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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What possibly can be done now? Islamic world has bought over 200 Rafals and none of them can make a single complex part. Out of suckling up to absolutely anybody, each country has a couple different systems for the same purpose. I doubt that it will change much. Only Turkiye has almost complet naval system, but is good for apart for Turkiye? I wonder , what could had been done if 20 bn and extra 2000 3000 engineers supported that
TR needs another 10 years in which it will not be drawn into any war. The naval industrial ecosystem is largely complete, except for BMD systems, but projects are still maturing in some critical areas.
Since no one has written anything like this, let us not water it down?

The announcement of NAVTEX and the firing exercise is a political message. It is a show of presence in the region. Egypt should do the same. This region is adjacent to the territorial waters of these countries, we are not countries coming from 5000 km away.

On the other hand, we are owed a UAV from the US, but that account will be settled elsewhere.

Well my comment was complete sarcasm. As two battle carrier groups have more Firepower than any Navy in that region. To think otherwise is dreaming. They will leave the area when they want to leave the area. No one will make them leave the area.

If Turkey wants to hold exercises that's of course their business
What possibly can be done now? Islamic world has bought over 200 Rafals and none of them can make a single complex part. Out of suckling up to absolutely anybody, each country has a couple different systems for the same purpose. I doubt that it will change much. Only Turkiye has almost complet naval system, but is good for apart for Turkiye? I wonder , what could had been done if 20 bn and extra 2000 3000 engineers supported that
Arab petro-states need to invest more money into military R&D, own the rights and the complete access to its usage.

Literally even if they don't want to do it themselves they can fund Pakistan's R&D facilities who don't have much resources and can own the rights to technology developed.

The only path to freedom is military might that doesn't rely on others.
What possibly can be done now? Islamic world has bought over 200 Rafals and none of them can make a single complex part. Out of suckling up to absolutely anybody, each country has a couple different systems for the same purpose. I doubt that it will change much. Only Turkiye has almost complet naval system, but is good for apart for Turkiye? I wonder , what could had been done if 20 bn and extra 2000 3000 engineers supported that

They need for collaboration along Muslim states is immense

The finance is there to support multiple projects across multiple states to support each other and make multiple systems

The Arabs especially look at western weapons in the same way they look at say a Ferrari or Lamborghini, a shiny status symbol

Pakistan has struggled with financing projects for years, this slows progress

Like you said imagine what Turkey could achieve with 20 extra billion and more engineers
How people in the Trump administration (other then Trump himself) negotiated, and probably how Blinken probably thinks about negotiating.

I just want to see the look on Blinken's face and how much he would be shaking if the Israeli incursion is a failure and their troops are humiliated and captured in Gaza.
Sisi and other Egyptian generals held their relations with Russia when the Russia-Ukraine war started. They have nuclear reactors for renewable energy from Russia and also sent weapons to Russia.

They didn’t crumble and sell everything out like Pakistani babbu generals. But they also have a lot of problems they need to work on as well.
they may have relations with russia but let's get real , 70% of Egyptian military equipment is western, do you think they would do anything against the west ? no more spare parts for our f-16 or rafale or abrams or fremm frigates or gowind corvetes or the 2 shitty helicopters carriers bought from france etc.

sisi wanted to sell 40000 non guided rockets to russia but cia found out and the deal has stopped. but that doesn't mean he is against the west, he just licks both of the asses.
I just want to see the look on Blinken's face and how much he would be shaking if the Israeli incursion is a failure and their troops are humiliated and captured in Gaza.

If the invasion of gaza is repelled and Israeli forces suffer higher than sustainable casualties. In my opinion I think US will have no choice but to intervene militarily and that will be the “invasion of Poland” moment for the rest of the world that matters.
What possibly can be done now? Islamic world has bought over 200 Rafals and none of them can make a single complex part. Out of suckling up to absolutely anybody, each country has a couple different systems for the same purpose. I doubt that it will change much. Only Turkiye has almost complet naval system, but is good for apart for Turkiye? I wonder , what could had been done if 20 bn and extra 2000 3000 engineers supported that
give the gulf countries money to turkey or pakistan (under patriot leaders) or malaysia and you will see wonders.
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