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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The sense of racial superiority can make an otherwise literate society goes brutal: The Nazis, the Apartheid South Africa, the Europeans in North America pre 20th century against Native Americans.
There is guilt and accommodation in America now for what was done to the Native Americans but I bet the Natives were called 'savages', 'terrorists', 'Only good Indian is a dead Indian'.

And then there is the brutality against the black people. There is a fair share of slavery in many cultures. But none as brutal and as prolonged as what the people of the European ancestry did. To them, 'Africans' were probably not even truly 'human'.

Israelis are, above all, racial supremacist and that explains their unwilling to live with those who have been living in that land for thousands of years.
Yeah I remember that too and I'm a bit skeptical about this "40 babies" thing.

I mean,they did kill families,but this 40 babies sounds as if they entered a hospital and found 40 babies together and killed them. Unless they meant generally or...it's completely false?
I don't believe that at all, they have a habit of adding up stuff once they get the public on their side. They will make up more and more horror stories in the coming days to keep everyone angry.
NY Times has brought the Putin/Russian 'muted' response to a more prominent place on its homepage since I quoted that article a few hours ago. There is much significance in the Russian posture on this--not as much 'why can't we all get along'.
Biden has alienated many countries at the same time.

The US in general and its pick-and-choose policies more specifically alienated many countries.

Which I think is good; I'm pro-multi-polar world we've seen the bad effects of a unipolar world.
Israel has just launched a barrage against Syria after rockets were fired from the Syrian border into Israel.

Cowards are afraid of free speech.
As I posted above, censorship in America/West is subtle but it is present. If and when a platform or a voice becomes powerful enough then the muzzling comes.
Exactly my point. The control on information is to be expected.
IDF has already said that there is no proof of that, updated statements can be found on X. Do not fall for propaganda so easily.
The irony is that one has to teach a Think Tank to base opinions on documented facts over "beliefs" or propaganda and mod posting away sidelining half the thread that has become a Trollfest, name-calling contest, and hub of useless arguments...Ohh PDF staff how your software got updated too...
I am going to engage you once again on this topic because I think the psychological war and the economical war against Israel has the best chance to make Israel come to negotiation table as it did when it fought Hezbollah in 2006 and that was only just one front!

You can't compare with Ukraine. That's large country where people have rougher lives but have several friendly neighbors. The tiny geography of Israel, the large dual-citizen AND well off population AND being literally surrounded by enemies makes Israelis much more vulnerable to the hardships of living under bunkers and not enjoying their 'First World' lifestyle. Many many Israelis would have the easy option to flee back to Europe and America and that temptation won't be ignored.

If you look at some Israeli sites, already you'd see people fleeing in airports. If you look at some Israeli sites, just a few days of violence and I see multiple people saying they feel betrayed by the IDF's failure on Saturday. Expand that to several weeks of living in fear. Have you not seen the affects on the Israeli economy from just a few days of this conflict? There is even a report about insurance companies being affected and possibly going belly up--to cover for not only this war but an expanded, prolonged war.

But, as I said, only time will tell. Per my own prediction, a prolonged barrage of rockets from multiple regions will exhaust Israel to possibly a point of some decent compromise. The current ruling coalition there is considered most extreme religious fanatics but there ARE some in Israel who want to live alongside Palestinians in peaceful ways--they may prevail one day.
I respect your maturity and perspectives. But this won't be the first time a theory was proven wrong. Syria cannot do much in this case. Hezbollah is most suited to attack Israel but Israeli Air Power and artillery pieces will be used to soften Hezbollah positions. Just because people do not post clips of Israeli air strikes in this thread and normally, does not imply that Israeli Air Power is ineffective. I have seen clips on Twitter - I am not posting them here because I respect sentiments of the only Palestinian member here. But I can tell you that when you pick a fight with a technologically advanced adversary, there is a price to pay for it.

Hezbollah has not taken its chances with Israel since 2006 because it also learned lessons. Hezbollah has surely improved its capability but so has Israel.

War should not be fought on sentimental grounds but when you can create leverage - you can see the outcome right now. This is the lesson.

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