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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I disagree with that,but most of the rest of your post was good. And it's not just Iraq that is out of the way of the Israelis now. It's also Libya,it's also Egypt,it's also Jordan,it's also Algeria and Morocco and even "smaller players" like Sudan and Yemen. Turkey won't do anything either,Azerbaijan is friends with Israel,Lebanon is bankrupt and divided. Basically,if Saudi Arabia and Iran joined hands in this and marched together,they would have aroused the entire Muslim world. Both Sunni and Shia.
Jordan (King Hussein) has been a CIA stooge since 50s so wasn't a player. Libya was never a real power. Qaddafi was always half crazy and its military useless (living in his tent and female bodygurads) . Egypt got bought by virtue of being addicted to the American aid machine and never getting off it. So it comes back to Syria and Iraq. I think if Saudi/Iran just voiced an opinion, let alone do anything material, it will change the dynamics significantly. For the first time since MBS got in, I felt he did something right that was beyond selfish.


Israel and the Occupied Territories: Evacuation order of Gaza triggers catastrophic humanitarian consequences​

Format News and Press Release Source ICRC Posted13 Oct 2023 Originally published13 Oct 2023 Origin View original
Geneva (ICRC) — Nothing can justify the horrific attacks Israel suffered last weekend. Our hearts go out to people who lost family members or are worried sick about loved ones taken hostage. We reiterate our call for their immediate release and stand ready to conduct humanitarian visits. But those attacks cannot in turn justify the limitless destruction of Gaza. The parties must not neglect their legal obligations regarding the methods and means used to wage war.

The instructions issued by the Israeli authorities for the population of Gaza City to immediately leave their homes, coupled with the complete siege explicitly denying them food, water, and electricity, are not compatible with international humanitarian law.

When military powers order people to leave their homes, all possible measures must be taken to ensure the population has access to basic necessities like food and water and that members of the same family are not separated.

Gaza is a closed area of limited size and resources. People have nowhere safe to go and many, including the disabled, elderly, and sick, will not be able to leave their homes. International humanitarian law protects all civilians, including those who remain. Today, it is impossible for Gazans to know which areas will next face attack.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is scaling up to provide life-saving relief. But our teams will require pauses in the fighting to work safely and effectively. With a military siege in place, humanitarian organisations including the ICRC will not be able to assist such a massive displacement of people in Gaza. The needs are staggering, and humanitarian organizations must be able to increase aid operations.

The ICRC office in Gaza City received the same instructions to leave, as did other international organisations. We are extremely concerned for our colleagues in Gaza and their families. We remain committed to doing everything we can to provide humanitarian protection and assistance to the people of Gaza.

For more information, please contact:
Jessica Moussan, ICRC Dubai, jmoussan@icrc.org, +971 504 254 091
Imene Trabelsi, ICRC Beirut, tel. +961 313 83 53,itrabelsi@icrc.org
Crystal Wells, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 642 80 56, cwells@icrc.org
Sam Smith, ICRC London, +44 7809 374 593, ssmith@icrc.org
Frédéric Joli, ICRC Paris, +33 6 20 49 46 30, fjoli@icrc.org
Elizabeth Shaw, ICRC Washington, +1 202 361 1566, eshaw@icrc.org
Yuriy Shafarenko, ICRC New York, tel: +1 917 631 1913, yshafarenko@icrc.org
Galina Balzamova, ICRC Moscow, tel: +7 90 35 45 35 34, gbalzamova@icrc.org
Shuangfeng Zhang, ICRC Beijing, tel: +86 138 100 355 22, szhang@icrc.org

Occupied Palestinian Territory Gaza Governorate - Gaza Strip Imagery Analysis 10 October 2023(Published 12 October 2023)​

Map Source UNOSAT Posted13 Oct 2023 Originally published13 Oct 2023 Origin View original


This map illustrates a satellite-detected damage and destruction to buildings within the area of interest in the Gaza Governorate, Gaza Strip, based on an image collected on 10 October 2023 (partially clouded) when compared to an image collected on 10 May 2023.

According to satellite imagery analysis, UNOSAT identified 228 destroyed structure, 148 severely damaged structures and 365 moderately damaged structures, for a total of 741 buildings.

The two most affected areas appear to be between Southern Remal and As Sabra neighbourhoods (inset 1), and on the western outskirt of the Old City, north of At Turukman neighbourhood. Among the affected structures, UNOSAT identified two schools compounds, namely the Omar Bin Abd Alaz school (destroyed, see inset 2) and the Alfaraby school (moderately damaged). This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field.
Israeli Apache helicopters on the border between Israel and Lebanon.

I think this war will end with 2 options:

Israel taking half of gaza territory in the north or "palestinian" running to egypt and form egypt they will found new countries to live in (nacba2)
you dont understand the magnitude of this war. According to channel 13 in the next week gaza will have zero electricity zero water zero food zero medicane. Israel say they may allowe other country (not israel) to give "palestinian" water and food only if hamas realise all the hostages (i don't see it happning) so the mass evacuation will start step by step
I think this war will end with 2 options:

Israel taking half of gaza territory in the north or "palestinian" running to egypt and form egypt they will found new countries to live in (nacba2)
you dont understand the magnitude of this war. According to channel 13 in the next week gaza will have zero electricity zero water zero food zero medicane. Israel say they may allowe other country (not israel) to give "palestinian" water and food only if hamas realise all the hostages (i don't see it happning) so the mass evacuation will start step by step
Ethnic Cleansing?

We have more then enough.
Well, you have access to entire western countries weapon/ammo stockpile.

