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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Ironic considering in usual Zionist operations against Palestinians stuck in open air prison of Gaza over 70% of the casualties are usually civilians. Wonder if we ever saw you condemning that
There is UN resolutions against this. My country urged Israel to stop. EU enforced labeling goods coming from occupied territory (so consumers will stop buying it).
EU is the largest financial humanitarian donor of Palestine.

Could be a bit harsher yes.
But the other side is Hamas we are talking about. The type of people that murder innocent german girls at a music festival for peace and then spit on her and parade her naked mangled body around town .

You then comment how impressive the Hamas kill count is….
By the way Hamas fighters neutralised dozens of IDF soldiers, police officers and intelligence agents in direct combat, including multiple commanders and colonels, all inside Israel. Unlike Israel which prefers to massacre children by dropping 1000lb bombs from F-15 fighter jets in the sky
Israel could made gaza into a parking lot.
But did not.

As soon as Hamas is in a position of power it starts actively hunting down and murdering civilians till their bullets run out.

But you just keep counting dead Jews while trying to preach to me how “biased” we westerners are.
First of all, I don't see any report anywhere from either side showing they went as far as Hebron, that's another part of Israel, which would require another front, and that would be a big news because you can't hide the other front. You would know if Hezbollah have entered west bank whether or not they have taken Hebron.

Second of all, I don't think it's likely that Netanyahu would back down just 1 day after the attack, if so, that either mean the Israeli weren't ready at all for this attack and this attack should have and would have progressed a lot further than it actually did, or Netanyahu just lost his plot. This is not really a big scale attack, that is within the coverage of the IDF to recover those area, I mean it literally would have no meaning to ask for a truce now, for what? They mobilise for reserve and then ask for truce?

And finally, there are always end games with these type of attack, you don't just wake up one day and tell yourself you need to kill some Israeli today, something HAMAS wanted from this, the question I ask is what is it that they are looking at, and how is this attack going to contribute to their plan, and if they are, like you said, have no end game, then this attack, or whatever this is, is doomed to fail.
Netanjahu is overconfidant and corrupt fool who will drag israel in bigger nightmare, their violence strategy without reasonable concesions simply does not work.
Anyway, tipping point where that atiitude will backfire with catastrophic consequences.
Isralel is the biggest villian in this conflict and west has to accept that for any credible approach or fight will continue until someone lose completely
Who cares about forever? WE focus on the present when discussing a topic.

You are forgetting that US-led forces toppled Afghan Taliban setup and defeated Al-Qaeda Network in Tora Bora sector of Afghanistan (the most challenging area to fight battles in Afghanistan) in 2002. Afghan Taliban lost thousands of men and pieces of equipment in this operation and survivors fled to Pakistan.

From that point, war in Afghanistan shifted from CONVENTIONAL phase to COIN phase with CIA in search of Al-Qaeda terrorists who fled to Pakistan. Terrorists do not wear uniforms and chasing these people will take time obviously.

Pakistan provided access to Afghanistan so US had to work with Pakistan to find and nab as many terrorists as possible. Pakistan was in the position to preserve its interests in Afghanistan due to this situation.

What do you think US would have done? Bomb entire cities to dust in search of terrorists? This isn't World War and American survival was not at stake in the war.

But US-led forces did give Taliban nightmares. These people eventually had to come to the negotiation table and accept American condition to not support Al-Qaeda Network in exchange for withdrawal of American troops. This deal was finalized in 2020.

You can talk big from a distance but ask those who experience war and are uprooted in the process.

Afghan War real cost is 1 Trillion USD due to massive logistics lines and creating an alternate Afghanistan government. Who says that it is cheap to rule over a country?

I am just pointing out a simple fact.

Ever seen an Ohio class submarine? This submarine alone can wipe out a continent, let alone Afghanistan. THINK.

US is not lacking in options or insecure. It is a powerful country and looking forward to make profits from these regional conflicts. But who can reason with local hot heads.

US went to eliminate terrorism. Is world more secure now or was in 2001?
US makes money through weapons and selling wars? And you are proud of it. Good for u.
Talking from distance? u forget pak lost the most in the war started by ur super duper america. Are only those 3000 American that were killed humans and the others that were in the aftermath weren't? Spare ur worship of Americans for others. Keep living in present whereas world moves on.

Tangos did not started negotiations, it was US that wanted to exit with some dignity.

Just Remeber Russia has MORE nukes than the US. Think about MAD before thinking US is invincible.
Just seen the IDF Chief on BBC News.

The summary was "we will attack everything everywhere because Hamas is "everywhere" and that includes hospital, schools etc... it will not differeniate anything anywhere for any reason..."

