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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I think this is more related to the EEZ and the Turkish drilling efforts because the US strike groups are in that area, perhaps Turkey wants to show their presence and declare their EEZ? Or is it for the Palestinians, hmm

It must be because they're going to declare war and sink the two aircraft carriers, all the US subs, and all the US destroyers

As the United States Navy is no match for the Turk Navy
What this conflict highlights to me is that Israel’s military stock of ammunition is extremely low. A few days and they are out of ammunition.

Any serious actor that was going to take on Israel should logically focus on taking out all the resupply routes which are airports and airfields asap, ports/harbours. This will constrain the ability of other countries to resupply Israel.
And not for the first time!
Egypt should buy the Chinese J10C planes or Russian su35s. Whats the point of spending billions on fighter jets which are restricted and useless to defend Egypt.
Wastage of money. Egypt, Lebanon, Syria--all non-Israel regional countries, with the exception of Turkey, would be wasting money on expensive fighter crafts. Americans excel in carpet bombing: Hardly any risk for Americans but can destroy the military basis and oil refineries etc in days. Nah, to bring Israel to negotiating table needs war of constant cheap rockets fired from multiple directions for a sustained period--and that's what Scott Ritter is also calling for as 'tragically needed' to give Israel a 'strategic defeat'. Israel's narrow geography and its First World living standards are its Achilles Heel. There is not question about that.

Look at HAMAS, they are a small organization, 1200 fighters infiltrated and created chaos. the IDF declared war against Hamas which operates out of an open air prison. Despite the weakness of Hamas, the west rushed to assist with strike groups, airplanes, and other equipment/support. The paper tiger melts in rain, even if it is a drizzle.
Hamas is more than 1200--on Oct. 7, I think 2000 infiltrated into Israel. But I see your point.

As crazy as it sounds, Iran and Russia are the winners here, why? Well, Iran stopped Israel normalization ties with Saudi Arabia (which would have been big), and the west now has to cut Ukraine funding which benefits Russia. Poor Israel played by Iran textbook style, where is the mozzad?

Yup! And great insight!! It is not for nothing that it is the first time Putin has not shown his usual sympathies with Israel.
Evacuation of US embassy in Israel means Israel as a country is accepted formally as a huge war zone. In a war zone, anything can happen anywhere.
American body bags in an election year will be very bad for Biden! Remember how much political ground Hillary lost when the American Embassy officials were killed in Libya?? Politicians here have two goals: Get into power and stay in power.
Let's look at the IDF's weakness. only 8 days ago if Hezbollah targeted IDF military installation in northern Israel with guided missiles, mortars, artillery, etc. the IDF would have declared war. But look at them now, quietly exchanging fire with Hezbollah and walking carefully on a thin line. This shows you what a paper tiger this tiny country is.
Fully agree with you on this summary.
Whenever the west glorifies someone as strong in their movies, media, etcc then be sure they are not strong. Good example is Russia, prior to the Ukraine war the US though Russia was not to be messed with, pop culture glorified Russia as a major military power and look in Ukraine, what do you see?

Same is for the IDF, glorified beyond rationality.
I disagree with you on this one, because the opposite was the reality- If US knew how resiliently Russia would handle this war against NATO via its proxy Ukraine, it probably wont have allowed Russian red lines that triggered this military conflict to be crossed. US underestimated Russia, and that is what is backfiring now- US lost many wars because it underestimated its adversaries.
How people in the Trump administration (other then Trump himself) negotiated, and probably how Blinken probably thinks about negotiating.

Palestinians pounding Tel Aviv:

Don’t be surprised the Russian start arming Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon.

Interesting times.
Serious question what's the Russians got to lose now, getting US and its allies bogged down there might help them finish up whatever they are trying to do in Ukraine. Only think which comes to mind Is do they have equipment to spare probably need it for their Ukraine campaign.
It must be because they're going to declare war and sink the two aircraft carriers, all the US subs, and all the US destroyers

As the United States Navy is no match for the Turk Navy
Especially when US Navy is going into the black sea.🤣
It must be because they're going to declare war and sink the two aircraft carriers, all the US subs, and all the US destroyers

As the United States Navy is no match for the Turk Navy
Since no one has written anything like this, let us not water it down?

The announcement of NAVTEX and the firing exercise is a political message. It is a show of presence in the region. Egypt should do the same. This region is adjacent to the territorial waters of these countries, we are not countries coming from 5000 km away.

On the other hand, we are owed a UAV from the US, but that account will be settled elsewhere.
Al-Qassam Brigades fires a “Mutabar” missile towards an Israeli “Hermes 450” drone in the sky of Khan Yunis

Yes, the calls for attacks is done by Jewish Mossad agents. Palestine is winning the information war. Palestine will be free. If you want you to participate in a rally, sure. If you harm anyone, may Allah destory you and shame you as a Mossad agent Jew. You will not receive any honor among us.
What possibly can be done now? Islamic world has bought over 200 Rafals and none of them can make a single complex part. Out of suckling up to absolutely anybody, each country has a couple different systems for the same purpose. I doubt that it will change much. Only Turkiye has almost complet naval system, but is good for apart for Turkiye? I wonder , what could had been done if 20 bn and extra 2000 3000 engineers supported that
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