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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Bad leadership, yes, has always plagued Pakistan, which continues today as well.

Your self loathing is exactly what your opponents want you to feel even if it’s justified in current events. Carry on if you must call your existence unfortunate.

It is not reality self loathing. It is introspection and reality
Issue is why are people supporting isrealis punitive actions civilians for last 50 years
Because my friend,some people are so stuck up with one side...they don't want to see anything else. And especially those weird American evangelicals
back channel, if not, write off. They won't spend another 5 years and releasing 1000 prisoner for a single Private this time, in fact, some parent of the hostage went on National TV and tell Netanyahu to forget about their sons/daughter as long as they kill every one that responsible for this attack.
That makes sense. I think Hamas miscalculated how much leverage the hostages would get them. In fact, if Israel refuses to negotiate on them, they are a liability to Hamas now. If they are harmed, Hamas will lose even more international support.
I will say that one last time, you think my opinion are wrong, you don't like my opinion, you think my opinion is boring you can walk away, you don't have to stay and read my comment, you express your dislike to what I said changes nothing on what I said and what I think. And you think you are calling me to clear off thrice is not a repeat on a echo chamber?? LOL.

And judging by the response where my post has 10s of like and yours got nothing, seems like YOU are the one that boring people here. But hey, that doesn't really mean anything now does it eh?
You are pathetic and over emotional. Don't stress yourself too much. Why are you keeping this conversation? You are boring and unimaginative. Maybe in reality, you have nothing to say to this world? Here and there some repeatitions like some can see on the daily basis anywhere. Can you construct a sentence at least a bit rare phrase? I don't think so
What is Israel's plan regarding the hostages ?
They are considered dead/fates have been sealed as they will not establish contact with Hamas presently no matter what. Only America and others will probably negotiate for the safety of their citizens but I don't see that working out if Israel's going to be launching an operation into Gaza which will likely also result in deaths of hostages no matter who.
Something interesting a friend of mine posted:

Indifferent to the Zionist claim. However he is not a pig. Pigs are useful and, (no offense intended) as delicious as beef when cooked right as long as you're allowed to consume it.

And as far as the rest of your comment goes, that is your opinion, and I respect that. I'll just say we will disagree on the fact that I consider both camps make a mockery of the word "warrior" with their actions since day 1.

...as the Canadian so-called "UN Peacekeepers" who went on a wanton killing spree of starving Somali civilians and slowly tortured to death at least one Somali teenager - well, this was the only such case to go public, who knows how many more were abused in this particular fashion.

Only to be followed months later by a leaked video documenting institutionalized, racist initiation rites within the NATO-affiliated Canadian armed forces.


More information at the link below, for those interested:
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Are you really in the US? Because a person with any decent knowledge and education knows how these things work and wouldn’t base his/her argument over these. More so while making a claim of statistical nature. Please don’t make such stupid claims. And worst would be start posting them here, which is done by many Mullahs to buttress their stupid claims.

That shows your biased mind. I sad “region” and you tried to paraphrase me due to your own bias. Do you see it? I guess not. Hatred is generally blind.

Haha you know when you can’t get an upper hand in an argument, personal attacks shows the desperation. Funny you mention education, quite a handful of Indian predators on TCAP also were highly educated, now deported. Look into it, it’s quite funny to watch their reactions when caught.

Ahhh and now it changes to the region without a specific mention of Palestinians but def the music festival girl who’s still eating your heart away…likewise, Indians lust for fair skin is blind too
They are going to see worse, that's the problem, but then it's not Hamas that is going to suffer, it's going to be everyday Gazan, Palestinian.

The Israeli equate this to their own 9/11, some even goes further and said this is 9/11, Pearl Harbor put into one. They now only have revenge in their mind, and I know for a fact, because I was part of it, after 9/11, we went in there and fu.k shit up, kicking cans and blowing shit up, But we still have ROE we need to follow, they don't have ROE in Israeli, this is going to be a revenge ops, the Israeli are massing 300,000+ troop for mass casualty. And sad thing is, it's not really Hamas they are after, they are there going after everyone. And the world will let them do it, and that's the possibly the saddest thing.

