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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Lebanon, Egypt... Who knows some other Arab country. Imagine if regional countries started retaliating. Israel is testing the waters.
The jews got humiliated, number of their dead soldiers and destroyed tanks is high, very high.

Egypt must take the chance,if not joining the war then we know how to hurt them ( supply Hamas with whatever they need).
You are a clown that belongs in the circus. You fool none but yourselves.

How about I take over your home, make you live in the basement, throw you crumbs and some water every now and again, humiliate you now and again, and then complain when you fight back?

I'm willing to have a proper debate, you up for it?

We'll start from the beginning, the holocaust of 6 million Jews by white Europeans who are now somehow aghast at native semitic Palestinians fighting back following their ethnic cleansing. We'll start with the Stern gang.

Or maybe we'll start with the Caliph Umar, who upon hearing about the genocide of Jews by Christians, demanded that Jews return to Jerusalem?

Many of today Jews of are of mixed/European descent, true that.
The are FOREIGNERS from the part of race.
But what is with Arab Jews who got problems in the majority islamic countries when Israel won a war against - on paper - stronger Arab armies?
They went to Israel.
Often the Arab Jews are very brutal to non Jewish Arabs because of the stories of their ancestors who Arabs fought them in muslim countries.

In Israel/Palestine, there was, even after the Romans enslaved the Kikes, a amount of Jews.
For Jews, their territory is completely different to Christians/Muslims.
Why is that?
It was their culture, architecture, socially-culturally lifestyle which was manifested in that region and is still visible in ruins.
No matter that the Romans called this area than "Phillistine" which is from the "Phillister" historic enemies of the Jews, to show them they are nothing in front of Roman might.
When did Jews start to buy land from Ottoman Empire?
Who started (understandable) the first massacres? Arabs, cause they DIDN'T wanted the (jewish) FOREIGNERS.
Problem is, Jews in Arab countries got problems from that part on.
More and more poured into bought areas (from Ottomans) or later British Mandate "Palestine", the population grow.
Sure, they did modernize very effectivly the area they lived in but I understand that the Arabs became more and more angry because they are FOREIGNERS (not middle eastern) except Arab Jews who went into this areas.
When Israelis declared after so and so many massacres (started by Arabs) and the Holocaust independence Arabs declared war and lost.
Endless story since then.
I have sympathy for the ordinary Palestinians who whish nothing but to see their children grow up in peace and advocate for normal relations.
ok, they will apefrenzy by your wishes got it, i doubt that will happen as it will spill over fast, hot heads will cool of and even if not, they can not calculate response from other actors.
This is not my wish, this is how combat operation is conduct, this is how NATO do battle, and I know for a fact that this is also how Israeli do their battle.

And lol hot head will cool? Or what Hamas will nuke Israel if they attack like Russian sending their daily warning? There are nothing there to stop Israel from attacking, you have to be really frickin naive to kill 1000 Israeli and then hope they will "cool" before they go in and raze your city. You can pour a bucket of ice water on Netanyahu head and they will still going to invade Gaza.
The Brits are more Jewish than the Jews themselves.

Another thing, the main culprit in this whole conflict is you guessed it right: 🇬🇧
It is the Protenstantism in them in the smaller part but the bigger part is Calvinism which they gave to the Americans. Both Luther and Calvin were very suspicious people. Luther, most probably was an Atheist or gnostic, Calvin probably a Jew
I care fuk all on what you do, it's your hands, your computer, I don't post here to score point, I post here because I post here, you? I don't know why are you posting here.

Here we go - here is the Military expert professional that struggles to post 2 sentences on a forum without grammatical mistakes. Pathetic soul putting others down and sounding like bully. We dont know why you post on here - really no one cares - now go forth and multiply.

Its time now for the USA to reign in Netanyahooo and make a start on the pain staking 2 state policy to avoid bloodshed on both sides. The response of Hamas and the Palestinians shows clearly this is no longer a bow and arrow war. They will never be able to control them.
You take their land - steal their homes and then are shocked because they retaliate? Get a grip and accept its a no no.
We have to remember the Jew idea was for a Jewish state

But the problem they had was the Palestinians already existed

That's what the conflict and suffering has all been about

75 years on

There are MILLIONS of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims across Gaza, Israel and West Bank

And demographics are favoured towards the Palestinians not the jews


so what they want is to ethnically cleanse the people of Gaza or push them into Egypt so they can take the land and that is exactly what cannot happen

It's why it's important that if Israel wants Gaza or get 2.2 million and growing Palestinians too

And why the external battle for narrative is so important

It's a duty upon all.of us all , Muslims to stand with the Palestinians and absolutely hammer the Jews and their supporters at the moment
There is no way nay one is going to allow Israel to get to 100,000 Palestinian casualties ....
Again, as I said before, you need to understand the Israeli sentiment, watch some Israeli TV now, they are really beyond caring at this point. I am really not sure even if US say they won't support this operation and it will change anything for Israel, they will go in alone without or without the west.

And again as I explained before, they have mobilised more than 300000 soldier for this, you don't expect low casualty level for that number, so unless they are just bluffing (Which would most likely mean Netanyahu is committing political suicide), if they are deploying all the force they claim they have raise, this war will be similar in the level of intensity with Ukraine, you have similar number of troop involved in a extremely small place, that no doubt in my mind this is a mass cal war.

I mean, they aren't bringing 300,000 IDF force for vacation in gaza......
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I don't know which cvnt came up with this chart? Nepal has 42.99 IQ, so the same as an ape?
Me neither tbh, I remember the other numbers which are correct based on other charts.
That would be hard ... a Dolphin has a IQ of 35-45?!
Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Orang Utan and especially Gorillas are intelligent.
Here we go - here is the Military expert professional that struggles to post 2 sentences on a forum without grammatical mistakes. Pathetic soul putting others down and sounding like bully. We dont know why you post on here - really no one cares - now go forth and multiply.

Its time now for the USA to reign in Netanyahooo and make a start on the pain staking 2 state policy to avoid bloodshed on both sides. The response of Hamas and the Palestinians shows clearly this is no longer a bow and arrow war. They will never be able to control them.
You take their land - steal their homes and then are shocked because they retaliate? Get a grip and accept its a no no.
Again, if you kindly tell me what's wrong with my assumption, your post will be a bit more legit. Otherwise I can do this too, you stupid A-hole, you know nothing now scram (in case you don't get it, I am imitating you)

And I would say don't throw stone at a glass house when your own grammar is not really that good.

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