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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The best proof the Hamas is responsible for the hospital nombing , is that they stopped talking about the casulties a day after they where proven resposible .

So why is Hamas not reporting those " 500 " killed anymore ?

Why does he not update the numbers of those killed any more. After all, in such cases the numbers keeps updating days after.

Here nothing. Zero. Silnce.

Does that not tell you something ?

Well, no , you are lying. And badly, Israel has a long history of crimes against humanity and mujahideen Hamas doesn’t possess this kind of fire power

For the millionth times here i go again

The whistling sound alone proves this was a deliberate JDAM strike.

A jam strike on a building doesn't necessarily leave a crater, it usually just flattens the building. just look at the aftermath of other Israeli airstrikes.
There will be no ceasefire other than limited one for prison exchange .

I can understand many here want a ceasefire , but this wont happen, maybe not for months.

Israel declared goal is to deafeat Hamas , what ever that mean and if that is even possible.

No one in Israel would agree to allow things in Gaza to remain as they where and with Hamas in power. All the parties , left and right support that and the public would not accept nothing less.

War declared upon us ,

Those here who try to undermine what happened to us on that saterday massacre , also fail to evaluate correctly the severity of our response.


Bro Sammuel will be turning in his grave cz bro you got that name Sammuel but you got the pic of what Sammuel preached against.. that is idol worshipping... And please don't argue on that matter because
You are a Hindu hiding under Sammuel cover and an idol worshipper can never understand the affairs of Abrahamac monotheist religions. It's between Sons of Ishmael and sons of Isaac...
Sons of gao(cow) mata and Kali devi should stay away ...
That's why Israeli kept telling you Indians... but you dheet bone don't get it .

Bro Sammuel will be turning in his grave cz bro you got that name Sammuel but you got the pic of what Sammuel preached against.. that is idol worshipping... And please don't argue on that matter because
You are a Hindu hiding under Sammuel cover and an idol worshipper can never understand the affairs of Abrahamac monotheist religion.
He is a Hindu falseflagger. Literally got exposed by mods and members a few years ago. This is why I don't respond to him. Some weird mental illness.
They voted for them 20 years ago and than the conditionss where much bettet. There where open borders and investnment coming than Hamas took over,
There are always people who will keep protesting even if they have everything, political and religious nutjobs.

But if you have a whole starving people, then the crazy nutjobs who want to kill will be 100%.
There will be no ceasefire other than limited one for prison exchange .

I can understand many here want a ceasefire , but this wont happen, maybe not for months.

Israel declared goal is to deafeat Hamas , what ever that mean and if that is even possible.

No one in Israel would agree to allow things in Gaza to remain as they where and with Hamas in power. All the parties , left and right support that and the public would accept nothing less.

War was declared upon us ,

Those here , who try to undermine what happened to us , on that saterday massacre , also fail to evaluate correctly the severity of the response.



Nobody has declared war on Israel. It was Israelis who were attacking the Al-Aqsa Mosque, killing Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank, and breaking every agreement mediated by Egypt. You're all acting as if the Palestinian operation on Oct 7 was one done in isolation. No, it wasn't. It was part of the Palestinian struggle to stop the constant Israeli violations of their land, religious sites, and people.
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@Falcon29 Do you remember the Russian YouTuber who was posting military updates on the situation in Gaza in the early days? I cannot find him.
Germany starts war of agression in ww1 and ww2.
How clueless do you have to be to make such a claim? How did Germany start WW1? It was the fourth country to join.

How did Germany start WW2? The British Declared war on them for no logical reason. They started a war of aggression against Germany for no reason at all.

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