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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent | Israeli Channel 14: 3 people from one family were killed after a missile fell on a house in the Netivot settlement
Pakistan Army has a duty to protect its nukes and it will. Even if the whole Islamic world goes down, even if all of Pakistan is lost the Pakistan Army will continue to protect the nukes. If Pakistan gets occupied by a foreign army the Pakistan Army will withdraw to the mountains to protect the nukes. No one on earth can take the nukes from the Pakistani Army. They will certainly never destroy their nukes by throwing them on someone.

Pakistan Army is very clever. Every time American threatens to take their nukes they fool them by doing everything American asks. Enemies of Pakistan Army nukes get frustrated.

Come on come on...you cannot be more naive.

They are trying everything to force Egypt to do so. Latest attempt:

Urgent | Yedioth Ahronoth: A new Israeli proposal for Egypt to receive refugees from Gaza in exchange for writing off its debts to the World Bank

Buddy I still don't think it will be easy for Egypt to accept so many refugees, as they have so many problems of thier own, that means the Gazans won't be allowed to come back.
Israel is doing more of the same now in much larger scale
That's the problem.
Israel is increasing the pain for Palestinians in response to these irritations.
If the situation Pre-7th Oct was bad,then Post -7th is worse and it's getting only worst.
The rate at which Palestine is shrinking,there will be no Palestine left some years down the line
The left overs will migrate to Egypt.
Over 8,000 people are already killed in just 20 days.And 3,000 of them were After 2006 Hizbollah-Israel war,Israel inflicted so much damage to Lebanon that now HZ is not escalating the conflict.
Palestinians need to reset their strategy.
Their Jihad strategy is not working.HAMAS over-estimated Iran's support.And now they are in trouble.
Even a torn apart Palestine is better than no Palestine.
Breaking: A heavy belt of Israeli raids on “Al-Talouli” Square and “Al-Hoja” Street in Jabalia Camp. According to eyewitnesses, a large number of martyrs and wounded were in the place, in addition to many trapped under the rubble.

Entire residential blocks are being wiped out by bombing

The air defenses of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the American and British warships participated in confronting the Yemeni attack on Eilat.

These three countries will send their armies towards Medina in order to stop the Mahdi.
All they care about is their festivals n crowns. These three armies will be eclippsed by Allah swt.
There is no way in hell that these guys who witnessed the wars on gaza will ever have the honor to fight in the sake of Allah swt.
time has come and gone. Anything?
⚡️# #Yemen

The official spokesman for the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree:

- We, out of a sense of religious, moral, humanitarian, and national responsibility, and in response to the demands of our #Yemeni people and the demands of free peoples, and to come to the rescue of our oppressed people in #Gaza, it was necessary for the #Yemeni armed forces to carry out their duty by relying on God and in victory over the historical oppression of the dear #Palestinian people.
Our armed forces launched a large batch of ballistic and winged missiles and a large number of drones at various targets of the #Israeli enemy in the occupied territories.
The #Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that this operation is the third operation in support of our oppressed brothers in Palestine.
The #Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that they will continue to carry out more qualitative strikes with missiles and drones until the #Israeli aggression stops.


Buddy I still don't think it will be easy for Egypt to accept so many refugees, as they have so many problems of thier own, that means the Gazans won't be allowed to come back.

I'm totally against forced expulsion of Palestinians. Palestinians won't leave their land. The international community needs to make sure there is no ethnic cleansing. This isn't stopping the US and Israel from continuing to try to arrange such a genocide and ethnic cleansing. As long as others won't speak out and directly oppose such actions with actions of their own.
Some of the heroic work of the Palestinian resistance. You can see here a column of Israeli Merkava tanks taken out by the magnificent Palestinian resistance.

Leopard 2A4 from ISIS-Turkey skirmish(es).
7 M2A2 ODS Bradley, a Leopard 2A6 and a Soviet (Ukrainian) BMR vehicle.
Not one Merkava on these pictures.
Always funny, when people talk about stuff.
Urgent| Sources for the "Quds Network":

Israeli 'Settlers' attacked Palestinian shepherds near the "Kernei Shomron" settlement and assaulted them east of Qalqilya. The Palestinians confronted them, stabbing two of the settlers and wounding them.
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