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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Wow. Israeli religious fanatics have informed Egypt it will bomb the Rafah border crossing. Israel is committing acts of war against Egypt too. US government must be very worried that Jewish fanatics will trigger a regional war.


Urgent press release
The Rafah Crossing administration on the Egyptian side informs the Rafah Crossing crews on the Palestinian side to evacuate the crossing immediately due to threats to bomb the crossing.
Iyad Al-Bazm
Spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and National Security

تصريح صحفي عاجل
إدارة معبر رفح في الجانب المصري تبلغ طواقم معبر رفح في الجانب الفلسطيني لإخلاء المعبر بشكل فوري لوجود تهديدات بقصف المعبر.
إياد البزم
المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية والأمن الوطني

I think at some point even the Americans might realise that Netanyahoo needs to be told that it is enough.
Do you know what is soften up target with Gunship and Fighter? Dropping Napalm and JDAM on your phase line or LZ, do you know what is creeping barrage? How long can your rocket shoot? Israeli can deploy artillery and MLRS and fire at target at one end of Gaza to the other the entire Gaza is 40km wide and 10 km long, it's more than easy to be covered by basic artillery, even non-base bleed round, you can cover the entire front before you move your troop in and fire in front of the unit that are getting deploy.

You pin your enemy down with air support, artillery support at all site before you move your troop up, you use IR and STAR to scan your potential insertion point. You can insert your troop while pinning down your enemy.

I know what I am talking about, the question is, do you? Do me a favor, don't talk military science to me when you know nothing at the topic at hand, it is really pointless when I say something you have no idea what I am talking about.
ok, they will apefrenzy by your wishes got it, i doubt that will happen as it will spill over fast, hot heads will cool of and even if not, they can not calculate response from other actors.
Hezbullah is a joke, bunch of lowlife losers...
Jews are behaving like ISIS. If you think we are getting involved you're crazy. US administration is quietly horrified at the actions of Jewish ISIS and how it might destabilize the whole region.
Israel is going to launch ground operation. Israeli would have Netanyahu balls if they only do airstrike.

Reliable source I have from both Pentagon and Israel told me that Israel had run thru the battleplan with the top brass in the Pentagon, they have raised around 300,000 reservist and are lining the troop on the Gaza border and waiting on the border to secure and stabilise the kibbutz before the jump off. This is going to be a huge operation and they are estimating around 100,000-300,000 Palestinian casualty.

Judging from the number of troops involved, it looks like this is a Gaza-wise operation. I can probably imagine how this is going to go down.

There is no way nay one is going to allow Israel to get to 100,000 Palestinian casualties ....
Wow. Israeli religious fanatics have informed Egypt it will bomb the Rafah border crossing. Israel is committing acts of war against Egypt too. US government must be very worried that Jewish fanatics will trigger a regional war.


Urgent press release
The Rafah Crossing administration on the Egyptian side informs the Rafah Crossing crews on the Palestinian side to evacuate the crossing immediately due to threats to bomb the crossing.
Iyad Al-Bazm
Spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and National Security

تصريح صحفي عاجل
إدارة معبر رفح في الجانب المصري تبلغ طواقم معبر رفح في الجانب الفلسطيني لإخلاء المعبر بشكل فوري لوجود تهديدات بقصف المعبر.
إياد البزم
المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية والأمن الوطني
I do want this to happen, I so want Egypt to join the war.

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