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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

On international social media, the highly scientific post-truth army of Zionist media seems to have formed an alliance with Indian irregular keyboard guerrillas. Indeed, information pollution is at incredible levels.
Sorry Sir but I don't know where to say it. If we can start the campaign somehow that at least Kuwaits and Qataris kick out all Indian workers out of their countries. As well go through less say British Islamic sites and persuade them to do at least business pressure on Dindus and ........ ?
Paks have never backstabbed Palestine, actually they participated with us in 1973 war.
Delve into the events of "Black September." Both Israel and Palestine place more trust in India than Pakistan due to Pakistan's historical track record of backstabbing, whether it's towards Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, or the Arab world.
White House Situation Room, image just released.

The USA will try something.

Cope.. and weep.

LOL You stupid Hindu motherfvcker. Your Israhelli brothers are getting spanked by home made weapons LOL Don't you feel ashamed that your so-called Israeli friend are getting smoked? Such superior weapons, training and support from the Western world. Yet so incredibly weak.

Looks like Israel is the new Goliath LOL
Who got attack by savage barbarians this time?

This time it wasn't settlers shooting Palestinian kids,it wasn't the IDF bombing houses in Gaza.

It was Hamas and their allies who started a raid inside Israeli towns and villages.

A very good Greek reporter said something earlier: "We all knew Hamas wasn't especially kind or soft,but this reminded everyone of ISIS attacks".

Somehow,Iranians cannot see that. Why can't you guys see that? Does hate really blind you so much?
Jew killed more than 200 kids and women in these 3 days.

I'm blind? or you're blind?
Your leaders did not think about Gazan children when they were involved in planning Hamas operation against Israel
Never you thought that Israel will retaliate?
You always knew who will pay the price of 1000+ Dead Israelis
But still you people launched this operation !
That clearly means only one thing:

"Iranians hate Jews more than they actually love Palestinians"

The planners were you but now it's on Egyptians to save Gazan Children! How strange
Now Better you offer deal to Egypt.Give us route to Gaza and we will take Gazan Children and women back to Iran.
seek help
Previous wars started like some issue triggering rocket barrages from Gaza then israel striking several targets and more rocket barrages-more strikes with an increasing spiral turning to larger conflicts then cooling down. Last two years possible wars were averted although it became very close. Hamas forces didn't even strike back and escalate after some high value leaders from other resistance groups were taken down or from its own group. It is possible that they used that time to prepare for this type of event. This time however with a surprise initiation from Hamas now we are in the current situation. Regardless of the motive and conduct of the recent Hamas initiative locals living in Gaza have the right to defend themselves from the impending israeli land operation and the reserve the right to strike back against any indiscriminate attacks. Recent Hamas remarks say that they are open for talks and ceasefire.
Because in last two years Hamas was preparing for this day. A brilliant strategy of deception. Israel helped by having the political chaos in Israel for almost a year.
We don't need this bro, he should sanction the zionist regime and close the embassy. We don't need this soft pro-Israel talk which emboldens the terrorist zionist regime, they'll feel emboldened while they are coward babykillers who flatten residential building from the air. This kind of talk and attitude is ruining the defence and allows the genocide to continue.
Erdogan can do more.
Thats the point.
The difference between those society is the amount of time you can handle.
Hamas or Gaza or Egypt and many other arab countries can live on grass or the least amount of supplies, they got used to it, on the other hand europe or israel have the luxury life and cant sustain long time war thats why they try to end the war in the quickest way including carpet bombing Gaza.
Indeed!! Arabs are not going to fight Israel head-on as long as the Israeli leash is on American neck. But I really believe a multi-front rain of cheap rockets will destroy Israel to the point of where the dual nationiliites mostly flee back to Europe/America or they concede enough to make peace, roughly along the 1967 lines with appropriate land-swaps.

It will be interesting to see what Russia does. I'm pretty sure they would want to be on the opposite side of U.S-Israel alliance. For as long as there is a country other than Iran that backs Palestine, their position will firm up.
Russia is cornered. It can use some concessions from the Americans on Ukraine and the easiest way to get the concession is by needling Israel. And probably thats why the NY Times is giving increasing prominence to Russia's role in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. We should not forget the Russia-Ukraine war is actually an enlarging regional war!

I believe they should go back to the pre-1967 borders.
There you go speaking from both sides of your mouth. But I have you figured out, your political correct Rodney King 'Why can't be all get along' BS notwithstanding. And In case I had not made it clear before 'It is the occupation, stupid!'. (Not calling you personally stupid, but there are some other adjectives for you and other crocodile tears shedders of this forum).

A small clash between US forces and the resitance would greatly damage the reputation of their puppets in Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi... and US itsself. Lets hope small controlled clashes will occur. This is a great opportunity to test drones and missiles for Hezbollah and Houthis. It will show US clearly backs killing of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims and that normalization means being nailed.
Things are moving very fast. Anything is possible.
HAMAS seems to have done huge miscalculation. Consequences will be unfathomable.
It is what Hamas did what they just did or cease to exist as Palestinians. Their choice.

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