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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I have enough of those useless strategies, interests and politics fkk all of that man. The ultra rich Arabs are spending billions on luxury and footballclubs etc %99 of the blame is on them. Those rich Arabs especially MBS (he is different) i trust him, must come and sit on the table with the Turkish defence industry, i swear to God within 5-10 years the middle east would not need US, Western equipment anymore all kinds of weapons will be produced and Arab countries will gain real real deterrence.

if sheiks appear on tv and tell that they will sell all their football clubs for 1 pound, that would be their biggest blow to zionist cause ever. some pressure should be directed towards that too.
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Dutch soldiers got a medal to state that they were unfairly blamed for Srebrenica.

You are clearly misinformed. Sweden had nothing to do with Srebrenica.

We do not have any living war heroes since the last real war we fought was in 1814…

Sweden is not a membet of NATO - yet.

Sweden was not involved in Rwanda.

Careful, you might lose Your tin hat.
Sweden will never be part of NATO

Russian FM Lavrov:

Russia is ready to discuss and consider Türkiye’s initiative to create a system of guarantor countries for the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Moscow and Ankara are in contact on this issue.

Here you go

Jews protesting for Palestine 🇵🇸

I have provided a DIRECT REBUTTAL to your nonsense. Best thing for you now is to remain silent.

Yet for some reason you won't be able to help making a fool out of yourself.
And no, I did not claim that all the protestors were Palestinians.
In normal societies where opinions are not repressed, you will find all kinds of opinions.

Of the almost 6 million Jews in the US, a few hundred protested. That is 0,005%.
10% of the Americans claim that they believe the Earth is flat. Think about that for a while.

I know of a prank where people were asked to sign a petition for extending the subway to ”the limit” (limes in Swedish) and plenty of people signed.

What I claim is that as a general rule Muslims only protest against War Crimes against Muslims. There may of course be exceptions, but none that I heard off.
Europeans tend to criticize War Crimes regardless who is the perpetrator and the victim. They would like the War Crimes to be proved.
Young people are much smarter than boomers. Because, They have real problems.


Because as conditions become more difficult, human nature tends to make you more aware. The comfort of living in a country where the world's resources are flowing and where people can afford the luxuries they need in the expectation, owning a cheap house etc has bequeathed a generation of people who will not be able to buy a house even after a lifetime of work and who will not be able to support a family on a single salary.

They need to get what they deserve from the country, not to have all its resources and political power consumed behind a handful of Zionists and an allegedly 'godly' goal.
And no, I did not claim that all the protestors were Palestinians.
In normal societies where opinions are not repressed, you will find all kinds of opinions.

Of the almost 6 million Jews in the US, a few hundred protested. That is 0,005%.
10% of the Americans claim that they believe the Earth is flat. Think about that for a while.

I know of a prank where people were asked to sign a petition for extending the subway to ”the limit” (limes in Swedish) and plenty of people signed.

What I claim is that as a general rule Muslims only protest against War Crimes against Muslims. There may of course be exceptions, but none that I heard off.
Europeans tend to criticize War Crimes regardless who is the perpetrator and the victim. They would like the War Crimes to be proved.
which normal society, who repress freedom of speech and violate rights on peaceful demonstrations to support palestina.
you are badly exposed as fake democracies and went to pipe drain full mode with your siding by zionist regime, lost all credibility to rant about any normalcy and related norms.
What I claim is that as a general rule Muslims only protest against War Crimes against Muslims.
Because of NATO bias which never talks about war crimes of NATO and censors them to explain them away like you are doing now. It's 100% justifiable for muslims to do that in the one-sided NATO environment.
And no, I did not claim that all the protestors were Palestinians.
In normal societies where opinions are not repressed, you will find all kinds of opinions.

Of the almost 6 million Jews in the US, a few hundred protested. That is 0,005%.
10% of the Americans claim that they believe the Earth is flat. Think about that for a while.

I know of a prank where people were asked to sign a petition for extending the subway to ”the limit” (limes in Swedish) and plenty of people signed.

What I claim is that as a general rule Muslims only protest against War Crimes against Muslims. There may of course be exceptions, but none that I heard off.
Europeans tend to criticize War Crimes regardless who is the perpetrator and the victim. They would like the War Crimes to be proved.
As expected. Ignore list.

"The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost."
Imam Ali AS

I suggest others follow suit.
Those are occupiers, how they are innocent, it is responsibility of zionist entity not to settle people on disputed lands.
hamas murdered civilians in green line territory.
It would really help the palestinian cause if its supporters do not constantly lie so they can push for their “final solution” (genocide) instead of a just and balanced resolution with a two-state.

Here let me use your words for gaza:
“Those are terrorist supporters, how they are innocent? It is responsibility of gaza not to allow Hamas to rule”

you are the islamic Netanyahu……
It is laudable that her values prevent her from serving in the government, but it should be considered that opinions of a person who is not even in an executive position to affect the functions of the U.K. government which itself has an almost negligible impact on how Israel wants to wage its war, is akin to getting too upset about somebody's answer to the question of how many angels can dance on a pinhead.
No.this is someone taking the courageous moral decision not to be complicit in their political parties support for a crime.
Sadly tho most western politicians lack the courage of this person. :tsk:
hamas murdered civilians in green line territory.
It would really help the palestinian cause if its supporters do not constantly lie so they can push for their “final solution” (genocide) instead of a just and balanced resolution with a two-state.

Here let me use your words for gaza:
“Those are terrorist supporters, how they are innocent? It is responsibility of gaza not to allow Hamas to rule”

you are the islamic Netanyahu……
those lines do not oblige freedom fighters, they were not co signers of that and there is not adult civilians there at first place by israel doctrine of armed population.
no, it will not, you chose side to be along jew nazi project now cope with it and went there to give lip service and money for killing innocents, so you lost all credibility to talk about two state solutions in eyes of civilized world, you arrest people on streets who demonstrate in favor of palestine and yet you dare to give moral lectures.
maybe not you personally but your goverment already does that, you picked the side in conflict and stop act like neutral.
All five provinces in Pakistan plus the Kashmir region were inhabited by Muslim majority and remain so. I hope you can understand what this means viz a viz Palestine issue.
In 1947 jews were majority in certain parts.
With many more expected to migrate to what was British controlled territory.

As such you support a two state? Good to hear!

We have been hosts to millions of refugees displaced by wars started by West.
Pakistani madrassas fueled the taliban. Your elbow deep in the situation, dont wash your hands in innocence.

Now afghanistan is back under taiban rule. What a paradise it is now. Pakistan must be proud.
I am sure if we Pakistanis had to fight for our land against any non Muslims who were transferred to our land by colonial West, just because they wanted to get rid of their guilt, you will call us terrorists and you will expect a two state solution, however, you won't even consider applying these same standards if you were to face the same situation.
Germany starts war of agression in ww1 and ww2. They lose. They lose territory, they absorb the refugees and compromise for peace. No “prussian freedom fighters bombing russian school buses”

Armenia starts a war for its majority people in Nagorno (very similar to palestine conflict), it eventually loses, absorbs refugees into its society.
No one gives a ****.

Arabs start war of agression against UN endorsed two state. They lose.
They refuse to absorb refugees, instead dump them into camps. They refuse to accept consequences.
75 years later we have hamas terrorists murdering jewish children while muslims scream for a “one state genocide solution”

Double standard you were saying?
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