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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

India does the same when freedom fighters attack their military.

It's really funny how similar Israel and India are.

They both also destroy entire buildings cause they don't have the ability to actually fight.
I agree with your view about India and Israel being similar in these matters.

But WE are wrong to assume that these countries cannot fight a war. Muslims have learned nothing from defeats left, right, and center.

WE are over-excited to see some tactical gains and fail to understand the bigger picture as I have pointed out in following post:

Perhaps this was the excuse Netanyahu needed to do what he wanted to - massacre Gazans. This was perhaps the dirty plan. IDF authorities are issuing ominous spooky statements. They are preparing to fight the war on multiple fronts, if necessary.

As if Palestinian situation wasn't bad enough - God knows what will happen this time.

Other countries were involved in pacifying Israel before - not sure about this now because Biden administration is not the one to play games.
The inverse can actually happens too you know. Dead muslims Palestinians or not ain't exactly good optic either for Israel and the Arab states.
If it is one or two bodies yeah. But with hundreds of Israelis dead now, all sympathy sections will shut up. For example the likes of Ilhan Omar are now rendered ineffective
You’re just reading sense into a stupid terrorist attack using new found infusion of funds. What do you think Israel is gonna do the the palestines? If Israel unleashes unrestrained recent attacks do Palestine stand any chance ?

There's no terrorist attack Hindu idiot. It's a coordinated military operation called Toofan Al-Aqsa. Israel is already bombing Gaza since yesterday. Do you think we are afraid of them ?? They must stop attacking Palestinian Christian and Muslim holy sites. And must stop attacking Palestinian prisoners. And must stop murdering Palestinians in the West Bank.
"Unprovoked"?? So these people just woke up one morning and decided it was a great day to attack a nuclear power that has one of the best military forces and equipment in the world just for fun, knowing that they are going to be obliterated?? So the bully is the victim?? Come on! This is exactly the kind of attitude of only looking at one side of the problem that keeps this going and pushes the other side into desperation, with only suicidal violence left as an option to be heard. Netanyahu has been laying the ground for this since he got in power, with the constant provocations, and the daily harassment of Palestinians, the border control choking and starving the people and treating Gaza like a giant prisoner camp, the promotion and protection of illegal Israeli colonies encroaching on Palestinian territory and the constant incursions of the army to protect those illegal settlers and/or hunt down "militants" with total disregard for collateral damage among civilians. What about the 230 Palestinians killed and 8500 injured since the beginning of the year?? And the dozens to hundreds killed and thousands to tens of thousands injured every year before that?? Just because you were too blind to see this coming doesn't make it

I agree with you, but you are talking the secondary issues.

Once again, this world is not perfect.
British occupation of the Indian sub-continent took centuries, but in the end, they had to leave.
The same happened in South Africa and peaceful resistance yielded the results in the present era. It took longer than the Palestinian issue.

Hamas does not have the power to protect its civilians against Israel, but it started suicide bombings of Israeli citizens and even in schools and kindergarten (in 2008).

The secular West has to step in to stop Israel from killing Palestinian civilians on the mass level.

But this pressure of the Secular West is absent in countries like India and Myanmar.

Are you not able to see to what happened with Muslims in Myanmar? Which Islamic country came forward to help Muslims in Myanmar? None.

Myanmar either killed or expelled all Muslims and captured all of their land. Israel also has the same (or even more power). Still Israel didn't go for open Genocide of Palestinians like Myanmar, while the Secular West still has enough pressure on Israel.

The secular west is indeed against extremists like Trump and Modi and Bibi. But their power is also limited and they have to face Western far right powers.

The issue is, Jihad and suicide bombing by Muslims have tweaked the Secular forces in the West, and strengthened far-right forces.

Then the issue is Muslim deny to integrate in European culture. They play double standards. They demand the right to preach Islam and convert people to Islam in Europe, but they don't give the same rights to non-Muslims to preach their religion in Muslim majority countries and to convert Muslims to their religion. They banned any criticism of Islam, and they blame criticism of Islam to be blasphemy and kill people for it.

