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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Thank you Turkey , Iran , Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt , Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Spain, Venezuela, south Korea, China and everyone else whom supported our people.

We are actually ashamed for not doing anything at all. Not even lip service. But remember Pakistanis are also living under fascist military junta which is worse then Israel in dealing with it's own people. Thousands of Pakistanis including women are in jail, the leader of the largest party which enjoys more then 70% support behind bars. So you can imagine!
Hamas should have known that Israel will unleash brutality never seen before so Hamas should have been prepared with counter strategy. They neither have any sam system with whom they could shoot down Israeli war planes nor have the capacity to hit Israeli air bases. Wtf?
If Hamas could do that, they would have also thought about how to provide fuel, electricity, water and food after the war starts. For every Gazan killed by bomb, many more will die due to disease and starvation.
@Falcon29 @Gomig-21 @LeGenD

Yep. That neftali whatever is the true example of a scum-sucking hog. His vile, cretinous and vermin hatred is so strong it empowers his (as well as the majority of apartheids) ability to distinguish between "terrorists" and "civilians". Or even understand the distinction or even understand the analogy. Typical despicable immature reaction of a scum-sucking hog. Good on that host to put him in his place.

I'm glad to see Hinkle stay on that brutal lie or 40 babies being beheaded. Gotta keep it up so it doesn't get drowned by all the criminal pushing it's getting.
Hamas shelling Hietzarem Air Base in Beer Sheva right now Allahu Akbar

Ya Allah destory their warplanes. Ya Allah make it successful. Everyone say Ameen.
Maybe it's not the place to discuss Hamas strategy right now, but I have to say that what should have been done on the first day was to target air bases with all its might.
Yep. That neftali whatever is the true example of a scum-sucking hog. His vile, cretinous and vermin hatred is so strong it empowers his (as well as the majority of apartheids) ability to distinguish between "terrorists" and "civilians". Or even understand the distinction or even understand the analogy. Typical despicable immature reaction of a scum-sucking hog. Good on that host to put him in his place.
Unfortunately the reporter didn't challenge Bennett's lie that the world can provide that aid instead of Israel (by noting Israel has threatened to bomb such aid).

Serious question: why has Egypt has not yet sent any aid across the border? I am not being difficult, I genuinely do not understand. I recall you mentioned aid and weapons were continuing to flow into Gaza through the secret tunnels (hopefully Egypt has taken a more lax approach to these recently) but I do not understand why no food/water/fuel from Egypt has directly gone across Rafah yet.
Maybe it's not the place to discuss Hamas strategy right now, but I have to say that what should have been done on the first day was to target air bases with all its might.
It's not feasible. There are ways to repair air strips within a few hours and Israel has a lot of air bases and Hamas does not have precision guided weapons, or weapons with a large enough warhead to do serious damage either.

Hezbollah could potentially do something like that with guided SRBMs, but even for them it is very very difficult.
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