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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Bolded part. Yes, absolutely.
The sooner this conflict is resolved, the better for Israel and its backers. Resources and attention needs to be refocused on Ukraine but that can't happen enough if a major war in the Middle East drags on.

Biden opened too many fronts; a good thing was he DID close the Afghanistan front otherwise imagine what kind of damage Russians would have done to Americans there!! But Biden, the ivory tower liberal, needled China for too long, called MBS a 'pariah', refused to engage the elected Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, didn't make enough gestures to Iran--and now reneged on the $6 billion deal--and of course not even slapped Netanyahu's 'extremist' regime on the wrist, leading to the Hamas action.

Biden will be known as the worst American President at least as far as foreign policy!!
Most of what you said is true but, he has been good for us. So on that one front, I will disagree but not on others.

Good thing is that, he corrected on MBS.

I think there is lot more to this Hamas attack, some players behind scenes. No way they did this on their own, but it will take time to come out or maybe never even.

He can't do anything to Bibi now, no way its possible. Though IDF has to be really careful, on what they do. The support they have now, can met like ice.
I am worried that CIA isis can do some nonsense and then Kristallnacht in usa and Europe. Anyway it is coming but sooner than I thought

Yes, I also think that there's a high chance false flag attacks, to be blamed on Muslims, are being prepared to justify increased oppression of Muslims and more military support for Israel.

9/11 was the biggest false flag done by the Anglo-Zionists, but there were a whole series of them in the UK, France, Spain etc. Any country that wanted to join the war in Islam first slaughtered its own citizens and blamed Muslims.

Even Canada orchestrated a false flag but, because Canada is more civilized, they arrested the Muslim patsies before they launched any attack. I even know of a man with a huge beard who worked for the intelligence agencies and went around recruiting young, gullible Muslim guys.

The Hamas operation caught them by surprise, so they're probably scrambling to organize some gruesome outrages. Muslims in the West should keep an eye out for recruiters and protect their young people.
excuse me, but jewish people were never natives to palestine.
they first appeared in Arabia, probably the south of it later they moved to egypt until they were out of egypt during prophet Moses.
they entered Palestine way after Moses' death.
The point is if Palestinians and Jews are both descendants of Canaanites, and especially if many Palestinians have some Jewish ancestry but are now Christians and Muslims, then one of the biggest arguments of Israelis falls flat.

This is one possible way Palestinians can argue to win over international audiences and counter the argument Israelis give, trying to use biblical scripture or genetics. Obviously some will never be convinced, but many liberal and scientifically minded people will see the Palestinians as the natives of the land.
Not really

Russia is returning the favor to West

If this conflict drags on, Russia will benefit. Depends on what action, the other regional players take -- particularly Hezbollah and Iran.

The Syrians are weak cucks that is why ....

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