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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

No i just did a good dump today knowing gaza would look like dresden

I guess you got triged by israel air force show :)

I am triggered? Lol no you troll. Instead we can clearly see you are the one who decided to log into a pak forum to defend your atrocities and whine. Not going to engage trolls and genocidal mindset criminals like you anymore.
Nasrallah will see destruction of gaza and he will sh!t his pants,
After making gaza look like dresden the next step is lebanone and then the the head of the snake iran. we now have appretonity to change the balane and finish hamas-isis (world opinion with us that means we don't have stopper like operations before
Dude you are acting macho because US is with you. The moment US looks the other way, you guys will shit your pant. So get as much as jubilation you can get by bombing helpless women and children because your time is near.
Palestinian children are now writing their names on the palm of their hands so that their family members can identify their bodies in the very likely event that they die in an airstrike

I am triggered? Lol no you troll. Instead we can clearly see you are the one who decided to log into a pak forum to defend your atrocities and whine. Not going to engage trolls and genocidal mindset criminals like you anymore.
differently trigged lol
BREAKING: Dual National Palestinians MAY be allowed to exit Gaza via the Rafah crossing into Egypt!
I told you before, the one who stay on the battlefield is the winner. USA and Taliban didn't negotiate about the capitulation of either. They fought to the standstill ( stalemate) . Neither could have won, Taliban won on the points. Especially the last round was Taliban all over Americans. 13 dead during the evacuation and government crumbling. The exactly the same photos of helicopter runs like in Saigon. Like in Saigon. Good Old US of A left their buddies stranded. Nothing new here

Yeah, I agree with you on this one. War is a test of perseverance, whoever will persevere and stay until the end no matter how much the pain is will win.

I have hopes for Palestine for this reason, they persevered and continue to do so.
Do not blame God if you end up wandering the desert again or singing at the markets in Babylon.

You're drunk on power and driven mad by the lust of blood. Pay head before it's too late
Yes, their time is also up, within 3 years, first at the hands of Turks then to be annihilated completely by us, Pakistanis.. We will see.

God is going to execute many things in "fastpath" mode now..
BREAKING: Dual National Palestinians MAY be allowed to exit Gaza via the Rafah crossing into Egypt!
Further update: The proposed window is SIX specific times.

Al-Arabiya sources: Cairo announced that there are 6 specific hours for American citizens to cross from Gaza to Rafah.
Fake againe.
Israel supported the FSA and the kurds.

Your opinion mean nothnig to me. Even the hall in my A$$ not caring
Enjoy the show while we make gaza a tent city
1. Hall in your A$$? Do you have a whole kibbutz back there? Impressive.
2. We will enjoy the show of Israel going to become absorbed become a third world country and be assimilated.
3. All this PR that everybody is sympathizing with today with Israel will be forgotten in a month, and the world will get refreshed on the true brutality of Israelis are capable of leashing and always unleash.
4. Regardless of how many settlers you put in, the demographics are not on Israel’s side. So for the rest of Israel’s existence it’s got the sea on one side, and surrounded by enemies with a larger population that keeps growing. The first world existence that Israel professes will become second world in the next two years
5. As for your military: fortunately the dud regimes in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt are worthless so you will never get a symmetrical fight. ISrael can’t even sustain a battle against a small city without ammunition being flown in from US. This is what you got hte F35s for?
6. And finally, while we have dud worthless crooks leading the countries i mentioned, West Bank is on its way to going against its PA leadership.
7. We wait for Houthis to show up the Red Sea.
My comments are all towards arrogant Israelis, not Jews. Israel is a victim in the last week but is the genocidal force over the last 70 years and this action will remind the world.
8. Never will the 8 million be more isolated mentally and emotionally, but yes go it alone while Iran and Saudi Arabia finally mint their own alliance
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