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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It is situated like you explained but slowly and surely their game is challenged on hottest spots and that make them nervous, one of tat spots is middle east, i would say hornet nest and they are loosing big time from iran, that could explain their haste, reckless jumping in war frenzy mod by zionist but i think this time they are on verge to overplay their cards.
Well, a war has its back and forth. Some battles will be lost and some will be won. Iran provides US a reason to keep its factories running and provide arms to other players in the Middle East. This is a long game in which business is of utmost importance. US will wait and see what its allies can do.
Hamas attacked Military posts and kidnapped Israelis and why shouldn't they as Israel has kidnapped 50000 Palestinians who are incarcerated and Isarel has murdered 100s of thousands over decades? The amount of BS and contradictions the Zion US media is coming out with is laughable. All the victims they show are models , babies were beheaded but no evidence, but then they show Hamas soldiers holding babies in their hands, I was having breakfast in a hotel in Michigan and every second the CNN was blurting out how Hamas beheaded babies , raped women and how brave the Israelis were blah blah blah. They seemed to be an extension of the Israeli propaganda campaign with the sole purpose of brainwashing the American puiblic in supporting the impending genocide of the Palestinian people.

That is the exact reason why the west is writing blank cheque on wholesale slaughter in Gaza......

This is not about number, you are expecting the people to see "What about what Israeli do kidnapped x amount of people and killed z amount of people" and people are going to be on your side. In reality, that just going to reinforce Israeli point of view on Hamas just went over the line this time and need to be quashed at all cost. That is because the exact same thing now can be applies to Israel, when it was before you were seen as victim and they are the oppressor, now, like it or not, this is going to show Israeli as victim, and Hamas as perpetrator, and the longer Palestinian denied this, the worst the position they got into

As I reply to @alimobin memon before, it's one thing you think it's justified on this action, but it's another thing to refused to call what it is, what it is Because for the first one, you may have a point, you can still hold your position in any discussion, but for the latter one, this means your attitude is just the same because you are doing exactly what you accuse of your oppressor doing, and that do not garner sympathy. That's just go deeper down a rabbit hole.

As I said, you pick the right battle to fight, this isn't one of them. World politic is a very simple game, but it is anything but when you are emotional.
I'm still wondering about Trophy APS, Iron Fist APS and Merkava, The God's Chariot
Where are they? I can hardly see any Merkava with Trophy. But in 2014 during operation protective edge, it was informed that Merkava tanks are equipped with trophy aps and they have the best active protection system in the world….lol
Suddenly, it vanished <>|<>
Apparently that works only against rpg, cornets are hiting them just fine.
Well, when you are in the equivalent of the Hague trying to escape the gallows, pleading "I was following order" won't save you.

Right now i am not the one that is missing water and food.

Why didnt the israeli scum regime's terrorists enter gaza today as promised?
for sure it has nothing to do with the promise that Iran and hezbollah will flatten tel-aviv in reponse, true?

good morning to you to

Don't worry we Will enter in the best time for us we are not rushing.
Let's see how much time the terrorist can live in their tunnels without food and water
Protests don't matter. Politicians know this is simply hot air and tomorrow everyone will forget and because at work
Well, true, that did nothing to government and politics.

But it still show the public support for a certain matter. and how far can a thing go largely depends on public support. Especially when you are talking about war.......
Most of israeli women aren't light skinned haha and they aren't pretty at all, those you see on photos or videos are few.

there are many of them used to visit sinai or alexandria (before they got shot and some of them were killed) trust me , they are fuken ugly.

it's good that there is another country that challenges india which is china .. there is a balance i think.

I think that some of the prettier Israeli women that we see are probably Russians who moved to Israel in recent years. Most of them have little or no Jewish blood.

Russians in Israel or Russian Israelis are post-Soviet Russian citizens who immigrate to Israel and their descendants. As of 2022, Russian-speakers number around 1,300,000 people, or 15% of the Israeli population.