Gaza: Nowhere to go, as humanitarian situation reaches ‘lethal low’​

Format News and Press Release Source UN News Posted13 Oct 2023 Originally published 13 Oct 2023 Origin View original

UN humanitarians expressed deep concern on Friday for all civilians in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s order for the entire population there to leave the north, amid ongoing airstrikes and a deepening humanitarian crisis.

The development follows an announcement by UN Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, just before midnight Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, that UN representatives in Gaza had been “informed by their liaison officers in the Israeli military” that everyone living north of Wadi Gaza should relocate to southern Gaza within 24 hours.

'Death sentence' for many
Some 1.1 million people would be expected to leave northern Gaza, Mr. Dujarric said, adding that the same order applied to all UN staff and those sheltered in UN facilities, including schools, health centres and clinics.

The UN considers it “impossible” for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences and appeals for the order to be rescinded, Mr. Dujarric said.
Echoing that message, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) joined the call for Israel to rescind the relocation order, which amounted to a “death sentence” for many, said WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic.

He told journalists in Geneva, in line with the assessment of health authorities there, that it would be “impossible to evacuate vulnerable hospital patients from the north of Gaza”.
The UN also reiterated its calls for the immediate release of hostages held in Gaza following Hamas’s deadly Saturday attack on Israel, and for the protection of civilians and urgent aid access to the sealed-off enclave, as UN chief António Guterres and his envoys continued their diplomatic efforts.

‘Pushing people into the abyss’
UN humanitarians joined their voices to these calls on Friday, urging the parties to save civilian lives.

UN relief chief Martin Griffiths, tweeted that "the noose around the civilian population in Gaza is tightening", asking how such a huge number of people could possible move across a "densely populated warzone" in just 24 hours.

Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), warned that the relocation order “will only lead to unprecedented levels of misery and further push people in Gaza into abyss”. He said that over 423,000 people across the enclave have already been displaced, of whom more than 270,000 have taken refuge in UNRWA shelters.
UNRWA tweeted later on Friday that Gaza was "fast becoming a hell hole and is on the brink of collapse. There is no exception, all parties must uphold the laws of war."

Briefing reporters in Geneva, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson James Elder regretted that the humanitarian situation has now reached “lethal lows”.

He highlighted that the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places on the planet and people, including hundreds of thousands of children, who are finding themselves “with nowhere safe to go”.

OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke also underscored the impossibility of a relocation, asking, “in the middle of a war zone where people are already at the end of the rope, how is that going to happen?”

Children from families sheltering at an UNRWA school in Gaza eat bread distributed by the World Food Programme

Aid ‘locked out’
He also insisted on the urgency of humanitarian access to Gaza as all supplies were rapidly depleting.

“We’re pretty much locked out,” he said.

On Thursday, the UN launched a flash appeal for $294 million for 77 humanitarian partners to address the most urgent needs of 1.26 million people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

“This is a response to an escalation that has put civilians in a situation in which they should never be,” Mr. Laerke said about the appeal. “The most urgent priority is now to de-escalate,” he added.

Health system at ‘breaking point’
WHO’s Mr. Jašarević insisted that the health system in Gaza is at a “breaking point”. The two major hospitals in the north of the Gaza Strip, the Indonesian Hospital and Shifa Hospital, have already exceeded their combined 760-bed capacity and the hospitals in the south of Gaza were also “overflowing”.
Six of the seven main hospitals in Gaza are only partially functioning, he added.

‘Death sentence’ for the vulnerable
He stressed that moving vulnerable patients such as those critically injured and adults, children and newborns depending on life support in intensive care, would be a “death sentence”.

“Asking health workers to do so is beyond cruel,” he said.

Mr. Jašarević painted a very grim picture of the reality in Gaza’s health facilities, saying that health workers on the ground described dead bodies “piling up” as there is no more space in the morgues, and ambulances and doctors have to make a “horrific choice” as to who to save and who to leave behind.

Attacks on healthcare
He added that as of Thursday 34 attacks on health care in the Gaza Strip had been confirmed since the beginning of the current offensive resulting in the deaths of 11 health care workers on duty. The Gaza Emergency Operation Centre, supported by WHO, has sustained heavy damages, he said.

He also cited reports of an attack by Hamas on Ashkelon hospital in Israel over the past weekend, in which one paramedic was killed.

Release hostages, protect civilians
UN human rights office (OHCHR) spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani insisted yet again that civilians “must never be used as bargaining chips”. She called for the “immediate and unconditional” release of hostages and their humane treatment.

OHCHR urged Palestinian armed groups to “halt the use of inherently indiscriminate projectiles, which violate international humanitarian law, as well as attacks directed against civilians”. The UN office also urged Israel to ensure full respect for international humanitarian and human rights law “in any and all military operations”.

OHCHR said that rhetoric from Israeli high-level officials “raises concerns that a message is being sent to the members of the Israeli Defense Forces that international humanitarian law has become optional rather than compulsory”.

UNICEF’s James Elder also insisted that in this dire situation, “compassion – and international law – must prevail”.

Rise in hate speech
Addressing the ever-stronger echoes of the conflict across the world, Ms. Shamdasani said that UN rights chief Volker Türk deplored the fact that in many countries, there has been a “proliferation of anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate speech”.

Appealing to leaders to stem such hate speech and incitements to violence, the OHCHR spokesperson that faced with this desperate situation, the world should unite.
“This is a time for the international community to come together in solidarity, advocating for the protection of all civilians, no matter where, no matter what,” she insisted.
The UN Security Council is due to meet in New York on Friday afternoon behind closed doors, to address the situation in Gaza.

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