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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Hospital babies and patients have already died, Al-Shifa doctor tells BBC​

This story contains some upsetting details

Dr Mohamed Abu Selmia, manager of the key Al-Shifa hospital, has told the BBC 32 people have died in recent days.
Three premature babies and seven people had died due to a lack of oxygen, he said.

Several other patients needing dialysis risk dying in "the next couple of days" as the treatment is no longer available, he said.

The hospital is near out of fuel and other resources to keep functioning - with pre-mature babies having been taken out of no longer operational incubators. There are more than 600 injured patients there.

The BBC asked the doctor if the Israeli army had made any contact regarding the evacuation of patients or premature babies. Israel has said that it has sent fuel near to the hospital and other resources.

But the doctor said: "No, they haven’t reached out, instead we reached out to them... but until now we have received no response.

"There are negotiations regarding evacuating premature babies but until now nothing has happened."

Abu Selmia said the hospital had also been in touch with the Red Cross to try and co-ordinate the burial of the bodies, of which there were about 150 in the hospital - but was told that was currently not feasible.

He added - this is detail which some readers may find distressing - that dogs were eating the corpses.
Must say when i first saw this i had doubts too . Something about the body language did not look right.The part where she described how she had to manage a fracture of a child , with out morphine , was where i let my emotions get over my logic. Someone exploiting this is indeed sick.

But that does not change the fact that Hamas is cynically using hospitals as headquarters , has his man hiding in tunnels underneath and is holding our hostages in them.

This has been confirmed by US inteligence as well and evidence of what is happenning in the basements of those hospitals keep coming up,

Real evidence , not some clip by a stupid blogger as disgusting as it may be,

My government says that all of it is a lie, my government never lies because they are my government. I have to say one thing , my government is proven in fighting against the genocide. Other government said, there is no red lines in the annihilation of the civilians.
So should I trust to someone who tomorrow can genocide me or some who I will join to fight to prevent it.
You see , the credibility is very important. After you have been whoring yourself foe a long time and F. Ed with hundreds of man to feed your bastered, then who are you or your bastered child?
Israeli Terrorists want to destory hospitals to force the expulsion of people of Gaza. If there's no reaction in Muslim world after this and no serious military reaction, then expect Allah's wrath soon, and swapping the people of this region with better believers.

There is no reason you shut down a whole hospital for military purposes. It's intended to make it impossible to treat any injuries in all of northern Gaza to scare people into fleeing south. After they flee south, they will attack the hospitals there to force them into Egypt. The 'humantarian' ceasefire is gonna be announced soon after this and it's no more than a ethnic cleansing ceasefire. This is genocide and terrorism. Sponsored by the US and Europe. This is gonna trigger major world change as the real ugly face of the US and Europe has shown. It's not different to China, Russia or anybody else.

They are ziofascists proud in their hate, but many here call them shameless. This is shameless.
They need to be overthrown. It's beyond appalling.
Trust me brother it's not gonna make a difference. Only thing that will make difference is Hezbollah responding with full force. This whole thing has been planned for a long time. The CIA, Mossad planted ISIS cells in Sinai to make excuse for Sisi to raze the city of Rafah down. Now it's empty space meant to house tents so Israel can forcibly expel and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

US 'released' what they called assets for Iran, around $10 billion. As reward for not activating Hezbollah.

Only thing that can save Palestine is if Egyptians, Iranians, and Arabs go against their leadership and take measures for Palestine.
You obviously missed the part where just after this conflict kicked off back in october,the us publicly announced that it would renege on its part of the deal.

So unless you`re talking about some other as yet publicly unknown multi billion dollar agreement between the us and iran,you may very well want to recheck the source of your supposed "facts",as they are clearly wrong. :tsk:

This is the us AND QATAR by the way,you know those same "brother arabs" who have done so little to help palestine in its moment of need.
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This extremist behaviour will never lead to any peace.

You want to destroy Israel. Israeli extremists will then in return give all Palestinians safe passage to Egypt, Jordan and other Muslim countries.
They're already doing that since 1948. Israel had numerous opportunities to live in peace but blew them all with their greed for more and more land. Nobody can trust them anymore.

Israeli state is a failed venture. It is unsustainable. The only reason why it has even survived so far is because it's neighbors are asleep; once any one of them wakes up, Israel is toast.
They will meet the same fate they've had for the past 3000 years: exile.
Trust me brother it's not gonna make a difference. Only thing that will make difference is Hezbollah responding with full force. This whole thing has been planned for a long time. The CIA, Mossad planted ISIS cells in Sinai to make excuse for Sisi to raze the city of Rafah down. Now it's empty space meant to house tents so Israel can forcibly expel and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

US 'released' what they called assets for Iran, around $10 billion. As reward for not activating Hezbollah.

Only thing that can save Palestine is if Egyptians, Iranians, and Arabs go against their leadership and take measures for Palestine.

I have a faith in Allah (swt) and resistance on the ground will nullify their (Kufar's and hypocrites') efforts. It is 39 days and Gaza is still resisting. Allah (swt) also sees what is in our hearts. He will expose the hypocrites among us while the Zionists' mass-murdering army will insha'Allah be defeated in Gaza. Trust me, the world will never be the same after this genocide. Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank will have 2 options: Victory or martyrdom. It is the rest of us whose faith is in jeopardy. In the day of judgement, we will all be questioned what we have done for this brethren in this small enclave who faced the full brunt of the kufar world's armies.
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