On the other hand, in the long term, the 2 states solution is gone, there are no way Israel would accept any 2 state solutions after this, well, to be fair, 2 states solution exist in name only even before the attack, this attack has written the death certificate of any probability that Israel is going to agree with 2 states. Which mean the only way now for Palestinian can declare independence is basically eliminate Israel and the west that is backing the Israeli........
I'm hoping that after all this that they are able to return back and rebuild with the Arab League pledging support. Realistically, authority if given would be given to the Palestinian Authority (Abbas). That would be the best case scenario considering the circumstances, prevent radicalization perhaps in the future. I don't think Israel can stay in Gaza indefinitely either, too costly and bigger fish to fry.
turkey in korea?
a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.

To be fair..i knew about turkey (though heavily motivated at the time with geopolitical reasons), and they fought well in korea.
And I am sure there is also a UN mission in africa somewhere where a dozen pakistanis or bangladeshis are walking around.

So yes…there are some examples…but they are very sparse.
That makes sense. I think Hamas miscalculated how much leverage the hostages would get them. In fact, if Israel refuses to negotiate on them, they are a liability to Hamas now. If they are harmed, Hamas will lose even more international support.\

This is not going to end up getting most of them back anyway, they couldn't verify the POL and I don't see how Hamas can use that 100 odd hostage for anything, too small of a group to try to stave off an attack and too big a group to feed to try to keep them alive, there may be some exchange but mostly I would think these people are for all intent and purpose, gone.

You are pathetic and over emotional. Don't stress yourself too much. Why are you keeping this conversation? You are boring and unimaginative. Maybe in reality, you have nothing to say to this world? Here and there some repeatitions like some can see on the daily basis anywhere. Can you construct a sentence at least a bit rare phrase? I don't think so
say the person who keep coming back. Seems like my word hit a nerve or something.
...as the Canadian so-called "UN Peacekeepers" who went on a wanton killing spree of starving Somali civilians and slowly tortured to death at least one teenager, isn't it - well, only this one case went public, who knows how many more they abused in this manner.

Only to be followed months later by a leaked video documenting institutionalized, racist initiation rites in the Canadian armed forces.


More information at the link below, for those interested:
No one denies it bud. Not sure what you were attempting to get at with this though without context from your end.
You are pathetic and over emotional. Don't stress yourself too much. Why are you keeping this conversation? You are boring and unimaginative. Maybe in reality, you have nothing to say to this world? Here and there some repeatitions like some can see on the daily basis anywhere.

Can you construct a sentence at least a bit rare phrase? I don't think so
Dude, you have not written a single sentence without a major grammatical error. Stop judging others.

Israel calls up 300,000 reservists, US warns Iran to back off​

The US is warning Iran to stay out of Israel’s conflict with Hamas as American weapons begin flowing to its Middle East ally after the weekend’s terror attack, and as Israel called up an unprecedented 300,000 reservists for the conflict.
With the death toll climbing past 1500, including 900 Israelis, Hamas threatened to start killing Israeli hostages and broadcast the executions in response to any retaliatory air strikes that came without warning.

People flee their homes in Khan Younis, amid Israeli strikes in the southern Gaza Strip. Reuters
The warnings came as Israel’s military said it had regained control of the border, as it laid siege to Gaza and cut off electricity, fuel, food and water to the strip of land that is home to 2 million people. Preparations were well under way for a possible ground invasion.
“We have only started striking Hamas,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a nationally televised address.
“What we will do to our enemies in the coming days will reverberate with them for generations.”

The conflict – and the threat it could spill into a broader regional conflict involving Iran and its proxy militias – meant the oil price held on to its biggest gains for six months. The S&P/ASX 200 rallied back above 7000 – its best one-day performance this month – amid dovish signs from the US Federal Reserve over interest rates.
The Albanese government is working on contingency plans to rescue stranded Australians from Israel using both commercial and military aircraft, as many major airlines suspended flights to and from the main airport at Tel Aviv.
There are no confirmed reports of Australians being killed, injured or abducted in the turmoil, although Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said safety concerns remained, given the number of Australians who visited Israel.
Despite pressure, Foreign Minister Penny Wong ruled out cutting Australian aid to Palestine, saying humanitarian assistance would continue to be channelled via the United Nations and International Committee of the Red Cross. Australia has committed $32.2 million in foreign aid in 2023-24.
The European Union initially suspended aid but reversed course after some members felt it was a measure punishing all Palestinians.
A day after the US ordered a carrier strike group closer to the eastern Mediterranean to guard against escalation, America’s top general issued a blunt warning to Iran and its Lebanese-based proxy militia Hezbollah “not to get involved”.

