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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This applies both side. Hamas should have left the civilian alone as well, this is the reason why the collective west are giving Israeli blank cheque to cash and latitude to do what they are about to do. If you ask me, taking Israeli civilian hostage is pretty stupid move because that you cannot be denied that it is done intentionally, you can accidentally kill some civilian in a firefight with IDF, but you can't "accidentally" take civilian hostage, for me, the taking of 150 or so hostage is worse than killing 1200 Israeli....

Had Hamas focus on military target only, they may be able to garner some sympathy in moderate country, the problem is, this detail ops is shown to be target civilian on day 1, that's for them loses their moral high ground for it. The result is quite clearly shown by the Palestinian support rally around the world. It had dwindled a lot since this war.

On the other hand, I don't think this will benefit Gaza, because I don't think this is a one-off thing, a logical approach for Israel is that they will either constantly going into Gaza or they would occupy Gaza to inhibit any Hamas development. They know if they go in and kick the hornet nest and then leave, they are only looking at a bigger attack some year down the road, that will mean they are going to be ongoing operation.
Hamas attacked Military posts and kidnapped Israelis and why shouldn't they as Israel has kidnapped 50000 Palestinians who are incarcerated in concentration camps ;also Israel has murdered 100s of thousands over decades? The amount of BS and contradictions the Zion US media is coming out with is laughable. All the victims they show are models , babies were beheaded but no evidence, but then they show Hamas soldiers holding babies in their hands, I was having breakfast in a hotel in Michigan and every second the CNN was blurting out how Hamas beheaded babies , raped women and how brave the Israelis were blah blah blah. They seemed to be an extension of the Israeli propaganda campaign with the sole purpose of brainwashing the American puiblic in supporting the impending genocide of the Palestinian people.
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I really appreciate your detailed observation and you did post the facts about pure military things but i think it is subadequate for overall picture as the modern wars, especially in western hemisphere, are not conducted only by army, sure you are aware of that, so plethora of other factors are in that game, lets say those are flaws of democracy which are obstacle and counterparts are aware of it as they all need to do is to survive and be last on hill.
Western countries simply can not hold their population agitated towards wars for long time, so eventually they become loosers.
US already have so many bases around the world that it does not need to keep more. If you take a look at American global footprint, you will be shocked. It is like British Empire 2.0 but it is not officially declared for "obvious reasons."

American planners have strategic patience and game. They defeated Soviet Union in a 43 year long Cold War with chess like strategic moves. Vietnam was but one of the moves that misfired but US improved its game.

Some think on short term basis. They want to see US pummel a country to oblivion. What for? You do not have to use a sledgehammer to beat a fly if it is annoying you. A plastic swatter will do.
There is a US DOS DHC8-300 which flew out of Abu Ghraib (Iraq) and currently in a holding pattern outside Haifa along with other civilian aircraft, this is most likely the beginning of the evacuation of the US Embassy in Israel.
People here are screaming security failure in Israel etc.

Bibi was under extreme pressure because of internal politics.

it's not a spontaneous reaction but a well planned and orchestrated action to commit genocide against the Palestinian people egged on by US weapons.
MIDAS / Haztollah Air Ambulance callsign 4X-BHT just took off from BEER SHIVA
Last post before I go to bed but some thought came to mind what if China attack Taiwan ? Isn’t it’s strategic time for China? I hope and will pray for peace because every human being deserve to live. Good night everyone
US has enough forces and military industrial base to fight wars on multiple continents.
Its sad how obsessed they are that they create multiple ID's.
Honestly my 9 year old has more knowledge.

The ignorance is next
Level. I see many Indians stupidly blindly attempting to show phall shappart for Israel - whilst displaying Hitler avatars. Next level thickness. Incredible Indians showing themselves up.
Honestly my 9 year old has more knowledge.

The ignorance is next
Level. I see many Indians stupidly blindly attempting to show phall shappart for Israel - whilst displaying Hitler avatars. Next level thickness. Incredible Indians showing themselves up.
Indian RSS extremists have a fascination with Hitler and the Hitler youth, these idiots don't understand that Hitler would have likely chucked them all in the sea.


Sunak promises Israel ‘unqualified support in face of evil’ – but makes no mention of Gaza’s plight​

Keir Starmer also backs Israel but issues call for all parties to act in line with international law

Toby Helm Political Editor
Sat 14 Oct 2023 14.07 EDT

Rishi Sunak has voiced “unequivocal” UK support for Israel “not just today, not just tomorrow, but always” in a lengthy statement to mark one week since Hamas militants murdered 1,300 Israeli civilians and soldiers, and took more than 150 people hostage. The prime minister’s remarks – in which he makes no mention of the plight of innocent Palestinians now trapped in Gaza, or the need for their safe evacuation – come amid growing political tensions in the UK over how to respond to Israel’s retaliatory bombing of Gaza, and its orders to more than 1 million Palestinians to flee their homes for their own safety.
Senior Labour figures believe the Conservatives are deliberately trying to paint them as less supportive of Israel, and to suggest that some on the left of the party are somehow sympathetic to Hamas and antisemitic, because they are pro-Palestinian.

