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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

100% of what the Israelis and the Zion media have been reporting are lies after lies , they aren't worth dwelling a minute on.
They hired a girl to go onto Twitter and pretend she was a doctor
They found a list of Hamas members hanging on a wall saying that these were clearly those that were guarding prisoners - after doing some research - they found it was simply a list of the 7 days of the week.

You would think if they had any prime facia evidence - this was the time to show the world that what they had was justified - perhaps the network of tunnels?

Meanwhile there is clear evidence of dead babies in the hospital because of no amenities - now that’s a war crime and unbelievable
When i say these people are true Muslims and closest to prophet of Islam,

You should watch this clip and educate youself.

With english translation this time so you would understand.

Specially minute : 02:00

رسالة إلى الشعب العربي والفلسطيني​

Translated to all languages​

مكتوب . . . مكتوب . . . مكتوب . . .

مكتوب . . . مكتوب . . . مكتوب . . .


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Whaddaya mean 'have'? That implied recent. No, it has been known since 1948 that the Arabs never cared for the Palestinians except as pawns. Now with the Abraham Accord, that apathy is sealed.

The GCC Arabs will be hung upside down by the Israelis.

Remember that according to Sephardic Jews the only good Arab is a dead Arab. Not only that, Israel truly seeks to expand its promised land. That doesn't only include Palestinian territory...

GCC Arabs are Jews in disguise, you think they care?

Just have a look at the Abraham Accords. That is all we need to know. The Arabs have sold out a long time ago.

Turkish Imam detained in Saudi Arabia for speaking in favor of Gaza from what it says ^.

Saudi Arabia is a little whore of Israel.

Any Muslim performing Hajj or Umrah in Saudi Arabia needs to be ashamed of himself. God doesn't need our Hajj or Umrah in such times. Remember that Saudi Arabia generates a lot of revenue during Hajj and Umrah. It is time that Muslims really boycotted UAE and Saudi Arabia. Let the Zionists perform Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia LOL
in prophecies ka na aap achaar dal lo

filhaal hamas ko haar man leni chahiye to stop the bleeding

no point being a hero with a rock in hand staring down a merkava.. some (((journo))) will win best photo contest is about all that will come from it
Well , Bosnians are still around, 2 million of us. In our process of survival we killed more Euro cunts then the Indians did. We are still around, we wouldn't be with that attitude.
Only what I am sorry for , we let Kaykoroaches come to our country as the refugees. Thankfully, the Germans ( the real ones) made those rats a bit of the rarity

Less for Ukraine?
Where are the GCC Arabs?
They in similar place like you, safe and well. As you each of them has 10 children. So instead of investing the money into the things which can make the difference, zekat and tax money goes to 80% of Muslims in Britain who need some form of the government assistance. That's at least where my money goes. In the return, I get comments from my " brothers" with the similar outlook like you " It is haram my brother to have a golden Cartier watch " . I guess everyone finds his own niche how to be very good Muslim
you cannot negotiate with terrorists

The Zionists are state sponsor of terror

The same people that blew up the King David Hotel killing many British

The same British that gave them the land

If this is how they treat their master image how they treat Palestinians
you cannot negotiate with terrorists

The Zionists are state sponsor of terror

The same people that blew up the King David Hotel killing many British

The same British that gave them the land

If this is how they treat their master image how they treat Palestinians
To be honest Zionist savages are worse than "terrorists" who have a political message or grievance. These Zionist cowardly bastards are subhumans on two legs, they just bomb hospitals and kill babies in incubators just for spite. Such evil trash has no place on earth.
Evil jews
Feel free to show a link to me claiming that there is a Hamas HQ and command center under the hospital.
Unless You are able to do that it is obvious who is a liar.

What I typically discuss are the legal consequences if Hamas uses hospitals for military purposes. Video screenshots have been shown here how Hamas terrorists bringing anti-tank weapons into the hospital. Bringing AT weapons into hospital grounds is enough to violate the Geneva conventions. Just entering a hospital to take cover from combat is a violation, unless you are wounded.
You trash , you will talk about Geneva convention? You scumbag, you think that we are under your investigation here? Apply it to the people other crimes of your Jew pimps, will you? Be a man and say"I just want to exterminate all Muslims and I believe it is my right " be a man for once in your life. You scumbag, you think we should applaude you for your wishes and kill ourselves that you don't have to " dirt" your hand and feel good about yourself. Be for once sincere, human trash .
I openly tell you, I would put a bullet into your had without any thinking.
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