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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The Egyptian Presidency: Egypt’s national security is a red line and there will be no complacency in protecting it
I would be astounded beyond belief if

a) Egypt agrees to this
b) that Egypt belives that those Palestinans would ever be allowed to go back ..
Egypt knows their plans to depart them to sinai.

as I said before we have no problem to host them all.

the better is to host the women, elderly and children and men in that moment will be free to fight the greatest fight.
There is no fantasy in this post but a collection of facts that are often overlooked in narrative overflows. Is it difficult for you to understand the sequence the events in the Vietnam War and the fact that some of the most impressive American battlefield victories are in Vietnam? It was up to American leadership to take advantage of these American battlefield victories and secure independence of South Vietnam when Vietcong was brought to the negotiation table in 1972, but it did not. Both Johnson and Nixon turned out to be poor leaders, and Nixon went down in history as a corrupt leader. You stick to narrative but I have critical thinking, and I reflected on this historical development to understand what happened in fair manner.

You want to boast about Vietcong's prowess in combat? Study Sino-Vietnam War for a change. In this war, Vietcong maintained its occupational grip on Cambodia while holding China at bay. China wanted to liberate Cambodia by bringing Vietcong to its knees but suffered heavy losses in just 3 weeks and gave up. Vietcong handled two countries in this war and maintained its gains in the process. This is incredible.


US does not have direct access to Afghanistan and had to work with Pakistan to do its bidding in Afghanistan. American mission was to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region. Towards this end, Taliban setup was toppled in 2001 (Operation Enduring Freedom), and Al-Qaeda Network was defeated in Tora Bora mountains in 2002 (Operation Anaconda). Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network survivors fled to neighboring countries.

Taliban managed to regroup in neighboring countries but lost about 70,000 fighters in various clashes in Afghanistan and the war was settled on the negotiation table with Pakistani and Qatari mediation. Taliban had no choice but to accept following American demand:

"The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan reaffirms its continued commitment not to cooperate with or permit international terrorist groups or individuals to recruit, train, raise funds (including through the production or distribution of narcotics), transit Afghanistan or misuse its internationallyrecognized travel documents, or conduct other support activities in Afghanistan, and will not host them."

Do you think this demand was new? NO, it wasn't. This demand was put in front of Taliban in 2001. Read Pervez Musharraf's book.

Taliban accomplishments are impressive but they did not defeat US in war. They settled for peace with US while the US focused on dimantling Al-Qaeda Network in the region. US respected Pakistani interests but you are mistaking this for defeat. US and Pakistan were fully aware of what was going on and were in touch with each other. But you have let some naive boasters in this forum to cloud your judgement.

There are members here who believe Russians have won in Ukraine even though this war is yet to conclude. I do not see you "correcting" these members. :rolleyes: You are one who needs reality check, not me. Don't quote me and waste my time with illogical rants. If you cannot look at the facts on the whole, not my problem.

My Landlord is an ex-US military MI veteran. He used to decipher and translate Vietcong messages and was also a translator. He has accepted they were "defeated" and no spin is going to change that fact, that is the harsh reality you need to accept. That's good enough for me. But if you go into detail and look at the chronology the US with their South Vietnamese partners threw everything at North Vietnam but realised that they couldn't stop the Guerilla war and that Saigon was going to be overun. That's why they abandoned everything and ran out.
Ramesh Pajeet in extremely phull support, the series of support is too extreme that they fart due to pressure!


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ICC issued a arrest warrant for Putin for the transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia safety

Israel killed 700 children and US is backing them

These actions will only radicalize the next generation and resistance will only grow Stronger this is human nature

You cannot go against human nature

Don’t call for peace until the core issue is resolved

Root cause is Occupation
That is the tradegy of this, people are quick to jump in a camp and not think through what they are doing I would say on both sides. I know what is happening is emotionally charging, but if you step back and think this through, there is no justification for bombarding innocent civilians who had nothing to do with what Hamas did. Its plain and simple to see this is just mindless revenge and children are the biggest casualties.

