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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

30,000 Jews were prevented from going to Israel and doing what they are doing now. But we didnt kill them. We don't kill civilians.
Unfortunately not many, it would be much better if we did. In the future war if I am around, there is no such thing as a civilian for me. Clearly that's the way they want it. For example any jew who supports Israel in my opinion must be executed. They ask for that themselves, I didn't push them to do that. Also this Swedish cuck , for me I respect the life of a roach much more than his. Anyone in this forum who is against us is meaningless to me. If they die right now I am going to have a good steak and have a giant shit in memory of them.
Director of Hospitals in Gaza: no aid has reached us from Egypt in 2 weeks

Update on the hostage deal.

Hamas has accepted Qatar offer to release 50 hostages , in exchance for three days ceasefire and supplies includiing fuel.

Israel has not answered yet to the offer , but i think most likely would accept this , if this involves freeing all the children form Gaza , which i imagine would be first on the list.

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Update on the hostage deal.

Hamas has accepted Qatar offer to release 50 hostages , in exchance for three days ceasefire and supplys includiing fuel.

Isrtael has not answered yet to the offer , but i think most likely would accept this , if this involved freeing all the children form Gaza , wich i imagine would be first on the list.

Remember your origins, terrorist subhuman scum



Update on the hostage deal.

Hamas has accepted Qatar offer to release 50 hostages , in exchance for three days ceasefire and supplys includiing fuel.

Israel has not answered yet to the offer , but i think most likely would accept this , if this involves freeing all the children form Gaza , which i imagine would be first on the list.


Another marvelous decision by the Israeli. Bomb the shit out of a hospital. Kill everyone inside - including babies and medics - then fly the flag with your faces - incriminating yourselves when trialed for war crimes... Bravo
For him killing the unarmed people is a great merit. He is Ulster Scott by origin, a rats brought to Ireland from Aberdeen, the penniless rats had been given the properties of the killed Catholics. Those rats were eating and drinking, 1848 while their neighbours were dying of hunger. Those Rats moved then moved to the Ameticas where they did the same to the natives. These Rats have no a distinctive language or culture, just sucking to the English. They have been doing the dirty work for English and Jews.
Believe me he is happy for any Palestinian child killed, that's what practically defines him.
At least some Europeans are waking up to the Zionist savages war crimes.

Israeli Oct. 7 'propaganda' film banned in parliament: Belgium Speaker​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English

The Belgian Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations says that Israeli-made film is propaganda intended to cover up war crimes.

The President of the Belgian Parliament shut down a request by the Israeli Ambassador to the country to screen the occupation entity's self-produced film regarding the events on October 7, and called out the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, describing them as "war crimes."

Another attempt by Israeli ambassador Edith Rozentzweig-Abu to screen a shortened version of the film to the Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations also faced a stark refusal, on the grounds that it is Israeli "propaganda intended to cover up war crimes."

They are hiding their true number of casualties
I have read reports that over 700 Zionist savages have been sent to hell. I posted the link from Bulgarian military news earlier. Hezbollah has killed 47 of the Zionist bastards and currently is attacking northern occupied Palestine. Israeli media: Rocket alert sirens in Kiryat Shmona, Margaliot, Misgav Am at border with Lebanon.
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