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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Excuse my ignorance but what's the fixation with a particular hospital?

Haven't they been leveling Gaza? Why are people so focused on that area? Is there a significance to it?
They "IDF" claim it houses the command centre for Hamas.


These medics, paramedics, volunteers and nurses are HEROES.

Murdered a 79 year old who could barely walk, possibly injured in bombing. He has a walking stick in one hand and also needs to hold the soldier's arm for support.

Obviously, Israel's murderous business didn't begin here with this. They have been doing it since the 1940s. Only difference is they increased the scale.
Read this:

Gaza 2.0 — The world’s first digital genocide

This is where all of us are. Entrapped in a vile world order where scrolling past death is a routine part of our absurd new life.

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised
Will not be televised, will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run, brothers
The revolution will be live.
In 1970, in the aftermath of the American Civil Rights Movement, the African-American poet Gil Scott Heron penned these words, urging people to the streets. His iconic words outlasted the Jim Crow laws that inspired them. But in that year, the promise of racial equality was not delivered as the hold of American apartheid remained.

The movement for Black self-determination, Heron powerfully echoed, would not be televised. The terrestrial media outlets of the day were rooted in the white supremacy that nurtured racial segregation, leaving the streets as the only outlet for Black protest and in his words, “revolution.”

The world is not what it was five decades ago. The advent and emergence of social media has provided new virtual platforms for protest. These digital venues have been vital for aggrieved populations within authoritarian nations, where the possibility of street protests and grassroots revolutions were impossible.

The “Arab Spring” uprisings are a testament to the “revolution being televised” on social media timelines, flipping the script and providing fuel for the subsequent phase of assembly that unfolded in city squares.

On the other side of revolution, however, is repression; and its most horrific form — genocide. In this new world order, social media platforms have not only become sites where genocides are justified, but also vividly depicted for the world to frightfully behold.

The inhuman violence in Gaza has pervaded our digital timelines and mobile phone screens more than any other genocide before it. Both genocides past, as well as those paralleling the gruesome episodes in Gaza.

Gaza is the world’s first digital genocide. A genocide where the images of intimate suffering and death are instantly transmitted onto our screens. The gory images of babies with chopped heads are liked and shared, and the streaming videos of children with bodies charred by white phosphorus are passed on to friends and followers with the click of a finger. Livestreaming footage of bombed hospitals and schools televised on Instagram Live, while the disastrous shortage of drinking water depicted on TikTok.


In Gaza, people resort to drinking salty water as garbage piles up

Gaza is hardly the world’s first genocide. In fact, there are several concurrent disasters taking place around the world, including Sudan and China. Yet, the prolific social media traffic dedicated to Gaza and the nonstop avalanche of images, videos, and livestreaming content conveying the sheer brutality inflicted on the Palestinian people is unprecedented.

The genocide in Gaza is not only televised, but experienced by all of us in real-time. We absorb the uncut violence unleashed upon the Palestinians who call the 140 square mile plot of land home — for now — at a furious rate and unfiltered colour that no human population has before.

This is — particularly because of the corporate media’s shameful bias — vital for the truth and transparency that undergirds journalistic ethics. But from an existential angle, curating a dangerous new (ab)normal where viewers on all sides are becoming numb to the images of Palestinian death and suffering. Desensitised to a scale of human tragedy that should shake us all.

These are images that, individually, would not have been printed by major Western newspapers 10 or 15 years ago. Images that should alarm anyone and everyone, but instead visuals of death and destruction are shared and posted, scrolled past and passed on with mechanised routine.

Dystopian would be an understatement. This genocide has pushed us to a state far past that, and perhaps, so far gone. If the genocide in Palestine, Gaza 2.0, were a Black Mirror episode, we would all be aghast by what the world and all of us could become.


But instead of watching, we are part of it. Virtual participants in a digital genocide that endangers our very humanity with every click and post. Instead of observing apocalyptic fiction on wide screens, we are immersed fully in a moribund reality on the screens attached to our palms.

This is where all of us are. Entrapped in a vile world order where scrolling past death is a routine part of our absurd new life.