The irony in all of this is, Hamas will become stronger after this conflict, the deaths will become a big recruitment for future conflicts.
This applies both side. Hamas should have left the civilian alone as well, this is the reason why the collective west are giving Israeli blank cheque to cash and latitude to do what they are about to do. If you ask me, taking Israeli civilian hostage is pretty stupid move because that you cannot be denied that it is done intentionally, you can accidentally kill some civilian in a firefight with IDF, but you can't "accidentally" take civilian hostage, for me, the taking of 150 or so hostage is worse than killing 1200 Israeli....

Had Hamas focus on military target only, they may be able to garner some sympathy in moderate country, the problem is, this detail ops is shown to be target civilian on day 1, that's for them loses their moral high ground for it. The result is quite clearly shown by the Palestinian support rally around the world. It had dwindled a lot since this war.

On the other hand, I don't think this will benefit Gaza, because I don't think this is a one-off thing, a logical approach for Israel is that they will either constantly going into Gaza or they would occupy Gaza to inhibit any Hamas development. They know if they go in and kick the hornet nest and then leave, they are only looking at a bigger attack some year down the road, that will mean they are going to be ongoing operation.
My Landlord is an ex-US military MI veteran. He used to decipher and translate Vietcong messages and was also a translator. He has accepted they were "defeated" and no spin is going to change that fact, that is the harsh reality you need to accept. That's good enough for me. But if you go into detail and look at the chronology the US with their South Vietnamese partners threw everything at North Vietnam but realised that they couldn't stop the Guerilla war and that Saigon was going to be overun. That's why they abandoned everything and ran out.


As soon as Hanoi signaled it wished to resume peace negotiations, Linebacker II raids immediately ceased. Some in the Air Force argued that this was a mistake; if the United States continued the attacks, they maintained, North Vietnam would have to accept a military defeat. Instead, they secured at the peace table a political victory that they would in due course translate into a full-scale military conquest of South Vietnam.

Not long after the end of Linebacker II and the formal return of the US prisoners of war, United States forces at last formally disengaged from the war in Southeast Asia. There then followed what Henry Kissinger described as a “decent interval” of about two years, after which Hanoi, knowing that it no longer faced any realistic threat of another Linebacker II, invaded South Vietnam across a broad front. The Communist forces entered Saigon on April 30, 1975, and unified the two Vietnams under Hanoi’s totalitarian control.

To Air Force observers, the events of 1975 pointed up a classic case of “what might have been.” To them, full application of airpower in a Linebacker II-type campaign in 1965, a decade earlier, would have achieved military victory, prevented the long and costly US involvement in Southeast Asia, saved South Vietnam as a nation, and allowed the US to escape the calamitous effects that the Vietnamese war has afflicted on America ever since.

End of.

And I know much about what happened in Pakistan. Do not think that all are ignorant. Khan's big boasts have landed him in jail. You can see it. There are some matters that the army does not want to discuss or admit. So leave it.
This applies both side. Hamas should have left the civilian alone as well, this is the reason why the collective west are giving Israeli blank cheque to cash and latitude to do what they are about to do. If you ask me, taking Israeli civilian hostage is pretty stupid move because that you cannot be denied that it is done intentionally, you can accidentally kill some civilian in a firefight with IDF, but you can't "accidentally" take civilian hostage, for me, the taking of 150 or so hostage is worse than killing 1200 Israeli....

Had Hamas focus on military target only, they may be able to garner some sympathy in moderate country, the problem is, this detail ops is shown to be target civilian on day 1, that's for them loses their moral high ground for it. The result is quite clearly shown by the Palestinian support rally around the world. It had dwindled a lot since this war.

On the other hand, I don't think this will benefit Gaza, because I don't think this is a one-off thing, a logical approach for Israel is that they will either constantly going into Gaza or they would occupy Gaza to inhibit any Hamas development. They know if they go in and kick the hornet nest and then leave, they are only looking at a bigger attack some year down the road, that will mean they are going to be ongoing operation.
it wasn't hamas who captured the civilians.
some gazans civilizans went out to the settlments after hamas attack and captured some civilians and brought them back to gaza but anyway the blame will be on hamas, that's for sure.
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