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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Shut up you Indian twat.

Well, you guys are Indians so don't be ashamed.

That is because this so-called Israeli is in reality an Indian. We have been reading their garbage and hateful posts on PDF for many many years. You think we don't know who these people are after all these years?
Haaahhaa. If u ever knew
Imagine if you dared to say that about the french [or greek?] resistance to the nazis in ww2.I dont think that would go down too well in a lot of western countries.
But partially that happened to. Although completely different situations,the communist guerillas in WWII,launched a lot of attacks and ambushes of absolutely no strategic value against Germans and Italians,they tortured and killed Germans in inhuman ways,just out of spite,claiming they were doing "resistance" and the Germans would launch reprisals by executing 10 times more civilians,sometimes entire villages were burned. And this is all because the communists had a fanaticism against the "fascist enemy",which ironically before the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union,was their "friend" and the Communist Party leadership used to ask the people not to resist the Italian invasion,which by the way today we celebrate the war against in 1940 (today is "NO" day,a national holiday here).

But anyway,I can show you how Palestinian groups escalated and made the Israelis become stricter and more oppressive. And that,coupled with the right-wing settlers who would come in waves,made life for the Palestinians even worse. By the time Arafat had realized it was time for peace,Hamas had gained popularity and became even more aggressive than old Fatah of the 70s and 80s.
so how long before USA pressures Pakistan Army to remove him for having the audacity to say this???
it has no worth. It is just public stunt.. asim munier is part of International Zionist regime. So nothing solid from Pakistan to Palestine. It is only public who is using social platforms to show angers. Rest is controlled
Kuffars stand with israel. Yet they will all lose. Because Allah swt stands with the mujahedines.
Allah can’t beat precision weapons. Or any weapons.
If the right weapon hits you, you’re dead.
And Allah, God or any other higher power can’t save you.
Allah can’t beat precision weapons. Or any weapons.
If the right weapon hits you, you’re dead.
And Allah, God or any other higher power can’t save you.
You dont understand seriousness of matter.. how many Afghans you killed with top weapons in twenty years. It is time and longevity of war which matters the most, and waste of taxpayers money. This war took 75 years and it may take 20 or 30 years more . West has no time left as their economy can not take this when we see tge rise of China and africa
But what I wonder is, are Hanijeh and Sinwar (Hamas leaders) crying for the Palestinians dying in Gaza? Or are they sleeping well in their luxury villas in Qatar. Paid for by Iran?

Those guys should die. Not the innocent Palestinians. But well, if you’re fighting for a good cause, you can also live wealthy in Qatar and enjoy the beauty of life. While your people are living and dying in poverty.
Won't happen. Saudis use OIC when they want to dilute an issue. GCC leverage alone is many times more powerful than all of them combined because of oil and gas.
They can not do nothing as they are trapped in petro dollar economy and Dog Chan by usa and west. This is their best chance as Russian oil and gass is not going to west as it was before..
You dont understand seriousness of matter.. how many Afghans you killed with top weapons in twenty years. It is time and longevity of war which matters the most, and waste of taxpayers money. This war took 75 years and it may take 20 or 30 years more . West has no time left as their economy can not take this when we see tge rise of China and africa
China or Africa won’t fight or get in conflict with Europe and USA. We are their biggest customers. They don’t need us, but they need and want our money.
That’s where there will be a sort of balance in the end.
But what I wonder is, are Hanijeh and Sinwar (Hamas leaders) crying for the Palestinians dying in Gaza? Or are they sleeping well in their luxury villas in Qatar. Paid for by Iran?

Those guys should die. Not the innocent Palestinians. But well, if you’re fighting for a good cause, you can also live wealthy in Qatar and enjoy the beauty of life. While your people are living and dying in poverty.
So Hamas leaders are in Qatar and Israel is bombing Gaza day and night. If Israel is actually against Hamas, why not attack where the leaders are?
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