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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

funniest thing is those telling us “Hamas has no idea what it has done”there is nothing that screams superiority complex more than thinking that the various factions of the Palestinian Resistance are clueless arm-bearing people with no plans
She was dead already. And remember,doing that to a woman (even if she is a soldier) looks very different to people,than being a man. It strikes something in most people's eyes.
Unfortunately fighting like losers is like a fetish for Muslims everywhere. These same Palestinians who are pretending to be victors will soon be extracting babies from rubble and asking why is this happening to them.
I can count 7-8 regional flashpoints in a snap. Kosovo, Caucasus, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, etc. These are some of the wars around our country. If we take Pakistan as a center, there are at least 4-5 high-risk issues in Asia that are accumulating tensions. At the top of these are major fault lines such as the Kashmir issue and Taiwan, which can easily drag the whole world into chaos. If you ask me, the 2020-2030 period is the period in which decades-long tensions in every region of the world evolve into regional wars. The period between 2030-2040 will be the period of global war in which the existing global order will be reset. There is no escape from this, the world is having a hard time carrying these tensions anymore. As long as the current order insists on not flexing, the severity of the possible break will be high.

Yes sir. Very inciteful.
It is not off-topic to say: I have repeatedly said here the sooner the Russia-Ukraine war winds down, the better, otherwise it is going to becoming a regional and then a World War. There is no way Putin can afford to lose that war and from that point, one can start to draw conclusions. Study the two World Wars--they were based in the Eurasian continent. But you would find even relatively distant countries joining in, one way or another, to advance their own geopolitical goals in the Fog of War. Look at what Azerbaijan just did??!

If I could get away, I'd move to a place like New Zealand or some other remote countries like Fiji or distant Pacific island nations. Crap storm is coming especially for Eurasians, in which I also include the MENA region.
Unfortunately fighting like losers is like a fetish for Muslims everywhere. These same Palestinians who are pretending to be victors will soon be extracting babies from rubble and asking why is this happening to them.

Palestinians are already extracting babies and dead from rubble prior to this attack. Their homes are being snatched in broad daylight. Let's not pretend that this isn't happening.
I don’t think so. It will be contained with in the region. Israel will dispense punishment on Palestinian civilians while they eliminate hamas and the Muslim brathars will watch it happen. They are already conditioned to turn a blind eye.

Hamas really fcked themselevs up bad this time and took down any idea of a future state of Palestine

It will be absolute bloodshed.

Don't flatter yourself.. aukat Nehi hain ..

Aur ha, tel ki sisi😁😁

Phuddu, enhanced nukes phenkenge.

We are not Timbuktu, Indian phuddu.
Generally, luring in IDF forces in to pre determined kill zones, where massing direct and indirect firepower will be brought to bear. ATGMs as usual, maybe MANPADS this time as well. Appears like Hamas guys who have infiltrated are holding civilian and military hostages as well.....hostage clearing will be complex considering israeli lives involved....coming to war termination strategy, Hamas would look for an early exit, IDF will like to achieve its war aims before any such thing. We may possibly see a strong sea blockade by israel as well, coupled with stopping of food supplies and utilities.....random thoughts for now.
Strategic outcomes/objs would be very complex considering the immense amount of geopolitics involved. If Hezbollah joins the fight then the fight would become pretty interesting.
But remaining to tactical lvl, holding of maximum hostages is vital and will nullify IAF, MANPADs to counter helis/drones.
60/80 mm mortars, man portable jammers, NVGs and IEDs.
Setting up road blocks and placing IEDs, mines then directing mortar, atgm, uav fire. Hamas must also use this imbalance and confusion in IDF command to get in as many reinforcements as possible. Tonight will be crucial in this regard. Moreover Hamas must be careful that they don't get too tempted by the initial successes that they lose cohesion and thin out.
Striking nearby airbases albeit unsuccessfully, with Hezbollah's assistance may also help in delaying a counter attack.
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Yes indeed. This has been happening for decades.

However,you must understand how:

1.Killing civilians doesn't give you the moral high ground.
2.This destroys your image of the Palestinian resistance and cause.
3.This makes Palestinian people look bad worldwide.

Check out Hizbollah in Lebanon. Ever since they stopped targetting civilians and using terrorist tactics,I think it was in the late '90s or early 2000s,most of the world started seeing them differently. As soon as they acted like a real "resistance",let's say,they had a kind of more "legitimacy" in a big part of the Lebanese people and the world's eyes.

The provocation of Netanyahu and the extremist right bombing Palestinians in their homes for months has created this disaster.
Israel remains unaccountable for destroying any possibility of a separate nation status.
They have refused to enhance a peaceful coexistence. Hamas freedom fighters organisation and should be held to account but there needs to be recognition of how this destruction has been allowed to evolve.
Unfortunately Nations will begin to take sides but the issue will not be resolved it will just continue with the unnecessary death's of the innocent caught in the crossfire.
The question right now, is how can/will the USA support Israel in this operation. That will be interesting to watch for sure.

If you are following the American news, there is a growing anti-war movement led by a fringe Republican group in the US Congress but they were influential enough to have brought down their own Speaker of the US House of Representative a few days ago: The 'Litmus Test', as NY Times calls, to be a rebel/real Republican, is to vote against funding Ukraine.
But, of course, when it comes to Israel, the Israeli Lobby is too powerful for almost all American politicians. Israelis will keep bleeding America.
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