“They are definitely trying to play politics with us,” said one senior figure, who suggested the Tories wanted to reopen divisions within Labour over support for Israel and issues around antisemitism.
In his 300-word statement, Sunak tells the Israeli people and the Jewish community in the UK that they will have his government’s unstinting, unqualified support in the face of evil, and that it will do everything in its power to address a surge in antisemitism cases over the past week.
“I know that the days and weeks ahead will continue to be very difficult. To the people of Israel, I say: Britain is with you. What took place was an act of pure evil and Israel has every right to defend itself. We will do everything we can to support Israel in restoring the security it deserves,” the prime minister says.
“To our Jewish community in the UK: I know you are hurting and reeling from these vile terrorist acts. At moments like this, when Jewish people are under attack in their homeland, Jewish people everywhere can feel less safe. We’ve seen intimidating behaviour and shameful antisemitism online and on our streets with attempts to stir up tensions. I say: not here. Not in Britain. Not in our country. Not in this century. We will do everything we possibly can to protect Jewish people in our country. And if anything is standing in the way of keeping the Jewish community safe, we will fix it.”
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Abu Dhabi on 14 October, part of a tour of six Arab capitals to build pressure on Hamas.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Abu Dhabi on 14 October, part of a tour of six Arab capitals to build pressure on Hamas. Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AFP/Getty Images
Sunak’s approach, avoiding any reference to Palestinians in Gaza, where yesterday women and children were killed as they were trying to flee, contrasts with that of the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, who has stressed that while Israel has the “right, indeed obligation to defend itself … how Israel does this matters”.

Blinken reiterated his calls for the protection of civilians in both the Gaza Strip and Israel as the Israeli military ordered half of the Palestinian territory’s population to evacuate in advance of an expected ground assault.
Blinken met his Saudi Arabian counterpart in Riyadh yesterday as he began a third day of intense Middle East diplomacy aimed at preventing the Israel-Hamas war from expanding into a regional conflict and worsening the humanitarian crisis. Both stressed the importance of minimising the harm to civilians as Israel prepared for an anticipated incursion against Hamas.
Keir Starmer also released a statement to mark one week since the attack. “In the days that have followed we have heard horrific stories of the murder and mutilation of men, women and children, along with the horror of hostage taking,” he said. “Israel has the right, indeed the duty, to defend herself and rescue these hostages.”
But in contrast to Sunak, the Labour leader urged “all parties to act in line with international law, including allowing humanitarian access of food, water, electricity and medicines to Gaza and ensuring safe humanitarian corridors in Gaza for those fleeing violence.”
The Middle East conflict has created difficulties and challenges for Starmer, who prides himself on having adopted a “zero tolerance” approach to antisemitism since succeeding Jeremy Corbyn as leader in 2019. Starmer has been at pains to express strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself but in doing so has angered some in his party.

In an LBC radio interview last week, he appeared to back Israel’s right to withhold power and water from Palestinian civilians, though he did say everything must be done within international law.
Seven Muslim Labour councillors in Leicester have now issued a statement demanding that Starmer retract and apologise for his remarks “otherwise he will be causing irreparable disillusionment towards Labour amongst the voting Muslim community in Leicester and across the country”.

After the pogrom in Israel, the angel of death is licking his lips
Jonathan Freedland
Jonathan Freedland
Read more

The Observer has seen documents circulated by Labour’s high command ordering senior councillors and officials not to attend pro-Palestinian protests this weekend. The instructions state: “There will be a number of protests and demonstrations taking place over the weekend. Council leaders and group leaders must not under any circumstances attend any of these events.” The party’s general secretary has given similar instructions to constituency officials.
The conflict is also exposing Tory differences. Alicia Kearns, the Conservative chair of the foreign affairs select committee, has said that Israel has a “moral duty” to ensure that Palestinian civilians have access to water, electricity and medical treatment.
But the home secretary, Suella Braverman, suggested waving a Palestinian flag or singing a chant advocating freedom for Arabs may be a criminal offence.
“It is not just explicit pro-Hamas symbols and chants that are cause for concern. I would encourage police to consider whether chants such as: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ should be understood as an expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world, and whether its use in certain contexts may amount to a racially aggravated section 5 public order offence,” Braverman said.

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US already have so many bases around the world that it does not need to keep more. If you take a look at American global footprint, you will be shocked. It is like British Empire 2.0 but it is not officially declared for "obvious reasons."

American planners have strategic patience and game. They defeated Soviet Union in a 43 year long Cold War with chess like strategic moves. Vietnam was but one of the moves that misfired but US improved its game.

Some think on short term basis. They want to see US pummel a country to oblivion. What for? You do not have to use a sledgehammer to beat a fly if it is annoying you. A plastic swatter will do.
It is situated like you explained but slowly and surely their game is challenged on hottest spots and that make them nervous, one of tat spots is middle east, i would say hornet nest and they are loosing big time from iran, that could explain their haste, reckless jumping in war frenzy mod by zionist but i think this time they are on verge to overplay their cards.
I'm still wondering about Trophy APS, Iron Fist APS and Merkava, The God's Chariot
Where are they? I can hardly see any Merkava with Trophy. But in 2014 during operation protective edge, it was informed that Merkava tanks are equipped with trophy aps and they have the best active protection system in the world….lol
Suddenly, it vanished <>|<>

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