sacrifice will not be forgotten oh martyrs!”

Its disturbing
Look - let me interject.
Back in 2019 Netanyahu addressed his party and told them “ it’s imperative the funding of Hamas continues because as long as they are alive then our objective of not allowing a 2 state solution is kept alive without us lifting a finger. We just have to control the strip until it suits us and our goals.”
So this scum has in the past allowed Hamas to grow because it helped his right wing narrative to flow. Hamas not the sharpest tool - allowed themselves to be used.

When you fathom through the history - you will realise the long term intention of this cockroach Netanyahu was to ethnic cleanse the land of all Palestinians.
The availability of the internet ought to allow people like you to perhaps educate yourself allowing your nose to be gently removed from the buy cheeks of the Zionists.
Gaza had better life expectancy and health indicators then egypt.
Much thanks to the billions of european monetary funds.

Even though hamas showed how they dig up eu funded water pipes to make rockets….

Anyway, this whole “starving concentration camp” narrative is simply rudiculous.
And the festival was a rave for peace…
Take your deluded blinkers elsewhere
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