“We want to send a pretty strong message. We do not want this to broaden and the idea is for Iran to get that message loud and clear,” Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Charles Brown Jr said.
The White House said Iran’s support for Hamas had made it “complicit” in the attack, but there was no intelligence evidence directly linking Tehran to the planning.
“Iran has long supported Hamas and other terrorist networks throughout the region with resources capabilities training,” National Security Committee spokesman John Kirby said.
“And so in that regard, clearly, Iran is complicit here, but in terms of specific evidence on this, these sorts of attacks, no, we don’t have anything.”
While Israeli forces claimed it had hit 500 targets in Gaza by airstrikes and appears poised to stage a ground invasion – the first since 2014 – the big question remains about the scale of a campaign and the response from Hamas and its supporters.
The Israeli military is building a base next to the Gaza Strip to accommodate tens of thousands of soldiers.

“Israel is going to respond very severely and aggressively and there will be more loss of life,” military spokesman Richard Hecht said. “We should all change the paradigm here. This is not tit-for-tat.”

Israelis relocated from border towns​

Thousands of Israeli residents were relocated from border towns near Gaza, as Israeli officials said they had largely regained control of the south and restored full control of the border following Saturday’s shock attack by Hamas terrorists in the deadliest fighting for decades.
Israeli tanks and drones were deployed to guard breaches in the Gaza border fence to prevent new incursions.
More than 900 Israelis have been slaughtered and 2500 injured.
One of the deadliest scenes was the Be’eri kibbutz, where 100 people died out of 1000 residents, with claims terrorists set fire to homes and waited by windows to shoot people as they tried to climb out to safety.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hecht also claimed the bodies of 1500 militants had been found in Israel.
He said the infiltration by a small number of people into Israel’s north from Lebanon on Monday was by Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters, not Hezbollah. The area has largely been quiet since then apart from the firing of several mortars toward Israel, he added.
In Gaza, Palestinian officials said almost 700 people had been killed in airstrikes.
In response to Israel’s aerial attacks, the spokesman of Hamas’ armed wing, Abu Obeida, said on Monday night that the group would kill one Israeli civilian captive any time Israel targeted civilians in their homes in Gaza “without prior warning”.
“From this moment on, we announce that any targeting of innocent civilians without warning will be met, regretfully to say, by executing one of the hostages in our custody,” he said.
“Our enemy does not understand the values or ethics.”

Israel claims it has been warning Palestinians via social media to evacuate buildings slated for a military strike.

Hostage taking continues​

Hamas and its partner Islamic Jihad claim they are holding more than 130 hostages, including Israeli Defence Force personnel, and abducted more people on Monday. The group is demanding the release of 4500 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails as an exchange,
Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said the country was committed to bringing the hostages home.
“We demand Hamas not to harm any of the hostages,” he said. “This war crime will not be forgiven.”
Israel defied warnings from United Nations chief António Guterres over the dire humanitarian consequences of its siege of Gaza, with reports its sole power station will run out of fuel within days.

The UN said more than 187,000 of Gaza’s 2.3 million people had been forced to flee their homes. UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, is sheltering more than 137,000 people in schools across the territory. Families have taken in some 41,000 others.

Aid to Palestine to remain​

Senator Wong, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and NSW Premier Chris Minns slammed pro-Palestinian protesters who lit flares and hurled anti-Semitic abuse at Sydney’s Opera House on Monday night, which had been lit up with blue and white lights in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish community.
“We are a tolerant, multicultural nation. I understand that people have deep views about issues relating to the Middle East conflict, but here in Australia we have to deal with political discourse in a respectful way,” Mr Albanese said.
“I acknowledge Palestinian suffering has occurred over a long period of time as well [but] nothing justifies what we saw on the weekend. Nothing justifies the slaughter of innocent civilians trying to enjoy a music festival.”
But Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president Nasser Mashni accused the Albanese government of failing to condemn Israeli provocations, such as the Gaza siege and labelling of its residents as “human animals”.

“Palestinian Australians and their supporters have felt horrified by the one-sided response by the Australian government in the last few days,” he said.
“Israel blatantly disregards international law with its apartheid policies against Palestinians and violent oppression. They must not be given carte blanche to think they can get away with a genocide.”

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