Well, a war has its back and forth. Some battles will be lost and some will be won. Iran provides US a reason to keep its factories running and provide arms to other players in the Middle East. This is a long game in which business is of utmost importance. US will wait and see what its allies can do.
That is usa optics, iran with much less resources comited and from different motives forced them to deploy two carrier groups, not sustainable in long run, especially when gaps in war technology are narrowed in favor of iran.
I'm still wondering about Trophy APS, Iron Fist APS and Merkava, The God's Chariot
Where are they? I can hardly see any Merkava with Trophy. But in 2014 during operation protective edge, it was informed that Merkava tanks are equipped with trophy aps and they have the best active protection system in the world….lol
Suddenly, it vanished <>|<>
Reminds me of the Russians who sent T-72Bs and older models of T-80s as all T-64s in Ukraine.
There is a US DOS DHC8-300 which flew out of Abu Ghraib (Iraq) and currently in a holding pattern outside Haifa along with other civilian aircraft, this is most likely the beginning of the evacuation of the US Embassy in Israel.
View attachment 962113
Maybe they are delaying the ground invasion to wait for the evacuation to be completed?

People fleeing northern Gaza trapped, bombed and struggling for food and water​

Format News and Press Release Source Islamic Relief Posted15 Oct 2023 Originally published14 Oct 2023 Origin View original

People fleeing to southern Gaza after the Israeli order to leave the north are facing increasingly desperate conditions in overcrowded shelters without access to food or safe water.

Tens of thousands of people have fled south since Israel ordered civilians to leave northern Gaza yesterday. Many fear that fleeing south is still not safe – with reports of many people killed by bombs as they fled, and strikes continuing to hit central and southern Gaza – but feel they have no choice. We are also extremely worried that hospitals in the north have been ordered to evacuate, which will risk the lives of countless sick and wounded people including children. Calling for people to leave does not absolve Israel of its obligations under international humanitarian law to refrain from harming civilians who cannot or choose not to leave.

An Islamic Relief staff member who fled south with his family is now sheltering in a relative’s house with 30 other people in one single home, while others have taken refuge in schools or anywhere they can find. The staff member, whose name is withheld to protect his identity, says:

“There were hundreds of people walking and carrying their belongings. No one knew where to go or what to do, never mind what the hours ahead might bring. There were demolished buildings, rubble all over the roads, huge craters about 4 metres deep… it was like a horror film or a dystopian novel where the world had ended and only destruction remained.

None of us has proper food and it’s not clear how we’ll find some. The population of the city where we are now (in the south) has doubled in number overnight while its resources have stayed the same. We are struggling to find proper water supply and electricity. A man in the neighbourhood told me they’ve secured a generator to pump water from a nearby well, but can’t find any fuel.”

As more people arrived from the north, he desperately tried to find shelter for others. “I started calling everyone I could to check if they have an empty flat, a garage or a storage unit that could be used as a shelter, but everyone was saying they didn’t have space. Others from the north had already arrived and claimed any available shelter. Finally, we found a kindergarten nearby to use as a shelter. It’s empty because it’s too dangerous for children to go to school right now.”

Israel has also announced it will shut down internet services in Gaza, making it even harder for civilians to receive and share vital information.

Hundreds of thousands of people are now displaced within Gaza and have nowhere safe to go. Islamic Relief continues to call for parties to respect international humanitarian law, protect civilians from harm and ensure humanitarian aid and essential supplies can reach civilians. At the moment Gaza remains under total siege, preventing more food, fuel and medical supplies from entering. Fuel is vital for providing clean water, healthcare and other essential services.

Meanwhile the so called "Free World"
there are many of them used to visit sinai or alexandria (before they got shot and some of them were killed) trust me , they are fuken ugly.
That's an extremely biased opinion. There's A LOT of traditional Israeli women who are very beautiful.

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