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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Scaring the public to coerce them to leave is a war tactic, and mostly tied to trying to expel the Palestinians once and for all. All the build up troops is mostly to scare people so they would leave, while why they actually want to do is use small units (at night, under the cover of air strikes) to go through the tunnels to find the hostages and then use air power until they are satisfied they got enough of Hamas to show victory. I don’t think they’re “scared” but trying to use every method to avoid visible troop losses.

The following is what they are probably thinking:
They are prisoners of war. 127 are Israeli soldiers. You're right about what they're trying to do. I was more along the lines of saying they're afraid of putting lots of troops into Gaza. It will be limited number as they're unable to absorb casualties.
According to ex Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink on his recent podcast, he says blown up buildings are excellent structure for fighting invaders. Blowing up the buildings does not help remove structure.
Sure. When our squadron received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, we received briefings on how to destroy tall buildings as how they can be used by Iraqi sharpshooters and as ambush layouts. Destroying tall(er) structures put Iraqi soldiers on the same level as Armor. In this case, putting Hamas fighters on the same level as Israeli Armor.
I know it does, but for Merkava with Trophy, you need to attack it vertically from the top. Drone maybe or a top attach ATG. AFAIK, Iran doesn't have a top attack ATGM.

Droners are a ton easier to take out compared to Kornet... No tank is safe, Ukraine is living proof.
They will gain it back, especially if Israel destroys Hamas and no excuse is left when the Palestinians continue to live under apartheid or worse, are wholesale expelled. The statement by the minister that the intent was to expel the all the Palestinians of Gaza to the Sinai will also win them sympathy, especially after he said it was “well thought out”. The pretext of solely going after the killers of Israeli civilians will be exposed for the intention to carry out the Webster’s definition of ethnic cleaning.

And doing something to stop this is actually US law.


Biden should remember what he said when he stood up against the ethnic cleansing of the people of Bosnia.

It is day 10, and I am becoming pessimistic that there is any way to destroy Hamas without destroying Gaza. Also, how to destroy all the 'Gaza subway' system without destroying Gaza? Once Gaza is destroyed, where will 2 million people live? Even Without a single person being killed by a bomb this war has humanitarian catastrophe written all over it. In fact, in the end, as in all wars, the number of people killed directly by a bomb will be a fraction of the war casualties.
More non-Muslim Nations Standing with Palestine. Where as Muslim Nations leaders are nowhere to be seen .... Especially the current Corrupt Pakistani Establishment aka Beggars can't be Choosers Cucks!

Important!! It is close to 9AM. Doesn't seem any aid will be allowed into Gaza nor will foreign nationals be able to leave:


Salama Maarouf, head of the government media office in Gaza, told Al-Ghad TV: We have not received any communications or confirmations from the relevant authorities about the existence of a humanitarian truce today.

As the occupying power, they will claim control for the air, “legally”. Any other country that flies in takes a risk. I’d assume Egyptian aircraft, for example, stay a notable distance from the border.
There has to be clause, law, rule to over turn this claim of control.
Ceasefire is a lie. Israel is threatening to bomb the humanitarian aid going into Gaza. As a result, Egypt won't allow US nationals in Gaza to leave. Because it wants the aid to go in. Israeli Jewish ISIS Nazi regime will probably start making threats against Egypt soon.


The US Embassy in Israel: It is not clear whether travelers will be allowed to cross the Rafah crossing

Demonstration is rising up in Pakistan which make them sh*t in pants so a little lip service to calm down peoples nothing else more.
A really great speech explaining why the Israel is Lying and the Western Media Lies about Palestine. And why people believe them...

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