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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They are going to see worse, that's the problem, but then it's not Hamas that is going to suffer, it's going to be everyday Gazan, Palestinian.

The Israeli equate this to their own 9/11, some even goes further and said this is 9/11, Pearl Harbor put into one. They now only have revenge in their mind, and I know for a fact, because I was part of it, after 9/11, we went in there and fu.k shit up, kicking cans and blowing shit up, But we still have ROE we need to follow, they don't have ROE in Israeli, this is going to be a revenge ops, the Israeli are massing 300,000+ troop for mass casualty. And sad thing is, it's not really Hamas they are after, they are there going after everyone. And the world will let them do it, and that's the possibly the saddest thing.

On the other hand, in the long term, the 2 states solution is gone, there are no way Israel would accept any 2 state solutions after this, well, to be fair, 2 states solution exist in name only even before the attack, this attack has written the death certificate of any probability that Israel is going to agree with 2 states. Which mean the only way now for Palestinian can declare independence is basically eliminate Israel and the west that is backing the Israeli........

I honestly do not think the IDF will fight block to block. I believe they have decided to simply demolish all buildings in their way. I don't think they feel they can push through urban fighting without high casualties and that destroying the strip and giving Palestinians something to do by rebuilding everything is their best option now. Again , i just don't see israel fighting block to block like that, it is very hard to do with tanks as well . Palestinian Mujahideen will certainly take advantage of urban cover to assault IDF soldiers who we so over the weekend performed really badly against Hamas foot soldiers.
I honestly do not think the IDF will fight block to block. I believe they have decided to simply demolish all buildings in their way. I don't think they feel they can push through urban fighting without high casualties and that destroying the strip and giving Palestinians something to do by rebuilding everything is their best option now. Again , i just don't see israel fighting block to block like that, it is very hard to do with tanks as well . Palestinian Mujahideen will certainly take advantage of urban cover to assault IDF soldiers who we so over the weekend performed really badly against Hamas foot soldiers.
It will be something like Dresden, perhaps why USA sent bombers already

You think they could really ignore all diplomatic pressure?

Second intifada operations stopped after 3000 dead Palestinians. despite many dead israeli civilians fue to terrorist attacks.

Hezbollah 2006 war stopped with few thousand dead lebanese as well.

As soon as the death toll of palestinians rises to 1:2 ratio, more and more western calls will come that its “not proportional” and there should be “truce/peace”.
It’s over. Western powers have pledge support financially and military “openly” to finish them off under the pretext of fighting “Hamas” for the first time.
No one denies it bud. Not sure what you were attempting to get at with this though without context from your end.

Nothing personal nor aimed at you. Merely an opportunity to inform others about this perhaps less well know episode, considering an ongoing side-discussion on Blue Helmets recruited from NATO armies, which in the words of one participant exhibit superior degrees of altruism towards suffering Moslem populations. Sorry if it came across differently.

you asked for one, point is that where is just cause muslims will participate one way or another, on the other hand west had only few examples of such and has strong bias towards muslim state actors in general, so you should look in reversed direction.

Islamic fighters from the Iran-led Resistance Axis including HezbAllah saved countless Oriental Christians, Yazidis and others from "I"SIS in Mesopotamia and the Levant during the previous decade.





Iraq's Iranian-trained and -supplied PMU incorporate Christian units as well.


While NATO and Tel Aviv policy makers were busy instigating chaos across West Asia (not least through the illegal 2003 occupation of Iraq, pushed for by the zionist lobby as well as Netanyahu), which spawned terrorism and cycles of violence driving especially minorities like the Christians to seek refuge outside the region, Moslems like those pictured above were embracing martyrdom to protect said Christians and to safeguard traditional local communities which otherwise would have faced extinction at the hands of "I"SIS.
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I wouldn't be surprised if both Saudi Arabia ( recognition of Israel) and Iran ( nuclear deal) use the crisis to extract favorable terms from the US on their deals and the people of Gaza are hung out to dry.
Saudi's already got almost all they wanted, when Israel stopped opposing them getting a civilian nuclear deal from Uncle Sam.

Iran can't use this crisis right now, but will attempt to based on ongoing events. They did announce they had nothing to do with this already, so they will just wait and watch.

Once Israel's revenge is done with, and dust settles will we know how things will move. Till then its a horror show for everyone else.
millions of settlers on move already, they do not have endless human base for that, ok they can pull out total mobilization but at what cost in general, here in link is sensible overview from former high ranking officer with rational approach beside bloodthirsty mood of israel public.

Yeah, but you are not looking at how many people moving in

Israel calls up 300,000 reservists, US warns Iran to back off​

That's the entire Russian invasion force to Ukraine and then some and this is just the reserve component, we aren't counting god know how many Regular Force and Security Force that are going in as well, and Gaza is about 1/1000 the size of Ukraine (I think Ukraine are about 603,000 km2 and Gaza is what? Smaller than 500??)

Also, if I remember correctly that's half of the ready reserve they can call up, every one of the Israeli citizen, male and female served in the IDF, which mean if it come down to, they can draft probably just about anyone in that 10 million population size.
Islam is the true religion of Peace. Muslims are too just.

