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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is the most surprising part of this development for me. Aside from how coordinated this entire operation has been by Hamas is how they got a hold of these gliders? This is quite remarkable considering the materials blockade imposed on Gaza that most likely the parts were smuggled in separately and then assembled inside the strip. Most likely equipment sent by Iran I would think, but how did they get in and how many under all the supposed watchful eyes?

Same with those mini MLRS. They obviously came in by land which is an indication that not only are new items being smuggled in, but new items and technology of a different scale.

Seeing them using drones to drop bomblets on merkavas is stunning, but not surprising considering the obvious inspiration to that technique. This might be the biggest weapon they could use in this whole ordeal.
Palestinians are only enjoying the security that is provided by Western Countries,
lies- Palestinians are enjoying the security they earned for themselves by improvign their ability to attack Israel effectively.
which don't let Israel blindly kill Palestinians.
lies- Israel has been killing Palestinians at free will all this while. Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians.
Otherwise, Israel can attack, capture and kill all terrorists in the Gaza Strip within hours.
no it can't anymore, because its afraid of losses and depressed morale in society from seeing captured Israeli military officials, like this general that Hamas just captured.
Or perhaps it does not even need to enter Gaza to do this job,
rubbish again- Its afraid of entering Gaza now because of the losses Israel will have to absorb- why did IDF stay away from penetrating Gaza during the last clashes??? Gaza sniper and mortar teams are close to the border and will damage IDF invader forces! IDF knows it, and thats why they have stayed out of Gaza despite all the power you say they have, miss me with all your fake lies. Also, the Israeli airforce was only able to take out 20% of hamas's rocket stockpile during the last fighting, and ISrael is intercepting fewer and fewer Gaza rockets and missiles with every new mini-war.
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Getting tens if thousands of your own people killed , just to cause embarrassment to an enemy intelligence agency ..is that a victory?

That is just barbarism if epic proportions.

Enough is enough, sitting around yelling will do nothing to change. Not like they care anyway. So either die idling or die trying to fight back and face death. All the same either way for Palestinian.
Well I never support the killing of civilians but Israel is the guilty party here because of its decades long oppression of the Palestinian people. I do feel bad for the people of Gaza though because you know the Israeli psychopaths will use this as a reason to murder as many Palestinian children as possible.
Don't exaggerate. Tet was a massive operation.
Yes, it was. And instead of Egypt or Lebanon or Syria, it was Iran as neighbor, there would be a Tet Offensive.
Palestinians are Muslims and they must never stop resisting against a oppressor, yes they will lose people disproportionately but that doesn't mean you stop fighting. Freedom is everything
The outcome for Palestinians is very very obvious: Either they become boot-polishers of European Jews in Palestine or they die off or they get their sovereignty and dignity. It is up to them to choose.

If Hizbollah and Syria join in too then the Israelis can be brought back to the civilised world and negotiate a long lasting peace settlement.
Both Lebanon and Syria are in ruins anyway. What's to lose? But then I am sitting a safe distance...
I have condemned Israeli occupation and oppression numerous times. Do you guys even read that? Or you just like the post when I write at a thread and then forget it?
Unlike some others' posts, I don't skip reading your posts and I still say you are playing both sides of the divide and are drawing a false moral equivalency. You really need to recognize the elephant in the room and take a clear stand--and History/Posterity will vindicate your stand.

Here are Palestinian monkey terrorists, anyone want a video of me kicking their head?
Hamas fights against Israel for its land under a UN resolution. Today's attack shatters Israel's misconception of land resistance, general catch, it only occurs without land associations. Partaith Israel moves geopolitically from resistance. Unlike Ukraine, Palestinians are terrorists because of EU double standards.
I support Palestine and condemn terrorism perpetrated by Israel, but what Hamas is doing will invite a huge response from IDF.

That will give them a free hand to massacre civilians under pretext of going after Hamas.

I think the same but I don think this attack was done without Hezbollah permission

Hezbollah has reached the Northern Israeli border and is waiting

if Israel goes into Gaza then Hezbollah will open a second front for sure
hey loser keep crying after billions and billions small militia in 18 minutes took more land than your Ukrainian friends did in 18 months

and this small group of militia didn't even have any proper weapons and Israel is considered one of the top ten militaries in the world
The fight aint over yet,
Its a 15 round finale..
Security that Israel does not blindly attack and kill civilians in the Gaza Strip.
because Israel can't! Israel is now military deterred by the militias in its neighborhood- good! its crime spree against Arabs will hopefully end soon.
But if Hamas is blindly firing thousands of Rockets on Israeli citizens and killing them,
Hamas does this on will now, Israeli deterrence against it has evaporated.
then Israel will also retaliate,
it does, and....
and this time Western Secular forces cannot stop Israel from doing it.
but what will Israel achieve this time that is different or better than its last clashes with Hamas this engagement is already off to a bad start and Israelis have been taken prison- the Gilad Shalit nightmare horror again!
It is the same that Hamas was doing dozens of suicide attacks before 2008.
what does this have to do with the miltiary clashes today that wealthy, technologically advanced Israeli military can't peform well in anymore?
But after that, the wall was built and then Hamas was not able to do a single suicide attack from 2008 till today.
because it has rockets and a military arsenal to fight Israel with, which is still so little compared to Houthis or HEzbollah, and IDF still cant even shut Hamas down, actually hamas is a miracle militia and ISraeli military is a formal dissapointment- poor results against poorly armed militia forces.

It may be Hamas kill some Israelis today, but they are going to suffer badly now.
shut up- they didnt suffer much from the last 2 clashes with ISrael that Gaza and Hamas won- so what changes this time? Israel still doesnt know how to win modern wars!

You all are going to have to give me some credit today though- how many times have i said it that Israel's military is a paper tiger? I said it a bunch of times, even to this troll @Beny Karachun , but today we see the evidence that i was correct. Sure i was, go Gaza until freedom, peace and dignity for Palestinians.

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