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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

So, you are unable to show even a single post where you have condemned war-criminal Israelis for killing scores of civilians in the high-rise residential buildings or the criminal use of white pahsphorus bombs in a blatant violation of international ban on the use of such weapons.
I asked you,which post of mine has troubled you,what's the problem? Where exactly did I support Israel for bombing Gaza? If you find the post,take a screenshot and post it.

Erdogan demands Turkish aid enter Gaza via Egypt​

In the last few minutes we reported how Turkey has heavily criticised Israel's order for Gazans to move to the south of the country.

Its foreign ministry called the 24-hour deadline merciless, unacceptable and said it violated international law.

Now Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has said Israel must allow humanitarian aid into Gaza through Egypt's Rafah crossing, after the first plane carrying Turkish aid arrived in Egypt.

Rafah is the sole possible crossing point into Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and the passage of people and goods has been strictly controlled under a blockade enforced by Egypt and Israel.


Egypt is complicit.

He can shove is demands up into is A$$
no hostage realise no aid
So where you want to hide at the time of your doom? Behind a tree or a stone? Or some building.
I will personally cone for you? To cull the filth like you.
I will have a great pride when I will behead you.
Don't reply to him, just report him for trolling, he is trying to derail this thread. This is their tactic, that guy WolfHunter did the same yesterday, just ignore the barking dogs and lets keep sharing useful updates.
This Coming from a person living his peaceful quiet life in Ohio, USA.

Why is your azz hurting bhartoid? I’m a dual national. Every nation whether it’s Pakistan or the US should be led by people that serve its national interests.

The US is currently an Israeli stooge.
we do not consdier al-manr and al-jazera as journalists
You're probably shitting your pants while making these posts. It's your weird strategy of trying to come off as crazy to deter everyone. If you think it's gonna deter anyone, you're insnae. We aren't scared of you. And will deal with you the way you need to be dealt with. You will be tried in criminal courts and your ending will be like Nazi ending.
Why did they do this? Anything happen?
There was an infiltration from Lebanon (clashes but they returned into Lebanon), Hezbollah shelled multiple IOF sites, then IOF shelled Lebanese Army sites and Lebanese Army returned fire

It is interesting to see the Lebanese Army get targeted/respond
This Coming from a person living his peaceful quiet life in Ohio, USA.
Well well well , one of the people who was saying this same thing, chickened out of the fight with me today. Knowing that you sit near the toilet somewhere in the jungle. No point to expect from you to come and show people how it is done
So where you want to hide at the time of your doom? Behind a tree or a stone? Or some building.
I will personally cone for you? To cull the filth like you.
I will have a great pride when I will behead you.

i am ok thank you and israel right now have huge spirits.
we think now it's the time to change the balance and then bring the war to iran
Don't worry it is just an extea for iran if they will jump the party.
After gaza we will have time to deal with the axis of evil
You and your race will be wiped clean from the face of the earth very soon.
You did multiple atrocities in past also and each time were punished by Allah accordingly.
Now is your last turn and this will be final punishment from almighty. Seems like fighting against God is only a fool's mistake.

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