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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Indeed, this was clear in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict (if we can call Armenia's surrender a conflict).

I fully support Hezbollah but this is true. There are strong considerations that provide a check on Hezbollah's ability to suddenly start a war with Israel.

It would be better, and more popular within Iraq, for Iraqi resistance forces to use Iranian missiles to strike into Israel. This would, however, be a big escalation and open the PMU up for retribution strikes from Israel, so it would only make sense if Israel launches a brutal ground invasion of Gaza (which would become less popular the longer it continues).

I see another chapter of TRAGEDY unfolding.
Gaza is being pounded heavily - these poor people.

People think war is joke - it is not. Many will die.

Ummah support on the scale that some have assumed is wishful thinking. People have seen what became of ISIL. Numerous lives are ruined. Militia fighting model works in appropriate situations - not in every situation.

People need to stop and come back to the negotiation table.
You got to know me by now, I don't read shit, otherwise how can I educate you. Do you want me to educate you with shit? Irrational I can't replace shit already there with shit. You see I as your psycholog have to respect Medical oath.
Yours Dr Mehmed
Yes you truly read weird obscure shit that nobody else does and mumble like a drunkard "your psycholog friar Dr.Mehmed".

Ajde,balija go to sleep. It's late.

So far all I saw from you for two days was the same BS criticising Hamas, didn't see much criticism of Israeli crimes which are being shared here every few minutes.
And so far all I saw from you is crazy support for every stupidity and war crime Hamas commits in the name of "liberation".

P.S. You don't know me,you don't my life. You don't know that I've supported Palestinians,that I've had friends from there,that I've had Pal friends here too nor that I used to go nuts recording documentaries about Palestine back in the early and mid-2000s,that my Arabic language teacher was Palestinian,that I used to wear a kuffiyah like almost every day outside,that I bought books,I got into debates and fights defending their right to freedom and condemning all the abuse they've been going through.

But all you and some idiots in here do,is call me "zionist" and demand that I somehow "prove" to you that I condemn Israeli crimes. When at the same time,you wankers are all about violence,congratulating every dumb thing a terrorist organisation like Hamas would do,every stupidity without thinking of how the Israelis will reply to Gaza.

But of course,you don't live in Iran. You don't live in Palestine. Heck you're not even in the Middle-East. You're in Britain. Shouting and demanding that everyone goes to war.

So,get out of here. I don't like seeing people brutally killed like that. And I don't think "every yahood is soltzer".

Unless you think every Palestinian is a darrorist.

So gtfo.

And in the end,you know what? I'm neither Muslim nor Jewish. I'm Greek Orthodox. I don't have to side with anyone if you think of it. I'm trying to be unbiased,but you guys are like "either OUR SIDE OR YOU ARE ZIONIST".

Who are you? Bush? "Either with us or against us"?

Get out of here.
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Oh man,you really must be so dumb or so young. WHO? Who will be there? Who will be left? And when? When and how will they fight after this?

You guys don't understand! You still don't understand! I've been saying it since yesterday,that attack made Israel want make sure there will never be anything like that again and you know how they can do that? By making Gaza more miserable and helpless than ever! A massive quarantined zone.

It's already a massive quarantined zone

Resistance is not something you can give up on
I see another chapter of TRAGEDY unfolding.
Gaza is being pounded heavily - these poor people.

People think war is joke - it is not. Many will die.

People need to stop and come back to negotiation tables.

The kind of Ummah support some are assuming is wishful thinking. People have seen what became of ISIL. Many are concerned about their livelihoods in these trying times. Not many are keen to get into fights of others unnecessarily.

Militia fighting model works in appropriate situations - not in every situation and theater.
We dont negociate with terrorists sorry.
Im not gonna negociate something non negociable with someone who negociated about a cow with the Almighty swt.
Please understand islam is peace and love and justice but we have to fight n kill them evil jews. They r evil very bad and evil.
We dont negociate with terrorists sorry.
Im not gonna negociate something non negociable with someone who negociated about a cow with the Almighty swt.
Please understand islam is peace and love and justice but we have to fight n kill them evil jews. They r evil very bad and evil.
Those who want to fight - go ahead.

I have a different (realistic) take on these matters.
Yes you truly read weird obscure shit that nobody else does and mumble like a drunkard "your psycholog friar Dr.Mehmed".

Ajde,balija go to sleep. It's late.

And so far all I saw from you is crazy support for every stupidity and war crime Hamas commits in the name of "liberation".
You little bitch , you got the phrase from your Serbian gsy lover to insult me, you scumbag. I wish that you are around me to batter you and him , 2 of my family ex serves. Cowardly ex Romanian pig herder.
So when I say that bombing and Palestinian homes and abusing Palestinians is wrong,it's ok.

But when I say that Palestinians going door to door killing Israelis is wrong,it's not ok?
You already had my answer
I don't justify the loss of civilians here, but watching western supporters of Israel cry about the ethical conduct here makes me cringe and puke due to their hypocrisy and double standards.
Jebem ti mater u usta prljavi kmetu. Majku ti jebem ,picko jedna. Proizvodu lopota. Mamu ti jebem. Picko da si mi blizu jebo bih ti mater, kurvin sine
@LeGenD This guy just cursed my mother,he said "**** your mother" blah blah,he said a lot more profanities about my mother and after a lot of mother insults and he ended up with a "son of a whore".

Just letting you know.
@LeGenD This guy just cursed my mother,he said "**** your mother" blah blah,he said a lot more profanities about my mother and after a lot of mother insults and he ended up with a "son of a whore".

Just letting you know.
I said similar thing in English, you think that on Pakistani form, which is Muslim you can call me a Muslim bastered? Besides you pretend that you are a Greek, the thing that I said, you gotta know the language to understand it so quickly. So you are a waiter from Serbia, you wannabe Greek
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