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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Unlike some others' posts, I don't skip reading your posts and I still say you are playing both sides of the divide and are drawing a false moral equivalency. You really need to recognize the elephant in the room and take a clear stand--and History/Posterity will vindicate your stand.
False moral equivalency? Because I don't like Hamas acting like a jihadist group (which they are),raiding neighborhoods and killing random people?
Now you realise why Hindus were humiliated for a thousand years

Palestinians are Muslims and they must never stop resisting against a oppressor, yes they will lose people disproportionately but that doesn't mean you stop fighting. Freedom is everything

Thank you for your service in the cause. Where are you currently resisting oppression?
I think the same but I don think this attack was done without Hezbollah permission

Hezbollah has reached the Northern Israeli border and is waiting

if Israel goes into Gaza then Hezbollah will open a second front for sure
Sorry but what will Hezbollah do in the north? Invade Israel, is that what you’re implying?

The IDF will use overwhelming response with their army, airforce and navy to attack Hezbollah positions.

My guess is the Hamas and Hezbollah are doing this just when the Saudis and their allies were going to recognize Israel. This will have huge repercussions on diplomatic talks between Israel and the Arab countries.
Time to turn Gaza into a parking lot

New York resembling a parking lot after 11. sep 2001.
Those were inside Israeli territory. They had nothing to do with settlements.

Cry me a river? If Indian soldiers raided the outskirts of Karachi or Islamabad and shot anyone they found and kidnapped people to take back to Uttar Pradesh...would you say "Cry me a river"? Oh you might have. Because you live in Britain,you don't really care.
There is no israhelli territory inside Palestine.
Stupid and barbarians... if you are doing jihad, why are you letting emotions drive you crazy.. even if these civilians have served compulsory military training, they are not legitimate targets.. May Allah give us hidayah.
But given the fact that Israel consistently targets and kills Palestinian civilians and children (administrative detention? smh), Gaza militias targetting Israeli civilians is fair game- same rules. Dont start playing moral right now when its Israeli civilians dying, you have kept your mouth shut all this while that Israel has been attacking, detaining, killing Palestinian civilians for all bad reasons. Palestinians are living under apartheid and you have the audacity to come here and try to claim Israeli civilians are innocent? they support the state and its policies, so they are complicit- trying to be right is what got Israel's butt beat up here in the first place.
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