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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Polish aircraft are just the means.... It's a clear sign that NATO war reserves are being dipped in to and are being transported. My guess is conventional and non conventional both. Poland isn't providing anything. Being a NATO country, it's aircraft are being used.

You also have a USN Strike Carrier Group now in the theatre. The message is very simply to Iran and Hezbollah, 'Don't Intervene'. Israel has already mobilized roughly 500K troops, now that's a lot of manpower for this theatre of war. They can easily fight both Hezbollah and Hamas with this number of bodies. Hamas could at best muster 1K fighters to cross into Israel.
In a 'civilized world', people go to police and courts. War is uncivilized. Hamas is not fighting per Vienna conventions; they started the war by slaughtering youngsters at a music program and kidnapping children and old people. If Israel doesn't do what it plans to do, which is raise the cost of Hamas' war to unacceptable level, Hamas will come back in a few months and repeat it all over again. It is important to note that the UNSC did not suggest a cease fire. Not even Russia or China are asking Israel to stop the retaliation. They will call for cessation once they are satisfied deterrence has been established.
So you are telling us that peope were okay dancing, drinking, fornication or getting high with that being near world largest open air prison where 2 million people have no proper food and water let alone other human rights, And now that people have just killed some ingnorant scums that now you are being upset. Wow Just WOW on your logic
Polish aircraft are just the means.... It's a clear sign that NATO war reserves are being dipped in to and are being transported. My guess is conventional and non conventional both. Poland isn't providing anything. Being a NATO country, it's aircraft are being used.
So basically Palestinians are not even up against just Israel (who was already supported by US) but up against NATO/EU.

And look at how cucked and dominated the Muslim world is that it can't even do anything. The Americans have them/us by the balls.
your orthodox church just got flatten in gaza by israel you can keep supporting them.
the whole world already condemned hamas for the shooting of civilians but this hypocrit little dajjal will never condemn israel killing civilians. He has a thousand posts in this thread there is not even a single one condemning israeli attacks on civilians.
any truth to this or just playing

According to the Jerusalem Post, Saudi Arabia has decided to end negotiations on normalizing relations with Israel.The Saudis, Egypt, Iran, Russia and China began to act in a single logic on the Palestinian issue.If the Saudis throw their weight behind this, the pressure on Israel will increase in every sense.

Lol no only nuclear armed muslim country?
So basically Palestinians are not even up against just Israel (who was already supported by US) but up against NATO/EU.

And look at how cucked and dominated the Muslim world is that it can't even do anything. The Americans have them/us by the balls.
Keep your hopes up man. This is the third day. Iran and its proxies are more than enough. You just open the gates for TTP to go there.
Its weird.
Vote terrorists in power, commit the worst terrorist act in 20 years. And then be suprised europeans dont keep piling money at you?

Critical aid will keep going. Other then that its too bad.

But please..keep on begging for money from the “kuffars”. While cursing them when they turn their back.
How much did the muslim world donate to the nakba times 20 in ukraine again?
You are piling money and all the favors on Dodik , the great public admirer of the convicted war criminals, open Putin pawn and the great darling of Orban. Hungry, Austria and Germany support the biggest historical enemies of them. I would like to inform you that in ww1 Bosnian mountain brigades were number 1 2 4 and 8 in medals in Austro-Hungarian army.
Few days ago you were crying about the ethnic cleansing of Armenians who went back to Armenia voluntarily.
In Srebrenica, you gave the guarantees and what happened? General Janvier got a medal for that " Achievement ". Etc etc
French officer book " Glas vent sur Sarajevo " talks about those betrayals , moreover the book was fully approved by the guy who was him in Sarajevo and later became the Chief of General Stuff of the French Army.
Talk or fart makes no difference to me. I realised a long ago that there is no normal contact with such positions. No point at all no understanding no sympathy from my side. Do you honestly think that you can talk down on me? Keep dreaming

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