You can imagine the ground work being setup with that statement..
For those who supports occupiers and claiming moral high ground

Still better to piss on dead partisans (mostly) vs portraying a body of a female tourist who was killed and spitten by little children which grew up in brainwashing and hate.
Look who talks about terrorism.
USA is the main culprit behind all the mess in this world.
You never condemned israhell in past 7 decades for their oppression and atrocities.
Isra-hell massacred hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians with aud from daddy USA and you never utter a word and now suddenly you got wake up abd feel some terror attack was done by Muslims.
Even the worst hypocrite has only two faces..... You have a dozen.
Now go back to abyss, you troll.
1920-1948, Total casualties for this period 20,631, including 6,092 fatalities.
1948-2021, Total casualties for this period 63,543, including 31,227 fatalities. (Very high killing of Palestinians by their muslim brothers!)

The State of Palestine has shown limited progress towards achieving the diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets.
42.0% of adult (aged 18 years and over) women and 29.5% of adult men are living with obesity.
The State of Palestine's obesity prevalence is higher than the regional average of 10.3% for women and 7.5% for men.
At the same time, diabetes is estimated to affect 20.7% of adult women and 20.1% of adult men.
The birth rate and population growth are among the highest in the world.
Over half of the population is under 15 years old, and at the current rate of growth the population is doubling approximately every 15 to 20 years.
Life expectancy is 74.16 years, for men 72.48 years and for women 75.95 years.
This means life expectancy in the Gaza Strip is slightly higher than the global average, which is 73 years.
The child mortality rate is 1.546% (world average 2014: 4.8%).

What a Holocaust perpuated by the Kikes on the Palestinians.
Unjustice, yeah.
Genocide? No.
  • 33,771 Jews in initial two-day massacre (29 survived)
  • 100,000–150,000 Jews, Soviet prisoners of war and Romani on later dates
THAT was a good hammering of people who you don't wish to see anymore.
To put things in prespective , this is the worst catastrophy since the creation of Israel.
That's a strange statement considering in 2014 when the Zionist occupying regime invaded Gaza you ritualistically slaughtered >3000 Palestinians, over 70% of them being civilians. And wounded a further 2000 civilians, leaving >1000 children with permanent disabilities.

In the UK we have a saying: what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
1920-1948, Total casualties for this period 20,631, including 6,092 fatalities.
1948-2021, Total casualties for this period 63,543, including 31,227 fatalities. (Very high killing of Palestinians by their muslim brothers!)

The State of Palestine has shown limited progress towards achieving the diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets.
42.0% of adult (aged 18 years and over) women and 29.5% of adult men are living with obesity.
The State of Palestine's obesity prevalence is higher than the regional average of 10.3% for women and 7.5% for men.
At the same time, diabetes is estimated to affect 20.7% of adult women and 20.1% of adult men.
The birth rate and population growth are among the highest in the world.
Over half of the population is under 15 years old, and at the current rate of growth the population is doubling approximately every 15 to 20 years.
Life expectancy is 74.16 years, for men 72.48 years and for women 75.95 years.
This means life expectancy in the Gaza Strip is slightly higher than the global average, which is 73 years.
The child mortality rate is 1.546% (world average 2014: 4.8%).

What a Holocaust perpuated by the Kikes on the Palestinians.
Unjustice, yeah.
Genocide? No.
  • 33,771 Jews in initial two-day massacre (29 survived)
  • 100,000–150,000 Jews, Soviet prisoners of war and Romani on later dates
THAT was a good hammering of people who you don't wish to see anymore.
İsraelis murdered more Iranian but I dont remember Iran declaring war on Israel..
Iran doesnt declare war formally, thats what weak western, sorry NATO military biches do- Iran prepares 100s of thousands or rockets for its enemies it declares war on quietly, and surrounds the enemy with rockets- once enemies are surrounded with rockets, they cant do sht- look at US and ISrael- 40 years of complaining about Iran while telling the world they have the best militaries, and yet they havent entered military action to put Iran "in its place"- facts!!
That's a T-90M, fukcing idiots.
Even more stupid than showing Mi-24/35 from a VIDEO GAME and say Palestinian downed them with a Manpad. :D
There is UN resolutions against this. My country urged Israel to stop. EU enforced labeling goods coming from occupied territory (so consumers will stop buying it).
Has this enforcement stopped illegal settlements or no?
Gaza ghetto uprising?

If true, this conflict could go much wider. The symbolism of an army from Khorasan?

The states in the region would be smart to try to stop the fighting before the symbolism starts a snowball the reverberates through the region.

We're very close to those moments in history but unfortunately there's no good news of victory for the groups of Muslims in the early stages of the fight..
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