Erdogan is a two faced cowardly snake. Turkey is the second largest military contributor (cannon fodder) for NATO masters. It maintains very close ties with Zionist child killers, its stealing OIL from Syria to fund terrorism. Erdogan's son in law Bilal is making millions selling stolen oil to Jews. The Turks have the largest Mossad bases all over and then just to please his Islamist supporters. Check out Flight Tracker and almost all US arms being shipped to the Zionists via Jordan originate in Turkey. Erdogan makes these munafiq moves. Turkey has not even broken diplomatic relations with Zionists while several South American Catholic nations have.
Shut the f up Rafidi. The only what you can do is backbite. Your country was using Israeli weapons against other Muslim. What do you think?:that we believe that you want to support Palestine? 40 years of rally, go on and fight Israel or you will fight the hospitals in Aleppo like Israel fights Al Sifa hospital? What are you talking about? Khomeini son has 40 flats in London, I k know where those flats are and who maintains them. Go on and fight isreal, don't just fight Saddam and Taliban for the sake of Americans.
What two faced , your religious duty is to lie.
The half of the comments of your kind is about Arab and other Islamic rulers. You killed 10x more Muslims then Israel ever did. In Pakistan, you support India , for Uygurs you talk that they are isis , for Rohingiya you never gave a damn. Do you co operate with PKK in Syria or not? The open US agents? Am I inventing something here? Am I? Don't you cooperate with pkk in Iraq ? What are you taking about? I tried not to break the ranks here for a long time but you will never stop.
You like hamas or Palestinian people, you don't give a damn. It is very cheap investment for you to get the traction in the Islamic world. Your only ever ambition is allegedly to fight Arab states , that's why, usa never stomped on your head. Now American fleets are around, why don't you kidnap some tanker? Ha ? Big guys . Only tedious childish statements. Who you bullshit? Usa gave you everything, and you gave them the opportunity to embed themselves in middle East? What's the result of these talk apart from that, tell me? Even in this issue, I am sure you led this poor people onto the thin ice.
Ha , consistently talking about everyone around, go on show us how it is done.
In reality you should say thank you America. You have your a little Empire now , what do you want? To give my money to Mullahs?
I am not a child and don't think that I don't see through your bullshit.
Shut the f up Rafidi. The only what you can do is backbite. Your country was using Israeli weapons against other Muslim. What do you think?:that we believe that you want to support Palestine? 40 years of rally, go on and fight Israel or you will fight the hospitals in Aleppo like Israel fights Al Sifa hospital? What are you talking about? Khomeini son has 40 flats in London, I k know where those flats are and who maintains them. Go on and fight isreal, don't just fight Saddam and Taliban for the sake of Americans.
What two faced , your religious duty is to lie.
The half of the comments of your kind is about Arab and other Islamic rulers. You killed 10x more Muslims then Israel ever did. In Pakistan, you support India , for Uygurs you talk that they are isis , for Rohingiya you never gave a damn. Do you co operate with PKK in Syria or not? The open US agents? Am I inventing something here? Am I? Don't you cooperate with pkk in Iraq ? What are you taking about? I tried not to break the ranks here for a long time but you will never stop.
You like hamas or Palestinian people, you don't give a damn. It is very cheap investment for you to get the traction in the Islamic world. Your only ever ambition is allegedly to fight Arab states , that's why, usa never stomped on your head. Now American fleets are around, why don't you kidnap some tanker? Ha ? Big guys . Only tedious childish statements. Who you bullshit? Usa gave you everything, and you gave them the opportunity to embed themselves in middle East? What's the result of these talk apart from that, tell me? Even in this issue, I am sure you led this poor people onto the thin ice.
Ha , consistently talking about everyone around, go on show us how it is done.
In reality you should say thank you America. You have your a little Empire now , what do you want? To give my money to Mullahs?
I am not a child and don't think that I don't see through your bullshit.
LOL, truth rattled you little guy. Sorry your childish disjointed poor syntax rant is not impressive. Kiss more Zionist arse.


The Sun’s powerful front page calling for safe return of child hostages taken by Hamas heralded around the world

ESTERDAY’S front page calling for the safe return of the 32 children taken by Hamas struck a chord with our readers across the UK – and further afield.

So many of you wrote to us expressing your passionate belief that the world must not forget what the evil terrorist group is doing to Jewish people in Israel.


You told us of your horror at the violence and catastrophic loss of human life.

And you sent your heartfelt wishes that the children would be returned to their loved ones, where they belong. The strength of feeling in your letters has warmed our hearts.

We will always stand against terror and barbarity on behalf of all our readers.

And we are proud to stand with you.

Plus all the 60 year old children kidnapped.
LOL, truth rattled you little guy. Sorry your childish disjointed poor syntax rant is not impressive. Kiss more Zionist arse.
That's what you are , In the lack of any answers, you get vulgar and full accusations and full of the labeling. What fucking truth , Van you document anything you say. Can you? I don't need to document what I say.
All what your kind ever says is exactly word for word the same what zionist say , you just change the names of the things . Go on fight Zionists in Palestine, don't fight them in Syria, will you? Oh yes , first you have to finish " Zionists Wahabis" in Syria?
Go on , you keep saying the same thing for 44 years, Go on, will you?
Nowhere to be seen, Tufeyli the ex general secretary of Hezbollah talks how Hezbollah was payed few times to be good boys. Of course, everyone is Zionist and terrorist according to you. That's the convenient slogan and answer for anything what bothers you.
Document what are you saying for once.
Tufeyli who was your man , says that you are an American bitch, not me not any wahabi but your own people.
Excuse my ignorance but what's the fixation with a particular hospital?

Haven't they been leveling Gaza? Why are people so focused on that area? Is there a significance to it?

The significance is Israel doesn't have a win, it's stuck

So it needs a made up target, where they can say we have destroyed target X, thus we have achieved our aim and destroyed Hamas's imaginary headquarters

Whilst the Israeli are happy to murder and massacre this is a tough conflict on them also and Jews across the world
Targeted, hated, regional plans for the moment atleast destroyed. Massive hit to the economy, political issues etc etc

Taking over millions of Palestinians.in gaza is improbable,, they need to formulate some sort of definitive win, otherwise they have lost
Zionists savages kill patients, women and children at Al-Shia hospital. Even the Emergency room has turned into mass murder room for Palestinians.

Large number of IOF storm al-Shifa hospital, martyrs reported​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Al Mayadeen
  • Today 06:56

Al Mayadeen's correspondent reports that a large number of IOF raided al-Shifa hospital, adding that there are reports of martyrs and wounded.

Well , Bosnians are still around, 2 million of us. In our process of survival we killed more Euro cunts then the Indians did. We are still around, we wouldn't be with that attitude.
Only what I am sorry for , we let Kaykoroaches come to our country as the refugees. Thankfully, the Germans ( the real ones) made those rats a bit of the rarity

Less for Ukraine?
We did kill 40,000 European christians in Europe. Thats not a small number. It's been a while since anyone can boast of doing that. Perhaps Russians. The only thing is, the ones we killed speak our language and look like us and are genetically most similar to us.
We did kill 40,000 European christians in Europe. Thats not a small number. It's been a while since anyone can boast of doing that. Perhaps Russians. The only thing is, the ones we killed speak our language and look like us and are genetically most similar to us.
Over the centuries a lot more , just at Krbava a long time ago we sent to the Hell 20 000 filthy Kuffarl, germans and Hungarians. In a day
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