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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Great point, a Muslim coalition force needs to be sent to Gaza so border can be controlled. Atleast Israel will then stop harming Palestinians. Last time Erdoğan suggested this but Hamas said any army that enters gaza will be treated as invasion. Immature decision by hamas.
At first, I thought who will bell the cat. But the answer was right there. Any alternative that will not involve destruction of Gaza and death of hundreds of thousands of Gazans will involve someone else entering Gaza and becoming its administrators. But Hamas will never allow that. They would rather have Gaza completely razed and everyone killed before losing their hold on power. So, this will remain a pipedream.
TBH, some of the most effective operations were carried under his watch. Taliban setup was toppled in 2 months in Afghanistan in 2001 (Operation Enduring Freedom), and Al-Qaeda setup was defeated in Tora Bora mountains in 2 months in Afghanistan in 2002 (Operation Anaconda). Saddam regime was toppled in 1 month in Iraq in 2003 (Operation Iraqi Freedom), and a powerful Iraqi insurgent group was defeated in Fallujah in 2 months in 2004 (Operation Phantom Fury). Bush was a fearsome figure in his day. His dad was competent in the art of war as well (Operation Desert Storm).

But he is a killer himself.

And an American leader has a time span. There is a limit to what he can do in 4 years.
He had the most powerful military in terms of equipment, technology and unlimited resources in his hands, and on top of that had complete support of their allies, fighting against enemies who were no match for them in terms of power balance. But still they were defeated in Afghanistan and took months in other wars.
The UK government stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel to fight the scourge of Hamas!

Hamas knew full well what the repercussions of their actions were going to be. You don’t stir the hornets nest and then complain when you get stung.

The UK Government so sided with Israel they found'em another home... North of London as reparations for kicking them out of England during the reign of Edward I.

Take a hike...
This has been happening since 1948

And this must be the last time

We can’t have peace and let these people die for nothing

As bad as it sounds no peace this has to be the last war

Hezbollah should fire off all 150,000 rockets

Finish Israel once in for all and end 75 years of occupation

Iran should hit every single US base in the region

And Muslims should united and fight them

It was always a bad policy for Turkey to stop Syrians from going to Europe. Turkey should have kept the borders open and even help the Syrians go to Europe. These bastards create war in their countries, they should take the refugees from the wars.

PTI terrorists are just using Gaza as an excuse to create trouble and choas in Pakistan.

It is great that are being dealt with sternly.
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The problem was not with waging wars. It was with the much taunted 'Nation Building' projects. U.S. was innocent/ignorant those days in the belief that somehow God has endowed all people with a desire to rule themselves under a Jeffersonian democracy. Nation after nation disabused us of that stupidity. Modern U.S. is no longer that old evangelist for democracy. We are more accommodative of 'Different strokes for different folks' view now.
You expect from the softies to understand facts? These softies have not seen what US could do in war when in "gloves are off" phase.

Ask the Japanese.

US has applied power in very calculated and controlled ways with precision munitions to defeat adversaries and terrorist groups in recent conflicts, or Iraq and others would no longer be countries in the present.

Trump pointed out this to Imran Khan in a meeting. The clip can be found on the web.

Now you see how brutal Israel is acting in Gaza. Never seen this before. It is sickening and difficult to watch.

True power is shown under the right circumstances and not in all times.
Just because U.S. failed, doesn't mean we didn't try. Don't you remember all the excitement with women with purple fingers, girls walking to school unmolested etc.? We quickly realized these are all flashes in the pan that can't be transplanted on to a different culture. View attachment 961499
View attachment 961501
Yes they did allow voting and did send some girls to school. This does not change all the crimes they committed against the local population. The mass murder and destruction that created endless recruits ready to fight and die to get the Americans out.

This could not have been accidental. The aim was to create dysfunctional countries that could be milked for their resources and that would pose no threat to Israel.
Assembly of American GBU-31 JDAM bombs by the Israeli army. The Israeli army began to receive American military assistance. In the video, GBU-31 JDAM bombs weigh from 925 to 961 kilograms and have a range of up to 24 kilometers. The JDAM guidance system includes three main components: an inertial unit with a Honeywell HG1700 laser gyroscope, a standard Rockwell GEM military GPS navigator, and a control microprocessor. Possible circular deflection of the bomb from the target is up to 12 meters. The cost of a JDAM kit is from 21 to 36 thousand dollars.

How many times have you Arabs tried to destroy Israel? Each and every time they defeated you in the most humiliating manner. You people have no unity, you're more happy killing each other.
More than 1000 israeli soldiers died in just 3 days
Things here are incredibly difficult to understand.

Attacking defenseless Israeli innocent citizens is distinct from causing problems for HAMAS and Palestine.

If you wish to explain why HAMAS killed innocent people because of the Israel and Palestine conflict, you probably didn't understand why, at the time, nearly no one supported the Palestinians and HAMAS publicly, including the Pakistani army and government.

The scenario might be different if the strike had only targeted the Israeli military, but when it targeted innocent Israeli citizens, everything is working against them.
An Indian will always find it difficult to understand.
Attacking the Palestinians is an international war crime as set out by the Geneva convention.
The systematic killing of children on a weekly basis by Israel - the constant building of illegal colonies and of course the theft of land from Palestine civilians has taken its toll.
If they want to target Hamas and defend themselves - that’s fine do it. But to ask hospitals to evacuate - to stop water and electricity - to stop Palestinian people of their last piece of dignity is a war crime.
Why Indian is it beyond your amoeba
Brain cell is it not sinking in? Is it because you can’t think beyond the Muslim factor?
The Indian representation on this forum is pathetic brainless and degrading for everyone sharing what is actually going on in Gaza
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