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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Have you seen these big Twitter spaces by Mario Nawful covering the war every day? @Falcon29

There are professional Zionist propagandists and ex-CIA on there pushing Zionist propaganda points and falsehoods.

For example, one guy pretending to be an expert in international law saying Israel has an absolute right to attack any civilian building if there is a combatant operating out of it. That is totally FALSE. But no Palestinian/pro-Palestinian on this stage has enough knowledge of the law to rebut this. It's really frustrating.
Yeah, ignore them and follow pro-Palestinian accounts. Reddit is banning people that post about the Israeli defense minister genocidal statements on Gaza. Or the other genocidal Nazi behaviors of the Jewish ISIS regime. They won't allow anyone to post anything. But millennials and gen X know this. And they're sharing it all on social media platforms. All the young people are supporting Palestine. It's just the rich elites and Zionist controlled governments/MSM.
Yeah, ignore them and follow pro-Palestinian accounts. Reddit is banning people that post about the Israeli defense minister genocidal statements on Gaza. Or the other genocidal Nazi behaviors of the Jewish ISIS regime. They won't allow anyone to post anything. But millennials and gen X know this. And they're sharing it all on social media platforms. All the young people are supporting Palestine. It's just the rich elites and Zionist controlled governments/MSM.
I follow all the best Palestinian accounts but those spaces are the biggest spaces in social media discussing the war, and you have Palestinian amateurs (I mean in terms of professional advocacy/politics) vs Zionist professionals. It's hard to listen sometimes
As nation that has not deviated from justice, fairness for centuries, our stance on Israel-Palestine tension is also in this direction- Does it befit country like US to restore peace, or to add fuel to fire?- We do not want conflicts to spread
This might answer it for you.


Egypt calls on all countries and regional and international organizations wishing to provide humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, to deliver that aid to Al-Arish International Airport, which has been designated by the Egyptian authorities to receive international humanitarian aid from various international parties and organizations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed in a statement issued today, Thursday, that the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is open for business and has not been closed at any stage since the beginning of the current crisis, except that its basic facilities on the Palestinian side were destroyed as a result of repeated Israeli bombing, preventing it from operating properly.
While I am glad to hear that the border crossing is open, the border not being closed does not prove Egypt is sending humanitarian aid into Gaza. So unfortunately this does not answer my question

The statement also doesn't make any sense. They say the crossing is open but can't operate properly because the Palestinian side was destroyed.
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