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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hard to believe that Qatar wouldn't have the protection it bought oops sorry, I meant the Rafales, Typhoons and F-15s it bought and even allowing the US to have a permanent base there. :D

The whole Arab world will have to rebalance if they want to have any hope of actually being able to defend themselves. I think the Arabs will all be looking at buying the Air Force variant of the Chinese J-35.

It looks like instead of deterrence, the Israelis have made the Arab world begin to realize their actual state and the realty that only they can defend themselves, not international agreements, much like Ukraine has learned.

JDL is a US designated terrorist organization:


The river(s) referred to here are the Nile and the Euphrates. The sea is the Mediterranean Sea.
Off topic but there needs to be a dedicated thread on PDF for the removal of Indian workers from the Muslim countries, especially from the Middle East. Start an online campaign--raise awareness. While I don't think all Indians are the pro-Israel, but many are--especially those who live in the West and maybe even in the Arab countries. The idiots cheer for every Israel atrocities against Palestinians. They cheered for when Israelis killed the Turkish Flotilla to Gaza. They probably cheered for when Iranians were killed by Israelis. And of course they always cheer for when Pakistanis are killed.

Don't let these people with dubious loyalties to take over Muslim countries!! Don't let it come to a stage, like in America already, where these people become irreplaceable. Trump is already promising to curtail travel from Muslim countries in larger numbers. Modi was stupidly swift to support Israel after October 7, on top of Modi's selective asylum/immigration policies. It is time the Muslim countries too adopt policies which align with their own interests. There are plenty of Pakistanis, Phillipinos, Indonesians, Bangladeshis etc who can replace the Indians.

How it would be different if the West tried to remove all Muslim residents who do not align with your views and start deporting people from their countries? I know, it is not going to happen. As you have started the thread, i am curious, what would be your take in a similar situation?

BTW, personally, I think it is not a bad idea either. Each nation should enforce its foreign policy on its residents. If Indians staying in Arab nations are against their sentiment, then they are simply hypocrites. Once you guys start such kind of noble initiative, it will encourage many people around the world to follow your footsteps and take similar initiative that suits them.
Have you seen these big Twitter spaces by Mario Nawful covering the war every day? @Falcon29

There are professional Zionist propagandists and ex-CIA on there pushing Zionist propaganda points and falsehoods.

For example, one guy pretending to be an expert in international law saying Israel has an absolute right to attack any civilian building if there is a combatant operating out of it. That is totally FALSE. But no Palestinian/pro-Palestinian on this stage has enough knowledge of the law to rebut this. It's really frustrating.
Serious question: why has Egypt has not yet sent any aid across the border? I am not being difficult, I genuinely do not understand. I recall you mentioned aid and weapons were continuing to flow into Gaza through the secret tunnels (hopefully Egypt has taken a more lax approach to these recently) but I do not understand why no food/water/fuel from Egypt has directly gone across Rafah yet.

This might answer it for you.



Egypt calls on all countries and regional and international organizations wishing to provide humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, to deliver that aid to Al-Arish International Airport, which has been designated by the Egyptian authorities to receive international humanitarian aid from various international parties and organizations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed in a statement issued today, Thursday, that the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is open for business and has not been closed at any stage since the beginning of the current crisis, except that its basic facilities on the Palestinian side were destroyed as a result of repeated Israeli bombing, preventing it from operating properly.

We are actually ashamed for not doing anything at all. Not even lip service. But remember Pakistanis are also living under fascist military junta which is worse then Israel in dealing with it's own people. Thousands of Pakistanis including women are in jail, the leader of the largest party which enjoys more then 70% support behind bars. So you can imagine!

Pakistanis get a pass, my friend. I'm pretty confident that all sentiments are positive and understanding or how the Pakistani people feel regardless of what their current governments doing or not doing.

The whole Arab world will have to rebalance if they want to have any hope of actually being able to defend themselves. I think the Arabs will all be looking at buying the Air Force variant of the Chinese J-35.

According to local news, the Chinese have already offered the J-35, so you're right on the money with that if true.
The positive thing is that the bombing from Hamas terrorists has stopped, which means Israeli freedom fighters have the situation under control, and a counteroffensive can begin soon.
Did coward war-criminal Israeli regime order their terrorist army yet to launch a ground attack on Gaza? Or these war-criminals are still dropping bombs from military planes over residential buildings, schools, and hospitals in Gaza to kill civilians including children and patients? I am sure these filthy war-criminals are too scared to venture out in to Gaza. Cowardly bastards.
Anyone else shocked at how blatantly west supports Israel ?

France is planning on banning all pro Palestinian demonstrations

The irony when you look at democracy

And then they wonder why muslims support Russia

All this democracy, civilized world shit is just that SHIT

And we need to get our act together and see this crap for what it is

We also need Russia to win in Ukraine for the rest of the world
Anyone else shocked at how blatantly west supports Israel ?

France is planning on banning all pro Palestinian demonstrations

The irony when you look at democracy

And then they wonder why muslims support Russia
I'm not surprised. The media is intoxicating the minds of normal people in the west however the younger generation don't follow the mainstream media. Politicians are always quick to support Israel where its right or wrong
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