If we were not just and ethical... there would be no world today.

The world exists because of Allah's Mercy upon the Muslims.
Only Muslim majority country which could deliever monstrous blows is de facto Pakistan, cause of nukes.
Hell if the „Western World“ would stop to care about 3rd worlders with food, medicine and other aid BILLIONS would starve to death.
Don‘t even talk about military „reprisals“ without hands-tied-behind-back.
Fully, bloodthirsty unleashed, nothing would be left.
I honestly do not think the IDF will fight block to block. I believe they have decided to simply demolish all buildings in their way. I don't think they feel they can push through urban fighting without high casualties and that destroying the strip and giving Palestinians something to do by rebuilding everything is their best option now. Again , i just don't see israel fighting block to block like that, it is very hard to do with tanks as well . Palestinian Mujahideen will certainly take advantage of urban cover to assault IDF soldiers who we so over the weekend performed really badly against Hamas foot soldiers.
Again, 300,000+ force to do that? Either Netanyahu is bluffing, or they are going to get every inch with that group of force, as I mentioned before, this is more than the force Russia uses to attack Ukraine with and Ukraine is 1000 times bigger than Gaza. I mean even if they aren't deploying all 300,000 into it, you don't need even 1/3 to do just that.

And also, my friend in the Pentagon told me that they are expecting high casualty affair, they have run the scenario with the Pentagon already, now obviously he didn't tell me anything about it, but he said the upcoming war they are accepting 10-20k casualty and up to 300k casualty in Gaza. That mean they are most likely going to go door to door, block by block. It won't get this level of casualty and that amount of troop just to walk over the bombed out city, which ironically was what I was thinking what would their response be 2 days ago.
Yeah, but you are not looking at how many people moving in

Israel calls up 300,000 reservists, US warns Iran to back off​

That's the entire Russian invasion force to Ukraine and then some and this is just the reserve component, we aren't counting god know how many Regular Force and Security Force that are going in as well, and Gaza is about 1/1000 the size of Ukraine (I think Ukraine are about 603,000 km2 and Gaza is what? Smaller than 500??)

Also, if I remember correctly that's half of the ready reserve they can call up, every one of the Israeli citizen, male and female served in the IDF, which mean if it come down to, they can draft probably just about anyone in that 10 million population size.
it doesn't matter how many they are moving, they can not send all of them to gaza in sensible military way.
Dude, you have not written a single sentence without a major grammatical error. Stop judging others.
I can make grammatical mistakes but your statement doesn't make sense. Making the mistakes indicates the flaws in my English, written something which doesn't make a sense indicates that you a bit illiterate. Between grammatical mistakes and nonsense os very big difference. Ond is lack of trying, the other is stupidity
This is about being objective and principled. Does anyone actually believe these are 'military targets'? It's more than obvious to anyone that this is about inflicting death and mayhem on the general population of Gaza. So why aren't these consider terror attacks? They are worse. They are genocidal attacks. We can see then there are no principles or actual laws of war or commitment to human rights/ethics of war. It's all a lie.

By the way I read your post about the hostages

I agree as on a program locally, someone was saying same. Conditions right now will mean that, they are effectively dead anyways. So don't think Israel will stop for them

I heard about Dresden bombing for the first time, and the retired general was pointing towards some similar action. The tunnels he says, towards Israel or Egypt that Hamas uses might be a good reason to cook them live. He says that most of these open into, Schools and Mosques and Hospitals or Banks to give them civilian cover. (Guess the small geography makes it necessary, but its cruel to have human shields still). He mentioned this is one of the reason, IDF is bombing so many buildings.

Whatever this is, will change the face of that region for long time to come, but also leave a trail of human misery that world will remember.
They are going over the there the same way we went to Afghanistan, which is to try to F up their regime, that force they are advertising are huge, like it would put Ukraine war to shame that type of huge. From what I know dealing with IDF before, they don't really have Rules of Engagement, which mean they are going to go there, destroy everything and as they say, leave, but I don't see how they would be leaving after this, the only way they are not staying is as if Hamas somehow manage to stop this attack, if they go into Gaza, they are staying with this force for a while. Otherwise, you don't need that many people drafted up, Hamas at best have 20-30k fighter, even less are trained, you don't need to call up 300,000 to deal with this force, that is a dead squad.

And yes, sad thing is this is going to be human mystery written in blood, which would make past atrocity look tame.
This is not going to end up getting most of them back anyway, they couldn't verify the POL and I don't see how Hamas can use that 100 odd hostage for anything, too small of a group to try to stave off an attack and too big a group to feed to try to keep them alive, there may be some exchange but mostly I would think these people are for all intent and purpose, gone.

say the person who keep coming back. Seems like my word hit a nerve or something.
No. I am bored. Other emotions in me you can't wake. I just do a bit of mocking, it entertains me greatly. I am just mocking you other than that, there is nothing else.
I must tell by the way you write, I can see that you lack any personality

this one scarred me for life

, europeans do not accept russians as europeans despite being white

western europe considers east of germany to be savages

the most barbarous actions are probably cartel though
that shit really scarred me

It probably was a Chechen soldier.
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