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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The are accepting Ukrainian immigrats Just ones from Syria and Muslim were not allowed
when Syria was being destroyed in 2011 and before Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya

First groups allowed in were Christians and later some Muslims migrated

But anyone from Ukraine was fast tracked into Banks and Other high places
You don't get the point here, this guy says that all Palestinians should leave Gaza (Their homes) and some Arab country should take it. I am drawing a parallel that Ukrainians in Russian occupied territories should migrate to Europe and America leaving their land to Russians.
You don't get the point here, this guy says that all Palestinians should leave Gaza (Their homes) and some Arab country should take it. I am drawing a parallel that Ukrainians in Russian occupied territories should migrate to Europe and America leaving their land to Russians.

And I confirmed they are migrating to Western Nations in troves 100,000 to 500,000 Ukrainians out in Americas now

It has been deemed ok to "Finance" Militaries/Gorilla warriors in Ukraine , and advertisement are advertised inside your Banking Application

I opened a banking application and saw a link openly asking for Donation for warriors in Ukraine inside the banking application

However if you are sending money to Muslim country then of course it has to be 'Terrorist financing"

The violent police action against people supporting Palestine is proof , something is not right

Same nations were supporting "flag waving" for Ukraine and now running campaigns to support Israel in genocide
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Since when has Sri Lanka been identified as an "Islamic" country?! What are you on?! Look, if you think someone like Bush was a master strategist and statesman. and Sri Lanka is "Islamic", I can't take your views seriously. US foreign policy doesn't change much whoever is in power. And the capability of its military is not dependent on who is in the White House.
My bad. So you tell me which country has reduced Salafi Jihadi terroristic heavyweights such as the Al-Qaeda Network and ISIL to the point of being harmless? These groups did not just disappear and no regional power had the capacity to take on these groups in several countries.

These elements were slow to defeat because they can blend among the masses and have regional enablers. But nobody will admit the obvious.

Even Bush did not assume that War On Terror would be convenient and easy undertaking because he had intel that Salafi Jihadi terrorists exist in several countries with regional enablers.

Pakistan prevented extinction of Taliban because Pakistan assumed that these groups will prevent India from gaining ground in Afghanistan. But US allowed Taliban to reclaim Afghanistan when they accepted American condition of not supporting Al-Qaeda Network in Doha Accords. Trump administration accepted this deal and Biden administration had no choice but to stick to it. But Biden administration approved assassination of one of the Al-Qaeda Network masterminds in 2022 in Afghanistan (Ayman al-Zawahiri). This man hid himself well enough but was discovered in Kabul while Taliban are in charge but the message was sent across soon.

US have also taken steps to improve its national security system and prevent terrorist attacks on its soil because it isn't written on the face of an Immigrant that he is a terrorist.

If US is to focus on a visible threat like a state then this is different story.
In this way, there are 2-3 tank units within a few kilometers of each other. These units are ready for deployment.

Since it appears IDF is going for ground invasion, will Hizbullah join in the conflict as they had communicated earlier? If they don't, this will be the biggest betrayal of modern times. The term Hizbullah will be synonymous to traitor.

Hamas would have never pulled off an attack of such large scale, if they didn't have assurances from other regional players. Hamas absolutely knew the Israelis will use the attack as an excuse to annex Gaza. They must have had a sound strategy to face the consequences of an Israeli ground assault. Without Hizbullah's involvement from North - it will be extremely difficult for Hamas to hold the territory in a dragged out war.
You have been claiming for almost a week now that Zionists have amassed 300,000 strong force at the Gaza border and that force will do this thing and that thing destroying Gaza and smashing Hamas once for all. But that has apparently not happened yet. The coward Zionists are still using bombing by planes to destroy residential/medical buildings and thus killing hundreds, if not thousands, of non-combatent innicent Palestinians including children, elderly, and even patients. It seems that Hamas have really hammered Zionists so much just on the first day (and even after that) that war-criminal Zionist regime is unable get out of the deep shock and gain their senses back. For example, that downing of a chopper that killed 50 IDF war-criminals was revealed only yesterday. So, the Zionists are rather foolishly venting their inner fear by aerial bombing and non-sense statements threatening Palestinians with genocide despite having amassed a force of 300,000 armed mice. They are still unable to gain some courage to launch a ground offensive on Gaza. What is your take on this?
Again, I am not claiming, anything, I am simply saying what I would do if I were Israeli.

It took US 28 days from September 11, 2001 to launch an attack at Taliban in Afghanistan at October 7, 2001, this attack is what? 7 days old. And there is no way they are going to fight with Hamas in arm length, which mean they are going to systemically take down the entire entry point by air or artillery before moving in, this alone would take weeks if not months to do that.

If you have to fights then you don't fight with a hot head, nobody will be stupid enough to entre Gaza just immediately after the attack, Hamas is ready for such a thing otherwise they wouldn't launch an attack, every army in the world would have soften up their target before they went in. That's my view.

Also, I don't know what Helicopter Israeli have can carry 50 troop with crew, Huey carries 8, Blackhawk 12, Chinook 33 and Sea King 38, if they are carrying 50 troop with crew, I don't think you need to shoot them down they would have been seriously overload.
In the sea in front of Gaza, oil and natural gas deposits have been discovered that could supply the whole of Europe for years. Gaza was about to make a deal with China. If the oil and gas had been extracted, Gaza would be as rich as Qatar and Kuwait in 15-20 years. There is a huge conspiracy against Palestine. I am not talking about the known enemies of the Palestinian people, but about the unknown.
@PDF @LeGenD
Here is an interesting timeline for the Airstrikes on the 10th of October, I have highlighted the available imagery and added reference point on the 2nd image for the distance of the HAMAS Rocket Battery and its distance from the Refugee Camp in Northern Gaza:





Since it appears IDF is going for ground invasion, will Hizbullah join in the conflict as they had communicated earlier? If they don't, this will be the biggest betrayal of modern times. The term Hizbullah will be synonymous to traitor.

Hamas would have never pulled off an attack of such large scale, if they didn't have assurances from other regional players. Hamas absolutely knew the Israelis will use the attack as an excuse to annex Gaza. They must have had a sound strategy to face the consequences of an Israeli ground assault. Without Hizbullah's involvement from North - it will be extremely difficult for Hamas to hold the territory in a dragged out war.

You don't understand.
Israel already have massive deployment in the north. Hizbullah cannot do suprise attack. With all the armament we are getting Lebanon as a country will be destroyed. Nassrla is not stupid he may try to so some kind of border shooting but full scale war will destroy Lebanon (that today have huge economic crisis).
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