These double standards of Muslims are gradually bringing a lot of hate against them in the West.

I just hope that Muslims also recognise their double standards, and learn to follow Secular values and give equal human rights to non-Muslims.
Better to live your last moments a lion, than an eternity as donkeys (something pakistans dont understand). Glory to Palestine.
If those are the only choices , may be. But there’s the option of living as human beings which should also be considered, especially since human beings have a thinking brain

There's no terrorist attack Hindu idiot. It's a coordinated military operation called Toofan Al-Aqsa. Israel is already bombing Gaza since yesterday. Do you think we are afraid of them ?? They must stop attacking Palestinian Christian and Muslim holy sites. And must stop attacking Palestinian prisoners. And must stop murdering Palestinians in the West Bank.
You sound a bit unhinged , get a grip.
All wars are acts of terror. Hamas just signed Palestine’s death warrant
Religious people like you are a shame for humanity.
These are religious Jews who are against Muslims and who dream of Greater Israel. And these same religious Jews are against poor Homosexuals.
While these are Secular Homosexual communities who want peace and don't want any bloodshed and protest against wars.

In simple words, these religious people from all religions are evils and they fight against each other and kill each other.

While liberal secular people from all cultures and countries are for peace.

Religious people are only suffering from Homophobia due to their religious indoctrination.
I wish things were as simple as you are saying. There are secular Jews who want total annihilation of Palestinians and there are orthodox Jews who want to co-exist with Palestinians. There are practicing muslims who want to kill all Jews and there are practicing muslims who want to co-exist with Jews and i am not talking about governments, i am talking about common people.
Once again, this world is not perfect.
British occupation of the Indian sub-continent took centuries, but in the end, they had to leave.
The same happened in South Africa and peaceful resistance yielded the results in the present era. It took longer than the Palestinian issue.

Please also see the crimes of your own ancestors when they colonised non-Muslim countries. They brought 100% destruction on non-Muslim opponents. They killed their men (or made them slaves). They raped ALL of their women and girls. They didn't even spare small children and they were also made slaves for their entire lives. And all of their properties and land were looted and not a single penny was left for them.

Just look at the crimes of Turkey. Just look at the Genocide of millions of Armenians. Just look how the whole west Armenian is today a part of Turkey and nobody even utters a word about it.

Just look how colonial Iran made Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan, and later the colonial USSR also kept it a part of Azerbaijan, although it was an Armenian land for thousands of years and the majority there was Armenian. Just look how later Azerbaijan changed the demography by settling Azeries in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is exactly the same as how Israel was formed and how Israel settled the Jews in Palestinian land.

Unfortunately, all Muslims show double standards here. They cried only for Palestinian land and rights, but they never raised their voice against the plight of the Armenian people in Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azeris captured this land with the help of colonial Iran and the USSR.
Can you stop derailing topic with your atheistic shity takes. Secular world was root for the biggest evil and atrocities in human history for short period of time, so get the **** out of here with your fake and non existing moral ground
There's no terrorist attack Hindu idiot. It's a coordinated military operation called Toofan Al-Aqsa. Israel is already bombing Gaza since yesterday. Do you think we are afraid of them ?? They must stop attacking Palestinian Christian and Muslim holy sites. And must stop attacking Palestinian prisoners. And must stop murdering Palestinians in the West Bank.
How many troops Hamas currently have ?
If those are the only choices , may be. But there’s the option of living as human beings which should also be considered, especially since human beings have a thinking brain

You sound a bit unhinged , get a grip.
All wars are acts of terror. Hamas just signed Palestine’s death warrant
And who is oppressors free the land of Palestinian problem solved
India does the same when freedom fighters attack their military.

It's really funny how similar Israel and India are.

They both also destroy entire buildings cause they don't have the ability to actually fight.

Pakistan did the same in East Pakistan (i.e. Bangladesh).
The Pakistani army is doing the same against the Baluch liberation movement, which is a terrorist organisation for them. One man's hero is another man's terrorist.
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